[Cauldron and Candle Illo]


Cauldron and Candle
Issue #36 -- June 2003

A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
website: http://www.ecauldron.com/
message board: http://forums.delphiforums.com/CUSTOM7999/start


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C A U L D R O N   A N D   C A N D L E  #36 -- June 2003

           A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
                website: http://www.ecauldron.com/
 message board: http://forums.delphiforums.com/CUSTOM7999/start
             newsletter: http://www.ecauldron.com/cnc/

In this Issue:

[01] Editorial Notes
[02] Poem: Songs
[03] Cauldron News
[04] Cauldron Discussions
[05] Review: The Quest Tarot
[06] Review: Wiccan Warrior
[07] Review: The Narrow Land
[08] Review: The Wiccan Wellness Book
[09] Review: When Someone You Love Is Wiccan
[10] Received For Review (with Mini-Reviews)
[11] Article: What Is Brujeria?
[12] Opinion: Creatures of Myth and Legend
[13] Column: TarotDeevah on the Tarot
[14] Humor: The Recon and the Eclectic: A Comedy of Errors
[15] Around the Planes: Notes from All Over
     [15-1] How Recycling Helps
     [15-2] Wildlife Winners and Losers
     [15-3] Finding Spirituality in the Workplace
     [15-4] Cleaning Away Allergens in your Home
     [15-5] Emergency Preparedness Tips for Pet Owners
[16] Support The Cauldron by Volunteering to Help
[17] Newsletter Information
              (Including How To Subscribe/Unsubscribe)

    +++ Submission Deadline for next issue: June 25, 2003 +++
     Guidelines: http://www.ecauldron.com/cnc/submissions.php

========= by Randall Sapphire

Many Pagans in the US seem at a loss as to how to easily make
their views on issues important to them known to elected
officials. It's not that they don't know how to write a letter or
pick up the phone, but they don't have the time or know how
to easily track down the little things like docket numbers and
official bill names that elected officials seemingly use to make
it easier to ignore their constituents.

There are, however, a number of interest groups with web sites
that make it easy for people to contact their elected officials
on issues of interest to that group. These groups will even help
you send emails and faxes (often free faxes) to the appropriate
officials from their web sites. Contacting government officials
has never been easier or quicker. You can peruse the sites when
you wish for issues you agree with or sign up for email "Action
Alerts" when the site posts a new issue.

Here are action centers for three sites I use.

* American Civil Liberties Union


* Americans United for Separation of Church and State


* Electronic Frontier Foundation


As you can tell from these links, some of my main interests are
civil liberties, church-state issues, and the Internet. However,
other issue-oriented groups often provide similar services. If
you look around the Internet at interest group web sites, you'll
probably find sites that deal with issues that concern you. For
example, with a few minutes of searching on Google and checking
web sites, I discovered two groups with environmental "Action

* Natural Resources Defense Council


* Greenpeace USA


If you live outside the US, there may be organizations providing
similar services in your country. Web sites like these make it so
easy for citizens to express their opinions on issues that some
federal agencies and elected officials dislike them. That is
probably a sure sign of the success of these sites.

                      SEND A PAGAN POSTCARD

       You can send a Pagan Postcard from the menu of any
       of our web pages at http://www.ecauldron.com/. If
       you haven't tried our postcard site, give it a
       try. It has quite a few nice features.

========= SONGS
========= A Poem by Elspeth Sapphire

I sing a song of passion --
Emotions in notes so true.
Cascading melody
Outlining all we do.

I sing a song of need --
Mine for a lost part of me.
Never quite sorrowful blues,
Yet never letting my soul be.

I sing a song of desire --
A fire that lights my day.
Flickering heat in the night,
Underlying all I say.

I sing a song of love --
Croon it during times of strife.
Carry it deep in my spirit
To help define my life.

I sing a song of joy --
Freely join in the chorus.
Melding all the melodies....
A tune greater than us.

So, join in as I do sing --
We all have our own songs.
Share this timeless moment
In a place we all belong.

========= by The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum Staff

===== Cauldron Delphi Message Board Top Poster -- May 2003

The Cauldron's message board had 6882 posts in May. Lisa (RHEA64)
had the most posts of any non-staff member in May and snagged our
monthly "top poster" award. Our Runner Up was Moonwolf. As usual,
there were a number of members closing in on the leaders: Jenett
(JENETT), Mary (MARY926), Janna (JSPEREIRA), and Deirdre

===== Cauldron Delphi Message Board Top Poster -- April 2003

[As the May issue of Cauldron and Candle had to be completed and
emailed before the end of April, Top Poster information for April
was not available by press time last month.]

The Cauldron's message board had 6707 posts in April. Mari had
the most posts of any non-staff member in April and snagged our
monthly "top poster" award. Our Runner Up was Moonwolf. A number
of members were right behind them: Everfool, Dragonoake, Ierne,
and Jenett.

===== Member Weblogs Page Updated

The Cauldron's list of our member's weblogs has been updated
several times over the last couple of weeks as members have
requested the addition of their weblogs to the list. Even though
some of these weblogs may never mention Paganism (and some of our
members aren't Pagan to begin with), reading them is another way
to get to know some of your fellow members.


===== Welcome New Threadstarters

The Cauldron has four new Threadstarters:

Stephanie (SMADRONIA)
Sashapablo (SASHAPABLO)

You'll find them starting new threads and helping to nurse them
along when things get slow.

===== Special Topic Chats (Tuesdays 8-10 pm US Eastern Time)

Koi and Shadow are working on holding "Chat with Topics" in The
Cauldron's DelphiForums chat room. These chats will generally be
scheduled on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. (US Eastern Time aka New York
time) and lasting until 10 p.m. (New York time).

Once a month we will have chats with a panel of experts; the
other three or four Tuesdays each month we will have general
topics, but no experts: just an open chat with a topic.

First Tuesdays will generally be "Ask Anything" chats where we
will assemble a panel of experts on everything from Asatru to
Crafting to Interfaith Marriages to Polyamory, and any and all
questions are fair game.

