[Cauldron and Candle Illo]

Cauldron and Candle
Issue #13 -- July 2001

A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
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C A U L D R O N   A N D   C A N D L E  #13 -- July 2001

           A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
                website: http://www.ecauldron.com/
     mailing list/board: http://www.ecauldron.com/fregmb.php
     delphi forum: http://forums.delphiforums.com/CUSTOM7999/start
             newsletter: http://www.ecauldron.com/cnc/

           With a little help from The Witches' Thicket
               website: http://www.cros.net/soraya/
       delphi forum: http://forums.delphiforums.com/thicket/start

In this Issue:

[01] Editorial: The Anatomy of the Pagan 101 Book Phenomena
[02] Poem: Fire's Within
[03] Personalizing Sabbats: From an Eclectic Point of View
[05] Review: Green Witchcraft
[06] Review: Many Lives, Many Masters
[07] Review: Wicca: A Concise History
[08] Review: Making Magick
[09] Magick: Jinx Removing Spell
[10] Magick: Psychic Brew
[11] Safety and Self-Defense Tips
[12] Humor: Mail Order Witchcraft
[13] New Articles on The Cauldron's Site
[14] New Web Polls
[15] Support The Cauldron When You Buy at Amazon.com
[16] Cauldron and Thicket Chats
[17] Newsletter and Forum Info
              (Including How To Subscribe/Unsubscribe)

  +++ Submission Deadline for next issue:  July 15, 2001 +++
   Guidelines: http://www.ecauldron.com/cnc/submissions.php



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========= EDITORIAL:
=========    The Anatomy of the Pagan 101 Book Phenomena
========= by AthenaPrime

It's pretty easy to smack out a Pagan 101 book because the
formats of your basic 101 books are pretty formulaic. A good 101
book reads like a training manual, almost. You are given some
concept material, and then a series of "job aids" to help you
perform the tasks required. (Funny, but this is exactly what I do
for a living, except not for witchcraft--how weird is that?).
Beyond that, you can load up on appendices with charts, tables,
color correspondences, etc. and you have a pretty thick book.

Example: HappyBunnyWicca for Beginners by Pansy Moonfart and
published by Lleweleweleweleweevil Press has the following

  Chapter 1 - What is Wicca?
  Chapter 2 - What are the Tools?
  Chapter 3 - Who Do We Worship?
  Chapter 4 - How to Cast a Circle
  Chapter 5 - How to Perform a Full-Moon Ritual
  Chapter 6 - How to Perform a Sabbat Rite
  Chapter 7 - How to Cast Spells
  Appendix A - Colors
  Appendix B - Astrology
  Appendix C - Pre-Made Spells for Love, Money, and Protection

There's a tried-and-true model out there that is guaranteed to
sell books. Much of the information in there is standard--it is
livened up by the writer's style, voice, and personal slant on
things. But it's still the same basic type of information. Not to
say all 101 books are the same, but they do cover the same

But as anyone who's pursued an education knows, the higher-level
the course, the more expensive the book. For something as
spiritual as this, a higher level book requires more subjective
research, because you're dealing with a lot more conceptual
material, which is also subjective.

At the top of my wish list, I would like to see the following: A
202 book, written by a Regular Joe, that focuses on Pagan Living
for Real People. Unfortunately, since we're such a small culture,
the minute someone comes out with a 101 book, they become an
"expert" on the subject. For a spiritual subject, that indicates
clergy, at least in some form.

So by the time her second book comes out, Pansy Moonfart is no
longer a person who wrote a book about her faith and its
practices, she is now a Pagan Celebrity. Her life revolves around
going to New Age shows, astrally-projected book tours, and Pagan
festivals, and managing her psychic services help line. She wears
her ritual robe 24/7, doesn't pour her organically grown
cornflakes without consulting the tarot, and bakes crystals in
her meat loaf. In between, she visits with a steady but relaxing
stream of seekers who come into her living room and have tea and

I can no longer identify with this person. This person can no
longer identify with most Pagans, who are still getting up at
ungodly hours (or coming home at them), wash their faces with
soap and water instead of hand-gathered pixie dust and lily dew,
and spend too long of a grueling work day at computers, counters,
on phones, etc. and guzzle coffee to stay alert. And who
definitely do not have time to arrange a spell involving 90
candles, seven days' worth of chanting, and several hours of
quiet, healing bath time.

So Pansy's second book, Navel Contemplation by Full Moon's Light,
comes out, and I hate it because it is of no use to me. Another
useless celebrity graces the shelves....

Maybe one day, I will write that 202 book...As soon as I've
finished collecting my lily-dew.


        The Cauldron and Candle now has its own web site
        where we store our back issues for easy reading.


========= FIRE'S WITHIN
========= A Poem by Elspeth Sapphire

Firelight dances
Shadows on the wall.
Potion consumed--
My body falls.
Spirit flies upward;
A soul now free.
Inner eyes uncovered...
Straining to see.
Visions start to form
I can touch--reach.
Understand lessons
Now mine to teach.
Only ashes left
When I return.
But fire's within
And my soul burns.

                     SEND A PAGAN POSTCARD

       You can send a Pagan Postcard from the menu of any
       of our web pages at http://www.ecauldron.com/. If
       you haven't tried our postcard site, give it a
       try. It has quite a few nice features.

