Books and Reviews

The Cauldron Bookstore

Articles and Booklists
Online Books

To follow any Pagan religion is to follow a path that requires knowledge. One route to knowledge can be found in books. In this section of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum, we'll be reviewing books, tarot decks, and divination tools and providing lists of books, both helpful and popular (which aren't always the same thing, unfortunately). You will probably want to check our Academic Book Reviews, Divination Deck Reviews and Pagan Book Reviews sections first. If you have a question about a book or have a comment on a book you've read, please post it on our message board.

Buy a book: Thanks to you can purchase most of the book we review directly from our links. When you purcase a book through our links The Cauldron get a small commission on the sale (at no cost to you) which will help support this site.

Review a book: While The Cauldron receives some review copies from a couple of Pagan publishers, there are many books that can only be reviewed on our web site if a member has a copy and writes a good, objective review. The Cauldron is interested in reviews on the more academic books used by reconstructionist Pagan religions as well as on the books one finds on the Pagan/New Age shelf in the bookstore. We have a web form you can use to submit a book review for consideration.

Cauldron Bookstore


Pagan Book Reviews

  There has been an explosion of mainly popular press books on Pagan religions since 1990 (not to mention other books not specially written for Pagans that are of interest to Pagans). Read what members of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum think of some of these books in these reviews. The above link will take you to index page where reviews are listed alphabetically by book title. If you are looking for a review of a specific book, you can go directly to a specific part of the index via the links below. You can also find discussions and reviews of specific popular press books in the Pagan Religion Book Discussions board, the Magick & Occult Book Discussions board, and the Academic Book Discussions board of The Cauldron's forum. You are more likely to find reviews and discussions of recent books via these discussion and review links.

Academic Book Reviews

  These are reviews of more academic books that will be of special interest to Reconstructionists and other Pagans interested in historical information on Pagans religions and cultures. Most come from BMCR. The above link will take you to index page where reviews are listed alphabetically by book title. If you are looking for a review of a specific book, you can go directly to a specific part of the index via the links below. You can also find discussions and reviews of specific academic books in the Academic Book Discussions board of The Cauldron's forum (Academic Book Discussion Index). You are more likely to find reviews and discussions of recent books via these discussion and review links.

A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H | I-J | K-L | M-N | O-P | Q-R | S-T | U-V | W-X | Y-Z

Divination Deck Reviews

  There are now more Tarot decks and other divination tools than most people can imagine. Read what members of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum think of some of these decks and tools in these reviews. The above link will take you to index page where reviews are listed alphabetically by book title. If you are looking for a review of a specific deck, you can go directly to a specific part of the index via the links below.

A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H | I-J | K-L | M-N | O-P | Q-R | S-T | U-V | W-X | Y-Z

Speculative Book Reviews

  There are a lot of books that contain very speculative information about subjects like history and science that Pagans sometimes find interesting, despite their often dubious validity. Here who will find reviews of such books on Atlantis, the Templars, etc. The above link will take you to index page where reviews are listed alphabetically by book title. If you are looking for a review of a specific book, you can go directly to a specific part of the index via the links below.

1-9 | A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H | I-J | K-L | M-N | O-P | Q-R | S-T | U-V | W-X | Y-Z

Occult Fiction Book Reviews

  Here you will find reviews of fiction books with an occult theme (or that are otherwise likely to be of interest to Pagans). Many of these books are aimed at young adults. The above link will take you to index page where reviews are listed alphabetically by book title. If you are looking for a review of a specific book, you can go directly to a specific part of the index via the links below. You can also find discussions and reviews of specific academic books in the Fiction Book Discussions board of The Cauldron's forum (Fiction Book Discussion Index). You are more likely to find reviews and discussions of recent books via these discussion and review links.

1-9 | A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H | I-J | K-L | M-N | O-P | Q-R | S-T | U-V | W-X | Y-Z

DVD and Videotape Reviews

  Here you will find reviews of DVDs and videotapes with a Pagan theme (or that are otherwise likely to be of interest to Pagans). The above link will take you to index page where reviews are listed alphabetically by book title. If you are looking for a review of a specific book, you can go directly to a specific part of the index via the links below:

1-9 | A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H | I-J | K-L | M-N | O-P | Q-R | S-T | U-V | W-X | Y-Z

Online Books

Online Books

  A number of older, out-of-copyright books which may be of interest to some Pagans are available online.


Free Downloadable Music

  Despite the best efforts of the music industry to convince you that all free music on the Internet is illegal, it's still possible to download a lot of free, legal music on from the Interent.

Pagan Music and Musicians

  While there is a large amount of Folk and New Age music that often fits a Pagan world view, our list is limited to those musicians and groups who perform clearly Pagan music or who are themselves known to be Pagan.

Articles and Booklists

Top Ten Book Lists

  If you find it hard to select the best books, here are some of the "top ten" book lists suggested by members of The Cauldron.

Celtic Books

  Our Celtic Reconstructionism page suggests books on Celtic culture, history, and religion.

Celtic Books (Basic)

  Stryder suggests some Celtic sources aimed at people just beginning Celtic Studies.

Children's Books

  Comments on some Pagan-friendly books for children.

Christian Books

  Koi suggests books on Christianity for Pagans interested in the non-fundamentalist side of Christianity.

Greek Books

  Our Greek Reconstructionism page suggests books on Greek culture, history, and religion.

Herbal Books

  Susan provides a large annotated list of books on the folklore and magical uses of herbs.

Norse Books

  Our Norse Reconstructionism page suggests books on Northern European culture, history, and religion.

Roman Books

  Our Roman Reconstructionism page suggests books on Roman culture, history, and religion.
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