The other nights will rotate among "Pagan Practices" (rituals,
holidays, tarot, etc.), "Pagan Theology" (Afterlife, "sin," what
do the Gods want?, etc.), and "Other Pagan Stuff" (anything at
all - herbs, fung shui, crafting, raising babies the pagan way).
(Fifth Tuesdays will be "random" chats on any topic at all.)
These chats will be open chats where it's just a discussion free-
for-all on the topic, although there will be someone in the chat
who has prepared a list of points or questions in advance to put
to the group in case discussion wanes.

  Chat Information Page:
  DelphiForums Chat Room:

===== Minor Web Site Organization Changes

Some minor changes have been made to the "Pagan Features"
section of menu on The Cauldron's web site during May.

A "Chat Log Index" has been added. This link takes you to a new
section of our web site collecting our chat logs. Chat logs used
to be listed at the very bottom of our Article Index, but with
our revived chat area, we decided they needed a home of their
own. The chat logs for our 2003 Online Beltane ritual and the May
27th chat "Pagan Research and You" are already available on The
Cauldron's web site. "Pagan Research and You" was presented by
Jenett and discussed how best to use libraries and the Internet
to research Pagan topics.

The link formerly entitled "News and Research" is now "News and
Politics." This is the first step in expanding our news section.
The SubPortal area is now available from the "Research Portal"
link on the menu.


        The Cauldron and Candle has its own web site
        where we store our back issues for easy reading.


========= Recent Discussion Topics on our Message Board

In an average month, over 150 new discussion topics are started
on The Cauldron's message board. Here are a few of the more
interesting discussions from the last month. It's not to late to
join in.

=== What Makes a Pagan Book Good or Bad?

What elements are required for you to consider a Pagan book good?
What elements are required for you to consider one bad? Have you
found a couple books that you don't have any problems with, or
are most each with their own faults and strengths? What things
would render a book bad even if most of it were good, or good if
were most of it bad? What would immediately turn you off a book
regardless of what else was in it?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== When Your Spouse's Religion Isn't Yours

I was wondering about what your spouse thinks of the path you've
chosen. I have been a Witch for a couple of years and I really
thought my husband would have accepted it a little better by now.
It gets a little old standing toe to toe all the time. Any

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== Why Do You Worship?

One person told me they don't worship because they don't think
the Gods are better then them. I worship because I understood it
to mean showing reverence to someone of importance or a Divine
figure, and understood reverence meant showing respect. So, I
don't associate it with groveling or begging, but I do associate
it with rituals of respect and kinship with deity - for instance,
I will do rite at shrine to spend some time speaking with and
thanking Netjer. It's not because I think Sekhmet is "better"
then me, but that I recognize she is an ancient, wise individual
who helps me on my path; that she's had many years more
experience then I and is an important entity.

What do you think? What is worship, and do you do it? Why or why

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== Your Heritage and Your Religion

Do you feel that one's religious path has a connection to one's
ancestral/ethnic/racial heritage? Should it?

Is it okay for someone of Celtic heritage to 'walk' , say, the
Voudon path....or someone from Greece to go for a Native American

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== Divination: Where Do Readings Come From?

After I began to learn tarot I had an awakening of sorts when I
realized that yes, I can do this. And with practice, study and
experience, I've gained confidence in my work. But it's got to be
more than my own study in this. Some things in readings come in
so strongly that I all but can't understand that my querant can't
see it when, to me, it's there in plain sight.

So where do readings come from?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== Public Pagan Groups Need Non-Ritual Activities?

I was involved in a discussion and somebody pointed out that the
typical Roman Catholic parish will have at least one event per
night that could be seen primarily as social and not religious.

I think that any pagan group that wishes to operate as a public
organization needs to offer multiple events during the month,
many of which do not have to be rituals; and such events have to
be open to the general pagan public. The idea of a pagan group
offering 8 public Sabbats and then have everything else as
"coven" only is self defeating.

Comments? Do people think a group can be successful in reaching
out to the pagan community when they only offer 8 public events
and occasional class? or do they need to offer multiple events,
both ritual and social, for the public?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== Drawing Down The Divine Effluence?

In a book on Hasidism I once read, the writer describes magic as
"the drawing down of the Divine effluence for the benefit of the

This is an idea that has ever since been a central part of my
theology as a henotheistic panentheist. But what I wonder is--for
those of you who believe the Gods to be individual entities not
necessarily infused within creation, does the idea of "drawing
down the Divine effluence" play any part in your world view?
Are/Can the Gods be infused within creation? Can the essence of
that which is "of the gods" become integrated into the community?

And if these things can happen, how would these be accomplished
within your tradition, and would you consider such an action
"magic" (by whatever definition you work with)?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== What is the Greatest Joy Your Path Gives You?

What is the greatest joy your religious path gives you? Is it
inner peace? Connection to a higher power or the universe beyond
your piece of the rock? Inner strength? Power? Is it inner peace?
Connection to a higher power or the universe beyond your piece of
the rock? Inner strength? Power? Other?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:


       If you like The Cauldron and have a few extra
       dollars, please donate via the Amazon Honor System
       and help us pay the web site bills.


========= Reviewed by Randall Sapphire

The Quest Tarot
Author: Joseph Ernest Martin
Book and Cards Set
Publisher: Llewellyn
Publication date: January 2003
ISBN: 0738701955
US Retail Price: $34.95
View Sample Cards:
Amazon Link:

The Quest Tarot is an excellent example of example of the
wonderful work that a good artist can do with a computer as his
main tool. Joseph Ernest Martin is obviously a magician with a
mouse and the spectacular cards in this deck showcase his talent.
Unless you simply loathe computer art, you will probably find the
art alone worth the price of this deck. This even comes through
on the sample card scan, despite the greatly reduced size of the

The deck itself is somewhat non-standard. There is a second zero
card in the Major Arcana, the Multiverse. Several Major Arcana
cards are renamed: Temperance becomes Alchemy, Judgment is
called Aeon, and The World is The Universe. The court cards are
Mother, Father, Daughter, Son. The suit of coins has been renamed
stones. There's also a blank card that is intended be used to
create a card that represents yourself. Each card has a one word
phrase associated with it, for example, The Hermit is
"Reflection" and the Seven of Stones is "Failure." The cards are
also full of special symbols and features in their borders:
runes, I Ching symbols, astrological signs, gemstones, letters,
and more.