========= by Faerie K.
========= originally published in Finnish in Vox Paganorum 1/01

To follow "Standard Pagan Calendar" or a calendar following the

+++ Standard Pagan Calendar

In the Wiccan calendar the year is divided into eight parts by
eight sabbats. Usually the dates when these sabbats are
celebrated are fixed, often including the sabbats related to the
yearly cycle of the sun in spite of the fact that the actual
dates of equinoxes and solstices differ from year to year. From
Wicca, this Wheel of the Year has spread widely to Neo-Paganism
and it is so often described as being "the common Pagan calendar"
in so many literary sources including websites with basic
information on Paganism that it could be called "Standard Pagan
Calendar". It is very common to follow the SPC, even to the
extent that following some other type of calendar causes
astonishment. This seems to be because the standard calendar has
reached such a self-evident status among Neo-Pagans.

In the cases when the differences in the calendar are because the
Pagan in question follows a religion with its own distinct
calendar (like for example Hellenic Pagans), the reaction changes
from wondering to interest. However, having a Pagan announce that
she follows a calendar similar to the standard calendar, but
doesn't celebrate some of the sabbats at all and/or celebrates
some of the sabbats on a different date or with different
meanings than "everybody else" may raise reactions other than
interested astonishment. After all, every proper Neo-Pagan
celebrates all eight sabbats and on the dates (and with the
meanings) they are supposed to be celebrated!

Some oppose "messing with" the standard calendar because they
think that a calendar adapted to either the personal views of an
individual Pagan or the actual season the Pagan lives in isn't
symmetric anymore and is thus magickally imbalanced. Some say an
adapted calendar has the legends of the gods distorted. The fact
that the individual Pagan in question doesn't follow a Wiccan or
Wiccan based yearly legend of the gods anyway doesn't seem to
matter...  Some argue that having a sabbat at the wrong date
means that the energies which are at their greatest on the "power
dates" will be missed, making the celebrations and rituals
considerably weaker... even weak enough to make them wanting.
I've even been told about commentaries basically stating that the
gods don't listen to those worshiping on "wrong dates".

What Pagan authors say about sabbats varies. While some authors
recommend their readers adapt the phases of the yearly cycle to
correspond with the cycle of their own climate, many seem to
simply tell one version of the dates and their meanings without
mentioning any possibilities for adapting them.

+++ The Sabbats - Fixed Dates

In the Standard Pagan Calendar four of the eight sabbats follow
the yearly cycle of the sun: the summer and winter solstice and
the spring and autumn equinox. In Wiccan calendars these are
called the "lesser" or "minor" sabbats. The other four are
situated evenly between the solstices and the equinoxes (the
"greater" sabbats of Wicca). On these dates, the yearly cycle of
nature and agriculture with its changing seasons is celebrated,
along with important happenings connected to or stemming from

+++ The Sabbats with their often used meanings

The descriptions center on the commonly stated natural cycle,
with mythical cycles of the deities left out.

February 1st/2nd. Imbolc/imbolg/oimelc/candlemas/Brigit's Day:
The spring arrives; the winter starts to give way to the next
season. It is time for celebrating light and fire. It is the time
for cleansing, both for the home and on a more personal level.
It's the time for changes, the quiet life of the winter changes
to the busy part of the year. Lambing season, the date to
celebrate the budding life emerging in spring.

March 20th/21st. Ostara/eostra/Lady Day/ Spring Equinox: Light
conquers darkness. The first real day of spring, when the
masculine and feminine forces of nature are in balance. The date
when the seasons have properly changed - the trees are having
their leaves, birds sing and build their nests, it's time for the
first planting and sowing of seeds, the date for beginning the
work in the gardens.

April 30th/May 1st. Beltane/Walburgisnacht/May Day: The
celebration of fertility, birth and blooming of all life. It is
summer, trees are in full leaves and flowers, birds are tending
their eggs and some even their young. The cattle are moved to
their grazing grounds through the smokes of the may bonfires.

June 21st/22nd. Summer Solstice/Midsummer: The longest day of the
year. Midsummer - the summer is at its fullest. Crops are
growing, flowers are blooming and the animals have their young to
tend to. It is the time for great magicks and bonfires now that
the night is at its shortest.

August 1st/2nd.  Lammas/Lughnasadh: The time of the first
harvest. Death steps into the picture in the form of "death of
the corn", the cutting of the crops. The first bread is baked
from the first harvest.

September 20th/21st. Mabon/Autumn Equinox: The second harvest,
the beginning of autumn and the ending of summer. The time for
collecting fruits. Another day of balance between light and dark.

October 31st/November 1st. Samhain: The end of summer. The year
is changing - the last harvest has been collected and the farm
animals move from summer's grazing grounds to their winter
confinements. It's time to celebrate and commemorate the dead..

December 20th/21st. Yule/Winter Solstice: The shortest day of the
year, after which the light starts to return.

+++ Off to Adapt & Personalize

The meanings connected to sabbats in the Standard Pagan Calendar
originating from Wicca are closely connected to the yearly cycle
and the changing of the seasons in the "home of Wicca", that is
the British Isles. However, that cycle, the changing of the
seasons or even the number of seasons vary greatly from one
climate to another, from one location to another. Thus the fixed
dates or meanings of some or even all sabbats do not directly
correspond to the actual yearly cycle of the surrounding nature
for a large number of Pagans.

+++ On Meanings

If one wishes to follow the dates of the Standard Pagan Calendar,
but with a more personal touch, one can adapt the meanings of the
sabbats to correspond better with one's own climate and

The following will use my own climate as an example. I am located
in Finland, which belongs to the temperate coniferous-mixed
forest zone and in Finland to the South-West with milder climates
than the majority of the country. We have relatively long springs
and autumns, rather short summer and a cold winter.

