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Home > Rituals > Wiccaning II Search

A Wiccaning Ritual II
by Lady Shyra, Tryskelion Coven


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Notes on Ritual:

  • Circle is cleansed, consecrated and setup prior to main ritual.
  • Cakes and mead are blessed prior to casting the Circle.
  • The brass cauldron is setup in the center of the Circle, filled with flowers and greens.
  • Consecrating oil is on the altar.
  • Light incense, preferably stick incense (less smoke).
  • Any and all gifts for the child are set beside the altar.
  • Guests and participants are seated around the altar.


Invocation of the Watchtowers
Invocation of the Lord and Lady

Goddess Invocation:

Blessed Lady,
You who art our Mother, our Lover, our Comforter,
We ask you to draw close to us this night.
Bless the life and path of this small and sacred one,
Who is here to be dedicated in your honor.

Sharing of cakes and mead:

High Priestess:

In honor of the Lady, from whom all Life flows,
Do I pour this toast, and drink this wine.

High Priest:

In honor of the Lord, from whence comes the strength of the seed
Do I pour place this offering, and eat this cake.

(Each is passed around the Circle)

Main Ritual:


We meet in this place that is no-place, at this time out of time, to ask the blessings of our Lord and Lady upon (Baby's Name), son/daughter of (Parents' Names), so that he may grow in strength, love and wisdom. Remember always that there are many paths in this life, and that each must find his own. Therefore, we do not seek to bind (Baby's Name) to any one path while he is still too young to choose. Instead, we ask the Lord and Lady, who know all Paths and to whom all Paths lead, to bless and protect this child so that when he is grown, he may choose his own path without fear or doubt.

(Mother's Name), mother of (baby's name), bring him forward that he may be blessed.

Mother brings the child to the HPS. She takes him into her arms and asks:


(Mother's Name), does your child have a hidden name?


His hidden name is __________.

HP hands the HPS the annointing oil and HPS annoints the child's forehead in the sign of the pentagram, saying:


I annoint thee, (mundane name), with oil, and give thee the hidden name of _______.

HP hands HPS the wine, and she annoints the child's forehead with wine, saying:


I annoint thee, (baby's name), with wine, in the name of the Lord of us all.

HP hands HPS salt water, and she annoints the child's forehead, saying:


I annoint thee, (hidden name), with the water of life, in the name of the Threefold Goddess.

HPS hands the child back to the mother. She holds out her sword towards the parents, saying:


I bid you both to put your hands upon my blade and hearken to our words. For the bringing of new life into this world, and the linking of one so young to the ancient mysteries, is a serious matter. I bid you both to give your child the finest of you; give him a home filled with love and happiness. When you have your differences, quiet the argument Let not his world know of such adult disruption.

Respect him as the individual that he is, for he is unique. Give him challenges, that he may learn his strengths and his weaknesses, but stand always ready to soothe the pain of this world. Teach him the Old Ways, but force him not. Do you hearken and swear to these vows, to the best of your ability?


In sight of our Gods and our friends, we take this sacred vow.


(holding her hands in blessing over the child): May the Lady bless and protect him. May Diana fill his soul with self-confidence; may Sofia grant him wisdom, and may Astarte grant him a life filled with love.


(holding his hands in blessing over the child): May the Lord bless and protect him and grant him the strength and wisdom to meet Life's challenges. May he know compassion and give it threefold. May he know love, and give it threefold to the world. May the Ancient Ones of the Watchtowers grant him the wise use of their attributes.

NOTE: In this ceremony, the child being Wiccaned was my grandson, and I was HPS. As such, I gave him the following special blesing just from me.


May your days be filled with joy and love, my grandson. May you grow up knowing always how very dearly you are held in my heart, for you are the new link in our unbroken Circle. May all who have come before you grant you their wisdom and guidance.

At this time, any others in the Circle may offer their blessings upon the child.

The small family rejoins the group around the cauldron. HPS still stands, saying:


The Lord and the Lady have blessed him,
The Lords of the Watchtowers have acknowledged him,
We, his friends, have welcomed him.
Therefore, let all light shine brightly upon (hidden name),
And all darkness fall but gently.
So mote it be.

Thanks to the Lord and Lady


Blessed Lady,
Our rite here is ended, but we ask that you stay close to this new family. Hold and protect them and keep them safe from the evils of this world. Grant your blessings upon all who are gathered here, Gracious Lady, that in the best and worst of times, they feel your comforting presence. So Mote it be.

Thanks to the Lord

Thanks to the Watchtowers

Opening of the Circle

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