While the deck has non-standard card names, card orders, and even
a couple of extra cards, the meanings associated with the cards
are fairly standard. An experienced reader will have no real
problems giving a reading. While one might think that all the
special border features would detract from the card's central
artwork, they really don't. These cards are an example of good
graphic design.

The 300 page book included with this set, The Compass: A Guide to
the Quest Tarot, is aimed at beginners and gives a good
explanation of the cards and how to read them. Each card receives
two pages in the book and three spreads are given, including one
designed for this deck. The first part of the book also explains
how to use all those special symbols in the borders of the deck.
Some symbols are intended to add additional layers of meaning to
a reading, while others are designed to allow different types of
readings (e.g. Yes/No, time-oriented, etc.). I suspect some of
these features may cause experienced readers to raise their
eyebrows a bit, but nothing says one has to use them.

It's hard to summarize The Quest Tarot except with words like
"beautiful design" and "marvellous artwork." The special features
and extra cards make the deck fairly unique, but not so unique
that it is hard to read. The accompanying book is aimed at the
beginner, but experienced readers will have few problems using
the deck right out of the box in standard readings, especially if
they ignore the extra cards and special border features. I
recommend that everyone interested in a new tarot deck at least
take a look at this lovely, modern deck.

           This review is available on our web site at

========= Reviewed by SahtYinepu

Wiccan Warrior: Walking a Spiritual Path in a Sometimes Hostile
Author: Kerr Cuhulain
Trade Paperback, 162 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn
Publication date: March 2000
ISBN: 1567182526
US Retail Price: $12.95
Amazon Link:

When I saw Wiccan Warrior on the shelf at the local Barnes &
Noble, I decided I'd buy it. I expected a certain level of
quality, as Kerr's articles are informative, well-written, and
very respectable. For the first part of my reading I was very
much pleased with the book. Ideas of beneficial self-change,
taking control of one's life, following one's spirituality in a
sense of self-reliance without escapism. All wonderful ideas. I
was hooked... And then, just as I began to really like it, I got
the old Shanghai. Kerr begins cutting into anyone not like
himself. Prefacing every judgment with "everyone is different"
and while that's certainly true, it is not and excuse for the
continuation of popular Christian-bashing. Moreover there seemed
an outright drive in the book to invalidate Christianity, by
demonizing it. Expressing the worst possible parts of it, and
leaving out all but one example of the inspirational side.

This isn't limited to Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions either,
Traditional Wicca gets the treatment as well. The book is full of
contradictions, in fact too many to list. One of the most
profound being an attempt at invalidating the Gardnerian
challenging of the initiate with a blade, then in his initiation
ritual, having the Warrior initiated by being confronted by
Boudicca who prods them with a spear. Later the initiate is also
confronted by Cuchulainn who also brandishes his weapon around
the Initiate. Followed by Scathach ordering them still, and
should they be distracted by other Coveners (who are
intentionally trying to distract them) Scathach then goes on a
tirade, with (you guessed it) a blade in hand. In a customized
initiation ritual (included as an example) he removes pretty much
everything that signifies initiation, including a group into
which one is initiated. Everything that remains is quite moving,
and inspirational, however ... it's followed by a rather
pointless and mocking list of problems people had with the
ritual, and why they were wrong (but hey, everyone's different!).

The book, being aimed at the beginner, rehashes a lot of Wiccan
common knowledge. Certainly a lot of principles in this book
should be addressed in the middle of one's first or (at the
latest) second year. This isn't a pitfall, however, as one can
always use a refresher course in the basics.

Kerr pops in the Rede almost as often as he pops in with
"Everyone is different," without realizing that, gee, everyone is
different. The emphasis placed on the Rede goes beyond it's being
a guideline, and pushes it to the point of dogma.

Kerr also seems to be exaggerating situations, or paraphrasing
his quotes to make them fit into his personal ideals, something
he lashes out at early on in the book. The advanced principals of
psycho-drama, mental training, and physical discipline are a
welcomed break, but fit awkwardly with an otherwise 101 book.

Little of the information is truly useful, most of it is the
opinion of the author (which is to be expected) interlaced with
his credentials, and iced with a sweet-tasting archetype. Before
I give my closing, I will say that I did enjoy the inspirational
parts of this book. In my opinion, it's pretty much worth the
cover price. I did enjoy seeing things from a different
perspective, and did enjoy seeing older, and eastern principals
brought in to a Wiccan context, but I'm not entirely sure I
enjoyed it to the tune of $12.95.

This book could have expressed a path complimentary and
contemporary to the existing branches and traditions of Wicca,
rather than fighting them at every point, but it simply didn't.
The ideas expressed in the book are obtainable in other areas
without the bitter taste this book leaves. In my opinion, a
Wiccan Warrior would not need this book, nor would one write this
book. A Wiccan Warrior would walk the path, and lead others by
his or her honor alone.

           This review is available on our web site at

========= Reviewed by Janna

The Narrow Land: Folk Chronicles of Old Cape Cod
Author: Elizabeth Reynard
Trade Paperback, 326 pages
Publisher: Chatham Historical Society
Publication date: December 1985
ISBN: 0961505109
US Retail Price: $12.95
Amazon Link:

If you're drawn to the strange wild beauty or the rich history of
the Cape, you must read The Narrow Land. This lovely book
collects the tales and folklore connected to Cape Cod, and
captures the poetry and mystique of the Cape.

Elizabeth Reynard wrote this book in the 1930s using a variety of
sources, including historical society documents, private family
histories, town records and living storytellers. She wove
different bits of lore and legend into complete tales, or
selected the most interesting bits from several versions of the
same tale.