Celebrating the arrival of spring in early February doesn't
necessarily seem that sensible when the temperature is -20
Celsius/-4 Fahrenheit and it's basically the coldest time of the
year. On the other hand, during this time the snow on the ground
has developed a hard pearly surface which at night reflects the
light of the moon, coloring the whole landscape in a mystical
blue light. During the day, the snow shimmers so brightly it's
almost blinding. At times, both the sun and the moon can be seen
in the sky at the same time. On the other hand, it is cold and
the warmth of the fire is more than necessary.

So, instead of celebrating the arrival of spring and the lambing
season, light and fire, one could for example celebrate the
beauty of winter, light and fire. Besides - why celebrate only
spring, summer, warmth and light? Winter is a beautiful,
important and valuable season in its own right!

During the Spring Equinox there can still be a lot of snow on the
ground. If the early spring/late winter have been warm, the
earliest spring flowers may be blooming, but often this isn't the
case. At home, the seeds for plants to be later planted outside
can be sown to sprout, but it isn't yet time for planting or
sowing outside.

It is still early spring, the transition time from winter to
spring. Unlike in areas where the yearly change is between the
hours of darkness and the hours of light in a 24-hour time, in
the northern areas the equinoxes can be seen as quite important.
The light and dark are in balance and the light increases little
by little, day by day. The spring and the summer are coming
inevitably, even if there may still be rather cold days ahead.
The meanings connected to the previous sabbat can in a colder
climate be celebrated during the Spring Equinox. The spring is
arriving, it is the time of clear transition - even the lambing
season falls in March/April.

For a Finn, the traditional celebrations of our version of First
of May called "Vappu" with its celebrations involving drinking,
eating, making merry and ... making love fit quite well with the
Pagan celebrations of fertility and life. The spring has truly
arrived - and spring it is, even if it was snowing! The spring's
sowing and planting is starting and the farm animals will (soon)
be let outside...

At Midsummer the sun doesn't set at all in many locations and
even in the south it doesn't get dark after sunset before the sun
rises again. When the May day is time to get intoxicated by the
spring, at Midsummer is for enjoying the summer. Our summer is
short and from this day forward the end of summer will slowly but
inevitably creep closer - it is the time for Midsummer magicks
and for bonfires - like in the Standard Calendar.

At the beginning of October, it's time for harvest. This means
the SPC fits rather well, except that in the more northern
regions it is already quite autumn and for southern regions, this
is a good time to celebrate the forthcoming fall season.
Celebrations designated to the Autumn Equinox fit the natural
cycle rather well, except that instead of celebrating the
beginning of autumn, celebrating autumn itself would be more
fitting. During this time, the autumn may show the signs of
forthcoming winter.

The most important sabbat of the SPC, Samhain, with its meanings
correspond quite well to the traditional end of the year
festival, Kekri. However, for us it isn't a season marking the
end of summer - for a large part of the country it is already the
end of autumn. The Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year,
can be generally speaking celebrated according to the SPC without
major adaptations.

+++ Moving the Dates...

Another way of approaching the question of adapting sabbats is to
move the dates of fixed SPC dates to accurate ones. That means
for example celebrating the equinoxes and solstices on their
accurate dates, when they happen. Many quite mundane calendars
have this information and getting to know the exact times of day
isn't too difficult either, especially if one uses calculating
programs available on the Internet.

The "four other sabbats" (in the parentheses you can find one of
the names of a given sabbat) you can calculate to land exactly
between the equinoxes and solstices. One can also use
astrological grounds - dates when the sun is at 15ø of a fixed
sign: Aquarius (Imbolc), Taurus (Beltane), Leo (Lammas) and
Scorpio (Samhain).

When the cycle of nature (and agriculture) is more important to a
practitioner than carefully defined dates, one can time one's
celebrations - those one wishes to celebrate - according to what
is happening around oneself. This can mean for example
celebrating spring when the spring is arriving, choosing an
appropriate date by oneself. Another example: For a Pagan who
lives in Lapland, north of the Arctic Circle, celebrating the
rebirth of sun and the return of light when the sun rises for the
first time after the arctic dayless days instead of during the
Winter Solstice can make religious practice much more personal
and touching.

Agricultural celebrations can be had according to the
agricultural cycle of one's own area, marking for example sowings
and harvests when they actually happen, not when these events
should be celebrated according to the SPC. Keeping a close eye on
what's happening on the fields nearby helps tremendously. In most
of Finland there is only a short distance to the nearest
agricultural areas and to the wilderness, so keeping track of
natural cycles doesn't require much extra work. Listening to
agricultural radio programs (or watching TV) can give you clues,

For a big city Pagan, agriculture is a far away thing, but even
city parks follow the course of nature and a Pagan can very well
adapt the sabbats to meet the natural cycles. However, instead of
agricultural events, one can concentrate on the arrival of
migratory birds, the blooming of flowers, falling of leaves - the
possibilities are there to take.

Adapting requires more work than following the SPC as is, but
like with many other things - doing the work pays off. If you do
not feel a calling to celebrate a given standard sabbat or
celebrating one doesn't seem to fit your own Paganism, I don't
really see any reason why you should celebrate it. Actually, I
see similarities - at least on some levels - between celebrating
all the standard sabbats no matter what, even if there is
absolutely no personal connection to one or some of them because
"everybody else does it and it says in the book that this is how
it has to be" and participating in the celebrations of a religion
you don't believe in at all "just because that's what you're
supposed to do".


       Learn to tell the wheat from the chaff when you
       view a web site or read a book.


