Author: Cornelius Rumstuckle
Trade Paperback, 325 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn
Publication date: April 2003
ISBN: 0738701653
Price & More Info: Click Here
The Book of Wizardry: The Apprentice's Guide to the Secrets of the Wizard's Guild was obviously written to take advantage of the Harry Potter phenomena. It is some very basic instructions in magick for children in 22 lessons and a long "choose your own adventure" quest. The book is supposedly written by Cornelius Rumstuckle, the ancient head of the Wizard's Guild. From the copyright notice, however, I believe this book is actually written by J.H. Brennan.
The first half of the book is 22 short lessons in magick. Although told in a fictional style and both simplified and with projects designed for children, the information on magickal theory and basic technique is generally sound. Subjects like the elements, tools, divination, and visualization are covered. The second half of the book is a "choose your own adventure" that will allow the successful child to "join" the Wizard's Guild. Using some of the information from the lessons will help avoid problems during this adventure.
I've seen a couple of objections to this book. First, that it will support the Religious Right's position that Harry Potter is about witchcraft and Satanism. My answer is that I really don't think we should care. Just like we shouldn't care what kind of HP ink was used to print the book. As Pagans we have the same right to fun ways to teach our children as they do. Second, that this book mixes too much fantasy with its teaching. This objection is stronger, but I really don't think most children with have problems with it. This is especially true if they are working through the book with their parents around. If you'd like to introduce your Harry Potter fan child to magick in a fun way, take a look at The Book of Wizardry.
Reviewed by Randall Sapphire