Different sections of the book tell of the traditional Native
American legends of Cape Cod (Death of the Giant, Tales of the
Praying Indians) and early tales of the doings of the Puritan
settlers (Men of God and the Primitive Earth). Other sections of
the book cover stories of local witches, pirates, spirits and
ghosts. There's even a charming story about how Yorkshire "stable
fairies" stowed away by mistake on a ship and ended up in

Perhaps most interestingly for a Neo-Pagan, the book provides an
insight into how traditional European folklore beliefs couldn't
be quelled either by Christianity or the passing years, and were
taken to (and altered by) the New World. Even though the settlers
were good Christians and would have been insulted by any
suggestion otherwise, no one could tell them folk magic wasn't
real or that fairies didn't exist.

Also of interest, you can see a progression in the local Native
American Wampanoag tales from a pre-Christian to a post-Christian
environment. At the beginning, we have the stories that seem
relatively uninfluenced by Christianity (Death of the Giant), and
then the section on "Praying Indians" where Christian beliefs and
non-Christian beliefs are often intermingled.

Last but not least, if you want to learn more about traditional
local spirits, especially in preparing to honor them and the
"feel" of the land, this book is very valuable.

One important thing to keep in mind, don't look to this book for
history. There are inaccuracies and author's license and the love
of a good story.  If the book says Elisha Chase did thus-and-so
in the year 1899, it'd be best to check historical records before
including it in your research paper. Also, the section on Viking
settlers is wildly out of date in the light of current knowledge.

It would be wonderful to have a companion book to this one that
covered the same ground but had a solid academic focus. Failing
that, it would be great to have someone go through Narrow Land
and provide annotated commentary.  For example, I would enjoy
knowing what a contemporary Wampanoag made of the section on
Indian legends. Whether those legends are still told today, or
whether more important tales were kept within the community or
not included.  There's a little bit of this in the Appendix, but
it doesn't begin to answer all of my questions on the subject.
However, for inspiration and furthering an emotional/spiritual
bond to old Cape Cod, The Narrow Land is splendid.

           This review is available on our web site at

========= Reviewed by Randall Sapphire

The Wiccan Wellness Book: Natural Healthcare for Mind, Body, and
Author: Laura Perry
Trade Paperback, 219 pages
Publisher: New Page Books
Publication date: January 2003
ISBN: 1564146235
US Retail Price: $14.99
Amazon Link:

Unless you live far away from magazines and newspapers, you are
bound to have noticed an increasing interest in alternative
health care over the past decade. There has also been a growing
interest in holistic methods, especially since changes to the
medical system in the US have made it more impersonal and focused
on solving the immediate problem quickly. As there are many books
on alternative health care on the shelves, new books have to
carve out a niche for themselves. Laura Perry, a Wiccan priestess
and naturopath, has written one specially for Wiccans. The Wiccan
Wellness Book presents a well-written and practical discussion of
alternative and holistic health care methods along with practical
wellness advice and Wiccan-style rituals.

Perry begins by describing what wellness and wholeness are and by
encouraging her readers to honestly evaluate where they are and
where they can go. The next chapter is devoted to journaling,
both as a method of keeping track of where one is health wise and
as a method for improving oneself by changing/improving one's
attitudes. Exercise is next up. Perry considers it just as
important as any other health care professional, but suggests
ways to find a form of exercise that is right for the reader. The
next chapter considers improving one's health by improving one's
surroundings using some of the techniques of Feng Shui. According
to the author, a through "spring cleaning" of one's surroundings
on both the physical and magickal level can make a big difference
in one's life. Simple things like avoiding clutter in the bedroom
may help one sleep better, for example.

The next section is a brief introduction to a number of different
systems of alternative medicine. Fourteen different systems are
introduced in about 25 pages. The descriptions are brief but
clear. Additional references (both books and organizations) are
provided for each system so one can learn more about those that
seem interesting or find a professional practitioner. The only
major problem I have with this book is that the author doesn't
even mention the drawbacks and possible problems associated with
some of the systems. The book concludes with a chapter on plants
and herbs and a lengthy chapter of wellness rituals. The book has
a bibliography (in addition to the books mentioned in the text)
and a useful index.

My feelings on The Wiccan Wellness Book are somewhat mixed. The
scholar in me would have loved some footnotes on some of the
claims made, not so much because I mistrust some of the
statements the author makes, but because I would love to read
more about some of them. And, as I said above, I really have a
problem with the way some of the alternative health systems are
presented -- with little or no warning about the possible
problems the system (or a bad practitioner of it) can cause. On
the other hand, the book is a joy to read and many of the ideas
from the early chapters can be put into practice fairly easily
if the reader chooses and is willing to make the effort. Perry's
book is a good introduction to alternative health techniques for
a Wiccan (or member of a Wiccan-like belief system) who is
willing to read more before deciding a particular alternative
system is "just right" for him or her.

           This review is available on our web site at

========= Reviewed by Randall Sapphire

When Someone You Love Is Wiccan: A Guide to Witchcraft and
  Paganism for Concerned Friends, Nervous Parents, and Curious
Author: Carl McColman
Trade Paperback, 221 pages
Publisher: New Page Books
Publication date: December 2002
ISBN: 1564146227
US Retail Price: $13.99
Amazon Link:

Most introductory books on the Wiccan religion are written for
the reader who is interested in becoming a Wiccan and learning
the basic beliefs and practices of one or more of the various
branches of the religion. Few books have been written about Wicca
for those who simply wish to learn about the basic beliefs and
ideas behind the religion, but have no interest to converting to
Wicca. In fact, the only book of this nature often seen is Scott
Cunningham's thin paperback, The Truth About Witchcraft Today,
published in the 1980s. Carl McColman's new book, When Someone
You Love Is Wiccan: A Guide to Witchcraft and Paganism for
Concerned Friends, Nervous Parents, and Curious Co-Workers, will
help fill this void in books about religion for non-Wiccans.

When Someone You Love Is Wiccan assumes that its readers will
have many questions about Wicca and its beliefs and sets out to
answer them in a straightforward question and answer manner.
Except for a short introduction and conclusion, this book is a
series of 81 questions and answers about Wicca. These questions
are divided into nine sections.