========= Reviewed by Randall Sapphire

Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore, & Herb Craft
Author: Ann Moura
Trade Paperback, 288 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn
Publication date: July 1996
ISBN: 1567186904
US Retail Price: $12.95
Amazon Link:

I had always heard very good things about Ann Moura's Green
Witchcraft series of "101" books. As I am long past the need for
general 101 books, however, I had never checked them out for
myself. After reading and reviewing Moura's surprisingly awful
Origins of Modern Witchcraft, I decided that I probably ought to
take a good look at Green Witchcraft and see if it really lived
up to the good things I had heard about it.

In some ways Green Witchcraft does live up to the recommendations
of others.  Moura presents a clear and useable description of her
own personal Wicca-like religion. While the rituals seem very
complex and ceremonial for the common people she claims practiced
the "Green level of the craft," they are as solidly done as those
of any other 101 book. While Moura wanders from subject to
subject a bit, her tone is that of a teacher, not one's best
friend or mother. I much prefer a teacher to a second mother.

Unfortunately, in spite of some good material, there is really
nothing in Green Witchcraft that can't be found in other 101
books, done at least as well and occasionally better. This is
good because this book, unfortunately, has a couple of major
problems that most other Wicca 101 books I've read do not have.

In between the good advice and rituals in this book, the author
inserts her own historical speculation stated as fact. It's a
less well-developed version of the Dravidian-Aryan conflict
speculative history she later presented in great detail in
Origins of Modern Witchcraft. I have nothing against historical
speculation -- even historical speculation as unlikely as I
personally believe this to be. I do, however, strongly object to
such speculation being presented in a manner that makes it sound
like historical fact -- especially in a book written for
beginners. It's bad enough that a few modern Wicca 101 books
still present Wicca as if Margaret Murray's disproven theories of
an ancient witch cult in western Europe were true. I don't
believe we need to replace that with another theory that few, if
any, professional historians take seriously.

Worse, at least in my opinion, is the author's active hostility
toward other religions, especially Judeo-Christian religions. To
be honest, there are places in Green Witchcraft where the author
reminds me of a Fundamentalist preacher ranting against other
religions. Here are two short examples selected from the many in
this volume. Near the beginning of the book Moura claims that
"the Pope has become the emperor of religion." Apparently this
"fact" follows from her claim that Catholic vestments and altar
design "all come from the Roman Emperor Diocletian, who ruled as
a god and was duly worshipped as one."  Even if the latter is
true, I fail to see how that would have made the Pope the emperor
of religion. I'm sure that would have been surprising news to
religious people in places like Africa, China, India, or the
Americas at the time. At the other end of the book, the author
claims that "....Christianity and other Judaic-based faiths have
been at the root of most of humanity's wars and misery for the
past two thousand years." Given the size of the Earth and the
relatively slow spread of Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions over
the last 2000 years, that's an unbelievable claim. In my opinion,
her prejudiced jabs at other religions are every bit as
outrageous as those of a Fundamentalist Christian preacher who
claims that all the ills of the world are caused by
non-Christians. I don't think newcomers to Neo-Paganism need to
be exposed to prejudice against other religions with their
lessons, no matter how good those lessons otherwise are.

In summary, while Green Witchcraft has some good basic Wiccan and
magickal information as well as some okay, if complex, rituals,
the problems I see with historical accuracy and prejudice against
other religions make it impossible for me to recommend this book
at all. There are many Wicca 101 books on the market, there's no
reason to chose this one given its problems.

           This review is available on our web site at

========= Reviewed by Diane Verrochi

Many Lives, Many Masters
Author: Brian L. Weiss, M.D.
Trade Paperback, 219 pages
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication date: July 1998
ISBN: 0671657860
US Retail Price: $12.00
Amazon Link:

I wasn't sure what to expect of this book when I picked it up at
the store.  But the title, the M.D. in the author's name, and the
caption ("The true story of a prominent psychiatrist, his young
patient, and the past-life therapy that changed both their
lives.") sucked me in.

As it turns out, Dr. Weiss had no intention of doing past life
therapy when he and his patient started work.  She did have
several neuroses that suggested early childhood trauma of some
kind, and so he planned on doing hypnotic regression to recover
memory of any such incidents.  He was quite surprised when she
spontaneously kept going further back into what appeared to be
prior lives.

As the therapy progressed, these prior life memories appeared to
be helping his client overcome the problems that had brought her
in for help, so he kept it up, now deliberately regressing her to
these past memories, and recording all their sessions.
Eventually, some additional entities, identified only as
"Masters," appeared to speak through her while she was "between

What lends the most credence to the interviews transcribed in the
books is the level of detail provided.  The author himself
considers and rejects various other possibilities, such as
archetypal representations of unconscious memories and genetic
memory.  In his view, the memories were too precise to be
archetypes.  As for genetic memory, in far too many of the past
lives remembered, his patient had died either childless or with
her children.

Also, that neither the psychiatrist nor the patient believed in
or set out to work on past lives at the outset, to me, lends
further authenticity.  In addition, the patient had no recall of
these lives when brought back to normal consciousness.  In fact,
she didn't even want to listen to the tapes of their sessions,
because the idea of reincarnation conflicted too much with her
religious beliefs.  But somehow, the process of recovering these
memories, discussing how they were related to her current
problems and why they did not need to cause these problems,
appeared to contribute to her recovery.

On the downside, while it appears that Dr. Weiss was as objective
and scientific as one can be with this sort of thing, it was also
not possible to verify the memories.  Most often, she recounted
lives as rather poor and unimportant people, about whom nothing
was likely to be documented.  While some of the discussions with
the "Masters" resulted in all sorts of information from Dr.
Weiss' private life being spoken of by a patient with no access
to that data, that could also be explained as some sort of

The book has withstood the test of scrutiny from at least some of
Dr. Weiss' colleagues, as the quotations on the back cover
attest.  Also, as it is on its 30th printing, it appears to be
withstanding the test of time.  Whatever one makes of the
interviews and the conclusions Dr. Weiss draws from them, I
believe this to be an excellent book for anyone who is interested
in exploring the idea of reincarnation and the recovery of past
life memories.

           This review is available on our web site at

========= Reviewed by Daven

Wicca: A Concise History
Author: Isaac Bonewitz
Ebook, 100 pages
Publisher: Pocket PC Press
Publication date:
US Retail Price: $7.95
Amazon Link:

Isaac Bonewits is one of my favorite authors.  Till now, most of
the material I have seen by him has been on his website
(www.neopagan.net) and it has all been good.  He has written
things like "The Real Origins of Halloween" and "Advanced
Bonewits Cult Danger Evaluation Frame" that so many of us know.

What many aren't familiar with is that Isaac is also a published
author.  In this ebook, he goes back to that which he does best.

His writing style is an interesting one.  He presents all the
material that he is writing about in a logical order, pared down
to it's basics that the layman needs to be able to follow the
train of thought within the concepts he presents.  He writes with
good humor, and a straight forward, no holds barred style that
leaves the reader wishing there was more to read.

Comparatively speaking, this ebook is a small one.  The actual
information presented is covered in about 100 pages, and each
page is about the size of a Reader's Digest or TV Guide page.
Because of that, this book is a fast read.  I read it over the
course of a busy day at my office.

Officially, the book is approximately 200 pages long, but half of
that is the Appendixes to the material he presents.  All of those
appendixes are necessary to the book, however, to present
definitions and thoughts that are integral parts of the concepts
laid out here.

Isaac is an extremely good scholar and researcher, and the Pagan
Community is lucky to have him as a member.  His thoughts on what
happened back in pre-history and in the Burning Times are good
and accurate accounts of what we now know.  He must read all the
anthropological and archeological texts that come out with "new"

It could be that all the information in here could overwhelm the
average reader, but in this case it does not.  He gives enough
information so that the reader can follow along with the chain of
events that brought us to this place we are at now.  He lays it
all out, and lets the reader, for the most part, draw their own

He also goes a long way to vindicate many other authors
(including himself) in their ascertations that Wicca is not some
kind of holdover from the Stone Age.  He makes it plain in the
book that Wicca is entirely created, and he goes a long way
toward debunking many of the commonly held beliefs in "Ancient
Wicca" that many in the NeoPagan movement have.

That's not to say that there are not flaws.  The opinions he does
state emphatically on are pronounced with the finality of
Physical Laws.  In most cases this is not a problem, and they
tend to coincide with what we do know about the Meso and Paleo
Pagans.  However, the statements that make it appear that Isaac
has a time machine at his disposal in how the Paelo and Meso
Pagans worshiped do leave the reader going "how does HE know?"

He also takes a moment to vindicate himself for many years of
being a pariah in the NeoPagan community for some talk he gave at
a Witchmeet held in Minneapolis Minnesota in 1973.  From the

"Third, I gave a speech titled "The Witch Cult - Fact or Fancy?"
based upon an earlier article by myself in Tournaments
Illuminated, the journal of the medievalist Society for Creative
Anachronism, under the title "Where Hast Thou Been Sister?" It
dealt with much of the materials mentioned in this study and came
to very similar conclusions about what I rudely referred to as
Murray's "Unitarian Universalist White Witch Cult of Western
Theosophical Brittany" and Gardner's supposed revival of it."

Basically he goes on to say that the conclusions he gave in this
talk, and that he has believed for a LONG time, are again
presented in this eBook.  Now, however, they are "sexy and
popular" so they are more acceptable to the general populace now
than they were in 1973.  I believe that this is not bad, since by
his own admission he became somewhat of an outcast in the
community for YEARS for his statements.

However, all of that aside, I found I could NOT put this book
away.  I continued to read it until I had read every word, then I
took a copy of it home so that I could study it in depth.  This
is one of the required texts for anyone seeking an understanding
in Wicca, NeoPaganism, the History of Religion, History in
general, or any other facet of these studies.  I believe this
book will do what Ms. Moura's text failed to do, lay out the
history of religion, specifically the Wiccan Religion, in plain
terms that even someone with no familiarity with Wicca or
NeoPaganism will understand.

Excellent job, Isaac.

Altogether, I give this book a rating of 4 1/2 stars out of a
possible 5.  This is the highest rating I have ever given any
book, and I will put this eBook on my recommended reading list as
soon as I am done writing this review.  I can't wait for it to
come out in printed format.

========= Reviewed by Randall Sapphire

Making Magick: What It Is and How It Works
Author: Edain McCoy
Hardback, 320 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn
Publication date: 1997
ISBN: 156718670X
US Retail Price: $14.95
Amazon Link:

The blurb on the first page of this book claims it is "The
Definitive Guide to Natural Magick."  If that's what you expect
from this book, you will be disappointed. Making Magick is more
of a general overview of various types of naturalistic magicks
from one modern Wiccan's point of view.

If you are a complete beginner in the field of magick, you might
find this book helpful. The first couple of chapters provide a
fair introduction to what magick is and how it works. Later
chapters discuss spell creation, "pagan" (actually Wiccan) ritual
magick, basic magickal defense, and more.  There is an entire
chapter of "sample" spells. The material is basic, but generally

I have two major problems with this book. The first is that there
is really little in Making Magick that is not covered in other
books currently in print, often better covered. The second
problem is that while the book is supposedly on magick in
general, Wiccan beliefs and practices dominate, often without any
acknowledgement from the author that other points of view or ways
of working exist. In fact, the author sometimes seems to go out
of her way to imply that all Pagan beliefs are the same as Wiccan
beliefs. For example, in the section on magickal ethics in the
first chapter, the Wiccan Rede is called "the Wiccan or Pagan
Rede." This is nonsense; the non-Wiccan Pagans I know do not have
the Wiccan Rede, under any name, in their ethical system.