The first section, "When Someone You Love Is Wiccan," covers the
very basics: What is it? Is it evil, safe, serious? The second
section, "Understanding Wicca," covers the differences between
Wicca, witchcraft, and Paganism and covers things like pentacles,
magic names, and the Burning Times. The third section, "Going
Beyond the Stereotypes," covers many of the stereotypes society
has about Wiccans (animal sacrifice, wearing black, using drugs,
having orgies, etc.). In the fourth section, "What Do Witches
Believe?," the author answers questions about the basic religious
beliefs of Wiccans: the God and the Goddess, morality, afterlife,
etc. Questions about religious practices and activities are the
fifth part, "What Do Witches Do?" The sixth section, "Magic and
the Occult," explains Wiccan beliefs about magick and why all
Witches haven't won the lottery. The relationship between Wicca
and other religions is discussed in questions in the seventh
section, "Witchcraft, Christianity, and Other Religions." The
eighth part is entitled "The Role of Paganism in Society" and
deals with questions about the legitimacy, rights, and general
social and political views of Wiccans. The final section,
"Practical Considerations," covers questions about how to deal
with Wiccans one might know.

McColman has a friendly but informative writing style, which is
important in a book like this. The answers he provides are simple
and easy to understand. Many of the answers would be considered
overly-simplistic and even incomplete in a book for converts. In
a book aimed at the general non-Wiccan public, however, they seem
to explain enough without overwhelming the reader with more
details than he probably wants. While the author does not answer
some of the questions exactly like I personally think they would
have been best answered, my only real problem with this book is
that the author treats the words "Wicca," "Witchcraft," and
"Paganism" as almost interchangeable throughout the book. To his
credit, the author does explain in his answer to the very first
question that they are not exactly the same thing even though he
is using them interchangeably in his book and goes into somewhat
more detail on the differences in the eleventh question. However,
given that many among the general public and recent converts to
Wicca think that the terms "Wiccan" and "Pagan" refer to the same
set of beliefs and practices, I think the author's decision to
use the terms interchangeably does a disservice to the greater
Pagan community.

In spite of the above minor problems and quibbles, When Someone
You Love Is Wiccan is a wonderful book for the non-Pagan
interested in discovering what Wicca is all about. McColman has
successfully tackled the hard task of explaining Wicca to the
non-Pagan public. I suspect many Pagans will start referring non-
Pagans curious about Wicca to this book instead of Cunningham's
The Truth About Witchcraft Today. It is really that good.
Unfortunately, the McColman book is much more expensive than
Cunningham's. Cost will probably prevent most Pagans from buying
four or five copies at a time to give away -- as many have done
with the Cunningham book. However, I do encourage people who can
afford it to buy two copies and donate their second copy to a
local library.

           This review is available on our web site at

========= by Randall Sapphire

The following books and decks have been received for review in
May 2003 and may be reviewed more fully in future issues. "First
Glance Comments" included with these listings are exactly what
they seem to be: my first impression of the item from a quick
glance through the book or deck. Be aware that these views could
change drastically after a more complete examination. If you are
waiting for a particular review, remember that reviews appear on
our web site as they are finished -- often a good while before
they are published in the newsletter.

As I was on vacation the first two weeks in May and playing catch
up with real life the rest of the month, I did not actually
review any of the many books in my review pile in May. I should
get back to writing full reviews this month, so watch the web
site for new reviews.

Exploring Chakras
  by Susan G. Shumsky (New Page Books)
  ISBN: 1564146561
  First Glance Comments: This book is a basic introduction to
        the seven chakras of the subtle body and the kundalini
        force. It provides an introductory level explanation of
        the theory and many practical exercises and applications.
  More Info from Amazon.com:

Exploring Numerology
  by Shirley Lawrence (New Page Books)
  ISBN: 1564146510
  First Glance Comments: Numerology is one of my favorite methods
        of divination. I've never found it all that helpful for
        providing advice about the future, but is a wonderful
        tool for figuring out what makes a person what they
        are. Wisely, this introductory book concentrates on this
        application of numerology. It looks to be well-written
        and easy to understand. The sample analysis of President
        Bush and the chapter on the significance of the numbers
        9/11 are timely and interesting.
  More Info from Amazon.com:

Maiden Magick
  by C.C. Brondwin (New Page Books)
  ISBN: 1564146707
  First Glance Comments: Goddess spirituality for teenage women
        based on an (idealized) Celtic clan. It's very Wicca-like
        is some respects (but not Wicca and the author admits as
        much). While probably not a "must have" book, from a
        first glance it is looks better than many "Wicca for
        Teens" books on the market.
  More Info from Amazon.com:

Earth Magick
  by Marion Weinstein (New Page Books)
  ISBN: 1564146383
  First Glance Comments: Marion Weinstein's Earth Magic was one
        of the early complete Books of Shadows published. It was
        (and still is) unusual in providing a lot of theory and
        some advanced techniques. This revision is a major update
        from my previous (second edition) copy. A first glance
        turned up only one major problem: a few pages of very bad
        history (ancient matriarchies and the burning times).
        There really no excuse for this any more. Historical
        research does not support such claims and the Pagan
        community should not hide from reality.
  More Info from Amazon.com:

========= by Juana Bruja

Let's dispense with the silliness right from the start. No, I'm
not obsessed with Carlos Casteneda's works (though they are
certainly engrossing), nor am I something out of Vampire The
Masquerade (besides, the Brujah Clan -- note that's Brujah and
not bruja -- doesn't seem to have much to do with Mesoamerican
mysticism). Brujeria is a broad path embracing virtually hundreds
of traditions of the Americas. There is no right or wrong way,
but many ways. Brujeria is NOT Wicca and a brujo/bruja is not a
Wiccan. We are not Druids or Thelemites or Streghe or the Golden
Dawn or (insert your favorite group here). We are what we are,
even if what we are is complex.

So what is a brujo/bruja? With the help of my friend Felipito in
Sonora, Mexico, I think I've finally hit upon an explanation most
people can understand. That explanation begins, of all places, in
Siberia with the Russian/Tungus word saman, who was an individual
using magic to cure the sick, divine the hidden, and control
events. This practice, usually referred to in American English as
Shamanism, is worldwide.