While I can't pan Making Magic as really bad, unfortunately it is
not all that good. There are better books on magick available and
I'd suggest buying one of them instead. However, if you are
looking for an easy to read, Wiccan-flavored introduction to
magick, and are willing to read it as one person's opinions
rather than "the truth," you could find this book a fair starting
point for your magickal studies.

           This review is available on our web site at

                         UPCOMING REVIEWS

       Reviews of the following are planned for our next
       few issues: URBAN PAGAN (Telesco), CELTIC MAGIC
       (Conway).  Watch The Cauldron's web site if you
       can't wait as they will be appearing there as they
       are written.

========= Author Unknown

For many years the ancient Voodoo priests have used the power of
eggs to help combat the power of evil spells and bad luck. They
believe that the egg possesses strong magical powers and in the
right hands can cause bad luck or good luck depending on the will
of the practitioner. If you are plagued by evil spells and bad
luck. Then do this powerful ancient Voodoo egg spell to help you
remove any negative conditions from your life.

1. You must purchase a brown fresh egg before noon of that day.
Make sure that you start this when the moon is waning. It is very
important that this egg be fresh. Place this egg in a brown bag
and tie the neck of the bag with a black cloth string. Place this
bag under your bed.

2. Each night before retiring to bed, you must open this bag and
take the egg out and rub it all over your body. When done, put
the egg back into the bag, take a deep breath and blow three
times into the bag. When you are blowing into the bag, you must
imagine that all the bad luck is leaving your body, via your
breath. When done, place the bag back under your bed. Do this for
nine days. At the end of nine days, take the bag with the egg and
dispose of it outside your home.

3. Note: Each time that you blow into the bag, you must
immediately tie it back up. If by the end of seven days you
notice that your bag is moving on it's own. Stop, and dispose of
the bag immediately. DO NOT LOOK INTO THE BAG. Make sure that the
bag is secure. We are not responsible for any misuse, or actions
that may results from the use of this powerful spell. Do not play
with this. Only do this if you are serious about destroying the
bad luck in your life.

========= Author Unknown

This brew gives heightened awareness and aids in divination.

  3 whole cinnamon sticks, broken up
  5 whole cloves
  4 whole allspice
  1 handful of fresh sage
  1/4 cup chrysanthemum petals
  Enough spring water to cover by 2 inches.

With a mortar and pestle, combine all ingredients except the
spring water. Visualize your third eye (in the middle of your
forehead) opening, and your psychic awareness increasing.

When the dry ingredients are combined, add the spring water. Add
just enough water to cover your dry mixture by 1 inch. As you
simmer this mixture over low heat, breathe in the aroma, and
visualize your psychic abilities increasing. See yourself
becoming more aware of the spirit world with every breath you
take. Take in slow cleansing breaths, and release them gently, as
you feel your awareness increase. Clear your mind, and open your
heart. Say these words three times

  Psychic brew I call on thee,
  Bring the spirits here to me.
  Behold my eyes the future near,
  Take my soul to the past from here.

Then say:

  By the power of 3 times 3,
  as I will it so mote it be!

Then you can either meditate, or use this as a prelude to
divination. Simply follow the above steps, and use your favorite
form of divination, ie, Tarot, Runes etc.

========= Author Unknown

Last night I attended a personal safety workshop, and it jolted
me. It was given by an amazing man, Pat Malone, who has been a
body guard for famous figures like Farrah Fawcett and Sylvester
Stallone. He works for the FBI, and teaches police officers and
Navy SEALS hand-to-hand combat. This man has seen it all, and
knows a lot.

He focused his teachings to us on HOW TO AVOID BEING THE VICTIM
OF A VIOLENT CRIME.  He gave us some statistics about how much
the occurrences of random violence have escalated over the recent
years, and it's terrible. Something like 99% of us will be
exposed to, or become a victim of a violent crime.

Here are some of the most important points that I got out of his

(1.) The three reasons women are easy targets for random acts of
violence are:

  (a.) Lack of Awareness You MUST know where you are & what's
going on around you.

  (b.) Body Language Keep your head up, swing your arms, stand
straight up.

  (c.) Wrong Place, Wrong Time DON'T walk alone in an alley, or
drive in a bad neighborhood at night.

(2.) Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping,
eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their checkbook, or
making a list, etc.).

DON'T DO THIS! The predator will be watching you, and this is the
perfect opportunity for him to get in the passenger side, put a
gun to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU GET

  (a.) A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot,
or parking garage: Be aware: look around you, look into your car,
at the passenger side floor, and in the back seat.

  (b.) If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from
the passenger door.  Most serial killers attack their victims by
pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to
get into their cars.

  (c.) Look at the car parked on the drivers side of your
vehicle, and the passenger side.  If a male is sitting alone in
the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the
mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out. IT

(3.) ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. (Stairwells
are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot).

  (a.) Do not get on an elevator if there is a weirdo already on
there. (Of course bad men don't always look bad).

  (b.) Do not stand back in the corners of the elevator, be near
the front, by the doors, ready to get off or on.

  (c.) If you get on the elevator on the 25th floor, and someone
suspicious gets on the 22nd, get off when he gets on

(4) If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control,

  (a.) Police only make 4 of 10 shots when they are in range of
3-9 feet. This is due to stress.

  (b.) The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100
times. And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ.

(5.) As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP IT!
It may get you raped, or killed.

  (a.) Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good looking,
well-educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of
unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often
asked "for help" into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is
when he abducted his next victim.

  (b.) Pat Malone told us the story of his daughter, who came out
of the mall and was walking to her car when she noticed 2 older
ladies in front of her. Then she saw a police car come towards
her with cops who said hello. She also noticed that all 8
handicap spots in the area were empty. As she neared her car she
saw a man a few rows over calling to her for help. He wanted her
to close his passenger side door. He was sitting in the driver's
side, and said he was handicapped. He continued calling, until
she turned and headed back to the mall, and the he began cursing
at her. In the meantime, she wondered why he didn't ask the 2
older ladies, or the policeman for help, and why he was not
parked in any of the empty handicap spots. As she got back to the
mall, two male friends of hers were exiting, and as she told them
the story, and turned to point at the car, the man was getting
out of the back seat into the front, and the car sped away.

(6.). Tips to saving your life, if you have gotten into a violent

  (a.) REACT IMMEDIATELY If he abducts you in a parking lot, and
is taking you to an abandoned area, DON'T LET HIM GET YOU TO THAT
AREA. If you are driving, react immediately in the situation, and
crash your car while still going 5 mph.  If he's driving, find
the right time, and stick your fingers in his eyes. He must watch
the road, so choose an unsuspecting time, and gouge him.  It is
your ONLY defense. While he is in shock, GET OUT.  (This sounds
gross, but the alternative is your fault if you do not act.)

  (b.) RESIST Don't go along with him: run, if you are able:
DON'T EVER GIVE UP! You DO NOT want to get to a crime scene.

(7.) Always keep your distance when walking past strangers on the
street or in dark areas.

(8.) GET A CELL PHONE. There are packages for $19.95 a month that
allow you to program only 911 into the dialing out program. (This
is an alternative for parents who say it is too expensive for
their  kids to have a cell phone.)

(9.) BREAK DOWNS: Make every effort to avoid this by ALWAYS
keeping your car in good working order.

  (a.) If your car breaks down: LOCK YOUR DOORS. You better have
a cell phone to call for help.

  (b).  If you don't have a cell phone: (shame on you) keep a
blanket, warm clothes, a pair of boots, and a flashlight in your
car always, for emergencies.

  (c.) If it's noon on a business day, you may want to put your
hazards on and walk to safety.

  (d.) If it's 2 a.m, put on your warm clothes, and walk to a
lighted area. You are a perfect target if you are sitting in your
car broken down. Predators search the highways for easy targets
like you.

  (e.) If you're on a desolate road: walk away from the car (in
your warm clothes) and go to some bushes, or some area AWAY from
your vehicles. It will be cold, and uncomfortable, but you DO NOT
want to stay in your car, and there are no psycho bogeymen
waiting in the bushes who knew you were going to break down there
and then.

(10.) Physical defenses that we can use against the violent

  (a.) The EYES are the most vulnerable part of the body. Poke
him there.  HARD.  It may be your, only window of opportunity.

  (b.) The neck is also a vulnerable spot, but you MUST know
where to grip, AND HAVE THE STRENGTH to cut off his breath.

  (c.) The last place is the KNEES.  Everyone's knees are very
vulnerable, and a swift kick here will take anyone down.

  -- A cautionary note about these things.  If you do not do
these things right the first time, you are in trouble, because it
will only anger the individual, and that anger will be TAKEN OUT
ON YOU. I'm not saying don't attempt them (it may be your only
hope), but be forceful when you do.

(11.) If you are walking alone in the dark (which you shouldn't
be) and you find him following/chasing you:

  (a.) Scream "FIRE!", and not "help".  People don't want to get
involved when people yell "help", but "fire" draws attention
because people are nosy.

  (b.) RUN!

  (c.) Find an obstacle, such as a parked car, and run around it,
like Ring Around the Rosie.  This may sound silly, but over the
years, 5 women have told Pat Malone that this SAVED THEIR LIVES.

  (d.) Your last hope is getting under the car.  Once you are
under there, there are tons of things to hold on to, and he will
not be able to get you out and will not come under for you (most
likely). Usually they give up by this point. The catch here is
plan (he will have one) know if you will be going on your back,
front, from the side or back of the car. It must be practiced.

(12.) Never let yourself or anyone that you know be a "closer" in
any type of business (bar, store, restaurant, gas station).  Pat
knew Danielle, who was a girl that just died from being shot
point-blank by some kids while she was closing at the local gas
station. He talked with her the night before she died, and asked
whether it ever scared her to close alone.  She said yes, but
said "I'll be all right, Pat.

I'll be all right." She wasn't.  Our world is not as safe as we
pretend that it is, and living in our fantasy worlds WILL get us
in trouble, sooner or later.

Pat Malone said again and again that the women who die EVERY
MINUTE from violent crimes expected to go to bed tonight, and get
up tomorrow.

No one expects it, but we must be prepared and aware so that we

I would encourage you to pass this on to all women, not just your
friends and family, but everybody.  We all need to hear it.

Additional Notes:

I learned from my children's karate classes that the elbow is the
strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it,

If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back
tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like
crazy. The driver won't see you but everybody else will.  This
has saved lives.