Taking a step back from Brujeria to examine the two practices
brought me to conclude that they are essentially the same thing,
with a few differences according to culture. If that's the case,
when I say I am a bruja, I am also saying I am a shaman. But
remember that Shamanism is as varied as the world itself, so if
you don't agree with my conclusions, please investigate the
shaman on your own and see what you discover.

How I got here is not as important as the fact that I am here.
There are no levels or hierarchy in Brujeria as I have learned
it. A person is either a born brujo or not. Brujeria is a
vocation in the true sense of the word -- a calling, a summons.
Don't get me wrong -- I don't mean to make it sound exclusive and
haughty, because it isn't. But without the calling, there is no
Brujeria, and therefore no brujo. That's how it is.

Many people ask me what Brujeria is, what is a brujo/bruja. This
is a difficult question to answer. Technically, the word
"brujeria" is Spanish for witchcraft, sorcery, and magical
doings. A lot of this carries over into the practice of Brujeria,
but Brujeria is more. In brief, I see Brujeria as an ongoing
dance with the vital spirit of the Americas and my role as a
bruja as a conduit for the living energy of the universe.
Arguably, today's Brujeria is the continuing magical spiritual
path of Mesoamerica (Mexico) which dates back 12,000 years.
Brujeria is not a revival of ancient traditions, for those
traditions never died out in the first place.

Brujeria does not care about blood heritage. Myself, I am not
Mexican or Latina by blood, yet the spirit and energies that are
Brujeria have married me to these lands and made me a bruja. That
is to say, to be a bruja is to answer the calling of the Great
Mother of the New World.

As you have probably guessed, Spanish is the lingua franca of
Brujeria. Many brujos speak nothing else; many brujos speak no
Spanish but "brujo/a" and "Brujeria". In my case, I'm using
various Mexican dialects (and if you know anything about
Spanish, you know how many variations there are) while learning
Nahuatl, the language of the Nahua who are the modern descendants
of the Aztecs. In all truth, it doesn't matter what language you
use -- the energy is the same. However, Brujeria is also a
community, and that community tends to speak Spanish of one
streak or another.

There is a list of guidelines which we simply call the Code (El
Codigo Brujo). Here I offer a translation from the original
Spanish into English. You will need to draw your own conclusions,
because if it isn't said it's probably not intended to be public

The universe is a living thing (which is an idea brought into
modern Brujeria from Aztec cosmology), and Brujeria is a method
of interacting with the living energy of the universe. A
brujo/bruja practices what could be termed magic by attuning
himself/herself to this living energy.

This living energy can seize a brujo/bruja at any time, or
through the concentrated work of an impromptu and inspired
ritual. An individual enters Brujeria through a personal
encounter with the living energy.

Once a brujo, always a brujo. It is something that cannot be
shaken off, something like genetic makeup.

Brujos/brujas are born and cannot be made, even if they do not
come to realize their place in Brujeria until much later in life.

As Mexican Presidente Beinito Juarez said, "Respect for the
rights of others is peace."

Brujos are free to use their abilities for non-brujos. Example
situations are healing, spiritual counseling, and the creation of
hechizos ("spellwork").

Brujeria is a community bound together by the living energy of
the universe, and all brujos are brothers and sisters. A brujo is
pledged to assist a fellow brujo wherever and whenever needed.

Some of what makes Brujeria can be revealed to non-brujos but
most of Brujeria must remain between brujos alone.

Brujeria is learned from brujo to brujo, and through interaction
with the living energy.

Brujeria is a Pagan path, although the brujos seem to have had
little to do with what has become the better-known "Pagan

This is about the extent of what I can tell you. No, I won't be
cursed for revealing secrets or anything like that. Brujeria
remains an oral path, communicated from brujo to brujo through
speech, touch, taste, sensation, and experience.

========= by Amanda Hamilton

We've all heard of at least some of them. We've all pondered them
in one way or another. A source of entertainment as well as
intrigue, they came into our lives, evoking curiosity and
wonderment. They've been a part of our human history and have
captured the imagination of millions around the globe. They are
the creatures of mythology and legend.

No matter what generation we're a part of, no matter what culture
we're from, we are told of ancient encounters with fantastical
beasts, especially during the years of our childhood. Many
parents (past, present, and future) tell bedtime stories to send
their children into a peaceful -- and perhaps even adventurously
dream-filled -- slumber, creating such images as knights battling
hideous monsters to save their ladies fair. For centuries, books
held readers spellbound with accounts taking place in times and
civilizations long since gone, but not forgotten. Accounts such
as Jason and his Argonauts rescuing Phineus, a Thracian king,
from starvation at the hands -- and wings -- of harpies; Perseus
procuring the head of Medusa to meet the demands of the king of
Seriphus; and women succumbing to the hypnotic powers of Count
Dracula in his never-ending quest for female victims. Novels
printed in recent decades have continued the legacy of myth as a
whole with such works as J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, the novels
of Terry Goodkind, and J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books.

It was in the twentieth century that such creatures found a new
medium by which to capture the imagination of the masses: the
film industry. With movies like Dragonheart, Willow, and Shrek,
it's plain to see that the fantasy business is bigger than ever,
drawing forth each new generation into its mesmerizing thrall and
introducing them to beings that have been a part of our
collective consciousness for hundreds, if not thousands, of
years. One of these movies in particular, the animated children's
film The Flight of Dragons, was based upon the book of the same
name by Peter Dickinson. Dickinson's written creation went a step
further as compared to other books and films concerning this form
of mythological being. He conducted much study and research prior
to writing his book to form a solid, scientific foundation for a
debate with his readers: that dragons, at one point, actually
existed. And it is Mr. Dickinson's conclusions, along with my own
ponderings over the years, that bring me to my own debate.