========= Author Unknown

National Enquirer runs my advertisements
Even though last week they revoked my license
Hexes and Love Spells, for $9.95
It's this kind of garbage that keeps me alive

(Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot,
Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot)

I'll sell you crosses and religious icons
I buy them wholesale, I get them in Taiwan
Copy my spells from off bathroom walls
Write them in Latin, my fans are enthralled

Mail Order Witchcraft, it's a living,
and I'm doing well
I claim tax exemption because of a religion
and then I just sell, sell, sell

Crowley's the author of my favorite spell
For summoning demons up out of Hell
Wasn't poetic, I changed it a pinch...
Last one to use it has not been seen since

(Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot,
Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot)

I've written a book about spells and their uses
Catching familiars in spell-woven nooses
Changing your husband into a small pup
It's all quite authentic, I made it all up

Mail Order Witchcraft, it's a living,
and writing is not hard
I've written booklets and pamphlets and novels,
I'm thinking of greeting cards

I'm quite advanced, I've even made Elder
Though at the seminar they made us swelter
Took me three days but I got my degree
For a nominal fee you can get yours from me

(Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot,
Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot)

My Wiccan acquaintances cause a sensation
Claiming that I've ruined their reputation
I think that's nonsense, just jealous I fear
What I learned in three days has taken them years

Mail Order Witchcraft, it's a living,
my clientele is large
I'll accept cash, money order or Visa,
I even take Master Charge

========= Cauldron Info

The following new areas have been added to The Cauldron's web
site since our last issue.

 * Christianity Does Not Equal Fundamentalism


 * Humor: The Guide to Quick Witchcraft


The following book and tarot reviews (some included in this
newsletter) are new to the web site:

 * Green Witchcraft


 * Many Lives, Many Masters


========= Cauldron Info
========= NEW WEB POLLS

Two polls have opened since the last issue of Cauldron and

The first new poll, opened June 16, asks:

 * From a Pagan perspective, do you think it is possible to be
   both Christian and Pagan?

   Possible answers include:

   + Yes
   + No
   + Do not know
   + No Opinion

   You will find this poll at:


Our newest poll, opened July 1, asks:

 * When approached by a proselytizer, how do you usually prefer
   to react?

   Possible answers include:

   + Try to refuse any interaction
   + Politely say no and leave
   + Use a line designed to shut them up
   + Start a friendly religious discussion
   + Just let them talk
   + Debate their positions
   + Belittle their beliefs
   + Other

   You will find this poll at:


Make your opinion known, take one or both polls today.

You'll find a list of all of our polls (over 20 now) at:


========= Cauldron Info

If you wish to purchase books or other items at Amazon.com, you
can help fund The Cauldron's web site by using this link to
access Amazon.com when you make your purchases:


Just use this link to go to Amazon.com via our web site and
almost every purchase you make that visit will earn The Cauldron
a small amount to help pay for our web page -- at no extra charge
to you. You can also use the Amazon link on the menu of every
Cauldron web page and not have to remember this long link.

Unlike the Amazon link listed in some prior issues of this
newsletter, you can simply visit this site and save the link in
your bookmark list. If you then use this bookmarked link every
time you wish to visit Amazon.com, any purchases you make while
there will help fund The Cauldron's web site.

========= Cauldron and Thicket Info


Cauldron Co-Host Randall Sapphire has been hosting a one hour
general chat almost every Tuesday evening from 10pm to 11pm
Central (Daylight) Time in The Cauldron's channel (#thecauldron)
on the PaganPaths IRC server. These chats are being suspended for
a couple of months, both to allow Randall to cope with tax season
-- he is a computer consultant with a number of CPA clients --
and to give him a "chat vacation."  Randall hopes to resume his
regular chats sometime in this Summer.


The Thicket hosts several chats each week in their Delphi
(Java-based) chat area. You have to be a member of Delphi and The
Thicket to participate. You will find the chats by pointing your
browser to The Thicket's Start Page at:


Chats are normally being held on the following days and times
(all times are Central Time):

 * Monday at 11:30pm

 * Wednesday at 12:00 noon

 * Friday at 11:30pm

Please check on The Thicket's message board for changes to this

If "Central Time" doesn't mean anything to you, there's an online
time converter at http://sandbox.xerox.com/stewart/tzconvert.cgi
might help. I think Central Time is listed as something like "US
- Central" in the drop down box.

========= (Including how to subscribe and unsubscribe)

Cauldron and Candle is a free publication of The Cauldron: A
Pagan Forum with assistance from our sister form, The Witches'
Thicket. The Cauldron and The Thicket aim to publish this
newsletter once a month and often actually succeed in doing so.
We tried to publish it twice a month for a while, but real life
interfered too often.

Copyrights on individual items in this newsletter are retained by
their author, please contact the editors if you need to contact
an author for permission to reprint an article and the editors
will do their best to put you in touch with him or her. No one
involved in producing this newsletter has any money to speak of
so suing us if you don't like something we do is a waste of time
and money.


You are receiving a copy of this newsletter because you signed up
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If you need to your subscription to a new email address,
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The Cauldron and Candle web site contains information on this
newsletter and an archive of back issues.



Cauldron and Candle is always looking for articles, reviews, and
announcements of interest to the Neo-Pagan community. Submissions
will normally be considered for both the newsletter and our web
site.  For more information, please see our submission guidelines



If you have Pagan friends who you believe would be interested in
Cauldron and Candle please invite them to subscribe. You can
either drop them a note yourself or -- better yet -- send them
one of The Cauldron's email postcards with the information.

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If you like The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum please invite your
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Thanks in advance.


Don't forget that your suggestions for the forum are always
welcome, either posted on the message board or via email to
Elspeth Sapphire (elspeth.sapphire@worldnet.att.net) or Randall
Sapphire (rssapphire@ecauldron.com). Typos are, as usual,
courtesy of the Goddess Eris.

Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet again!

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