Now, it's safe to say that we all feel and know that there is
more than one plane of existence. There's this plane in which we
live on Earth and interact with fellow humans and other creatures
(i.e. the animals that, like us, call this planet home) as well
as, of course, the plane where the spirits of the deceased dwell,
awaiting their time to rejoin the living. And that's just the tip
of the iceberg. There are only-Spirit-knows how many other
dimensions and realms that we have yet to discover or venture
into. Also, it is known that all the myths and legends of Earth
have some basis in fact, that they possess at least some inkling
of truth. Bearing these two things in mind, is it so impossible
to conceive of the idea that such beloved (and sometimes feared)
legendary beings could exist in some way, shape, or form in this
realm and/or others? Is it not possible that they have existed
for all this time, with the majority of the human race having
somehow closed themselves off to them and their world, dismissing
them as being fantasies of childhood or the nonsense of a

I will freely admit that I myself am a dreamer. I always have
been and I always will be. I'm not ashamed of that. During the
course of my life, I've spent countless hours in front of the
television, watching such films as The Fantastic Adventures of
Unico and Disney's The Little Mermaid, completely awe-struck by
such creatures as mermaids, unicorns, faeries, and my all-time
favorite, vampires. I embrace the existence of such beings, both
good and bad. I'll also admit that for so long, I've pondered
whether or not they did and still do exist. Many of us have
encountered them in dreams, visions, meditations, spiritual
quests, etc. Sometimes they appear to help guide us along our
paths, to present subliminal messages to solve problems in the
waking world, to share with us their strength and wisdom, and
sometimes they just like to say, "Hi!"

As one would guess, Peter Dickinson certainly has his critics and
skeptics who considered his theories to be bogus or outlandish.
Many people say that there's no real documented or scientific
evidence of the existence of mythological beings. Yet we must
remember that science isn't God. Science isn't the only field of
concrete truth. Science isn't always necessarily the final word
in saying what is fact and what is fiction.

A great example of that is the elusive faery. Science has yet to
find "positive proof" that they're real....yet many people,
including some of us in the Pagan community, have encountered
them in some manner. The same can be said for the mysterious
Bigfoot. Many non-believers, both those who hold degrees of
science as well as those who don't, think it's perhaps a
practical joke of sorts. A man of some large height and weight
dressing up in an ape suit and making sporadic appearances in
places and times where he knows he'll be seen. Yet others,
including those who have captured the Sasquatch on videotape,
have done some studying and conducted tests of their own. For
instance, one of the footprints of the suspected ape-man was
found and upon accurately measuring it, it was determined that a
human being couldn't possibly have made such a footprint. In
correspondence to the rest of the anatomy, the size of the foot
had to be connected to a creature who's height measured far over
that of even an above-average human.

Now, I know what you're going to say: "Bigfoot isn't real; the
man that made up Bigfoot died and his family admitted it was all
a joke! It was on the news!" Yes, I, too, recall the news
bulletin in December of last year in which the family of Ray
Wallace, who passed away the month before, finally revealed that
Bigfoot was his creation and that it died with him. At least,
supposedly it did, I would think. After all, that particular
sighting captured on film in 1967 (not to mention the creature's
footprints seen nine years prior) is not the only account of it
recorded in the world. In China, a large ape-like beast covered
in long, reddish hair has been sporadically spotted over the past
twenty years or more. There have also been numerous sightings of
the Sasquatch in other countries, such as Russia, Indonesia, and
the region of the Himalayas.

So, you see, we cannot say with absolute conviction that
mythological creatures are just that -- mythological. It's simply
because there's far more that we don't know in this universe and
its dimensions as compared to the little that we do know. But it
is up to us to expand our horizons and to not completely rely on
scientific observations and findings. Sometimes, we just need to
rely on our gut.

========= by TarotDeevah

=== Ibis Tarot

by Joseph Machynka
Published by AGMuller
Copyright 1991 by AGMuller
ISBN 3905021595
See Cards From This Deck:
Amazon Link:

Ibis Tarot is an Egyptian deck, and my knowledge of Egyptian
systems, symbolism, pantheons, etc. is minimal. Since I feel I am
unqualified to critique the deck, I will just describe it as I
have done with other decks that are over my head. I will say that
I was annoyed that my deck came (still shrink wrapped) in no
particular order. I assume it was random, since it did not match
the number order printed on the cards.

This is an attractive deck with beautiful artwork. The majors and
courts are illustrated, but the pips are not. The cards of the
major arcana are: I, the magician; II, the gate of the santuary
(I don't know if that should be "sanctuary" or not); III, Isis-
Urania; IV, the cubic stone; V, the master of the arcanas; VI,
the two paths; VII, the chariot of Osiris; VIII, the balance and
the sword; IX, the veiled lamp; X, the Sphinx; XI, the tamed
lion; XII, the victim; XIII, the reaping skeleton; XIV, the two
urns; XV, Typhon; XVI, the thunderstruck tower; XVII, the star of
the magicians; XVIII, the twilight; XIX, the beaming light; XX,
the resurrection from death; XXI, the crown of the magicians;
XXII, the crocodile.  Suits are sceptres, cups, swords and
pentacles. Courts are master, mistress, warrior and slave.

The cards measure about 2.5 by 4.75 inches and handle well. They
could be a little thicker for my tastes, but I wouldn't call them
flimsy. I have no reason to doubt their sturdiness, but I haven't
used mine much at all.

Since I know so little about Egyptian decks, I really can't make
recommendations fairly. I do recommend it for collectors, though,
for the beautiful artwork alone.

=== Le Tarot de Marseille

by Maritxu de Guler
Published by Heraclio Fournier S/A
ISBN 0880790644
See Cards From This Deck:
Amazon Link:

This deck is in Marseille style. Majors and courts are
illustrated, but pips are not. The colors are predominately blue,
red, yellow and black. Other colors (brown, green and gray) are
used quite sparingly. Titles are in French.  Suits are baton
(wands), coupe (cups), epee (swords) and deniers (pentacles).
Court cards are roy (king), reyne (queen), cavalier (knight) and
valet (page).

The cards measure about 2.5 by 4.25 inches and handle well.  They
are the thickness of good playing cards. I got this deck second
hand, and have used it a fair amount. They have held up very
well, and I expect they will continue to do so.

I recommend this deck for collectors and for those who like the
Marseille style. It may be difficult for beginners because the
pips are not illustrated and because the titles are in French.

=== Londa Tarot

by Londa
Published by US Games Systems, Inc.
Copyright 1993 by US Games Systems, Inc.
ISBN 0880796642
See Cards From This Deck:
Amazon Link:

This is a very interesting deck. It is in Rider Waite style,
although Justice is 8 and Strength is 11. All cards, including
pips, are illustrated. The art is very interesting. The creatures
are humanoid, but not human. I'd almost categorize this as
Gothic, but not quite. For the most part, the deck has adequate
symbolism, although a few of the cards are lacking. Personally, I
like the art and find some of the scenes and characters sexy.
Everyone is long and lean, with long flowing hair (even the

The cards measure 2.75 by 4.75 inches. The stock is medium, not
too stiff but not too flimsy. I prefer a little stiffer, but they
handle well and are durable.

I recommend this deck for anyone who likes the style of art. It's
usable for beginners through advanced. Its probably more
appealing to young people from teens through twenties. I also
recommend it for those who like the gothic style, although it
isn't quite gothic. Collectors, of course, will want to add it to
their collections as well.

=== Nigel Jackson Tarot

by Nigel Jackson
Published by Llewellyn Publications
Copyright 2000 by Nigel Jackson
ISBN 1567183654
See Cards From This Deck:
Amazon Link:

What an absolutely beautiful tarot deck! Nigel Jackson did a
wonderful job. The deck follows Marseilles style of order and
naming but Rider Waite in that all cards (even pips) are fully
illustrated. A couple of modifications (although not really
modifications as they are true to the original Marseilles) should
be noted:  the magician is the juggler, high priestess is the
popess, heirophant is the pope, and strength is fortitude. The
art is truly beautiful ... captivating even. Symbolism is quite
plentiful, so the deck will be excellent for beginners to
advanced readers.

Cards measure a whopping 3.75 by 5.75 inches, which is my only
complaint about the deck. The cards are too long for me to bridge
shuffle, which is my preferred method. I'm a bit torn, though,
since I wouldn't want these fabulous images to be any smaller.
So, I just deal with it, and it is well worth it. Card stock is
ideal, not too stiff but not flimsy either. I have the deck and
book set, which is packaged very well. Llewellyn and Jackson
truly did a marvelous job.

I recommend this deck for everyone! It's really that good in my
opinion. I highly recommend the deck and book set, as the book is
just as fabulous as the deck! Go out and get this deck!

===== About This Column

TarotDeevah's column will feature monthly articles or reviews
selected from her web site or written for this newsletter.
You can find TarotDeevah's web site at:

========= by Ravendas

  [Author's Disclaimer: As an eclectic myself, I am more than
  aware that not all Recons are like this. It is only meant as a
  playful exaggeration of some of the conversations I've
  witnessed and engaged in with Recons. Also, as a non-Recon who
  has no ties whatsoever with the Greek pantheon...and little to
  no knowledge of Greek culture...the references made to the
  Greek culture and sources will not necessarily be accurate.]

Recon:  "Oh look, archeologists have just discovered that the
swirl design on this 300 B.C. Etruscan vase are actually vines
signifying the fertility aspect of the household goddess of this
noble household! Oh...and there's a whole scholarly paper out now
on the significance of the vine symbolism in Etruscan art and
religion! This is exciting!"

Eclectic: "Umm..yeah...okay...umm...that's nice, I guess."

Recon: "How can you not be excited about this?! It's such an
important discovery. You worship a Greek goddess, don't you? If
you're really serious about it, then you should look into this
stuff because it's important!"

Eclectic:  Hmm...well, yes...I do worship Artemis. Can you recommend a
good book on Her?

Recon: "You need to check out 'Ancient Greek Civilization: A
Treatise on Socio-Religious Culture on the Aegean'. You'll
probably find it at a major university. Oh...and bring a hand-
truck, it's rather heavy....but it is the best source you'll
find, if you're *really* interested."

Eclectic: "Ummm...well, all I really wanted was just some basic
info. You know, correspondences, sacred holidays, what She rules

Recon:  "Oh...I see...you're just another one of *those*
Pagans who don't really want to really know the proper way to
worship Artemis. Another quick-fix fluffhead...humph."

Eclectic:  Well, no, I'm not a 'fluffhead', thank you
very much. I just don't need to know every little last detail
about the Greek civilization, just about Artemis.

Recon:  But...but...you *have* to delve into the
socio-economic-political structure of the ancient Greeks if you
want to even scratch the surface on their religious beliefs. I
mean, how can you even begin to truly understand why Artemis was
worshipped if you don't come to understand the subtle
intertwining of the culture and its effect on spiritual life?!

Eclectic:  But I don't want to know why the ancient Greeks
worshipped Her. I just want to learn how to incorporate Her into
my spiritual path.

Recon: Well, you really do need to know the whole background if
you want to worship Her properly. But, if you pick up the book I
recommended to you, you'll find that it does mention Her sacred
days, votive offerings, and requirements for Her priesthood.
Oh....I do hope you're a virgin....

Eclectic: Well....no....

Recon: Whhhaaatt?! How can you be a devotee of Artemis
and not be a virgin?! That's....that's....just not right! You
*have* to be a virgin! There was not a single priestess of
Artemis that wasn't a virgin in ancient Greece!

Eclectic: But this isn't ancient Greece, it's modern-day
America....things change.

Recon: Not the gods! They did things a certain way back then for
a reason!

Eclectic: Ummm...maybe because it made the most sense
and fit in best with the way things worked back then? Which is,
of course, very unlike the way things work now?

Recon:  Well, of course we do have to adapt some
things to fit in with modern society. We certainly can't be
sacrificing white bulls to Zeus in our back yard, you know.
But...still...to worship Artemis and not be a virgin?! You might
as well just be worshipping Isis...or Quan Yin.

Eclectic: Well, I do worship them too.

Recon: At the same time?! But....they're entirely different

Eclectic: Well, yes....I know this. It works for me.

Recon: And what's your source for doing this? What ancient
precedent led you to start believing this way?

Eclectic: It just...felt right. I mean, they're all part of the
same Spirit, after all.

Recon: Oh good gods....no they're not. They're individual deities
who *must* be worshipped in accordance with ancient precedence!

Eclectic: That's not what they told me.

Recon:  You're delusional.

Eclectic:  And you're anal.


Meanwhile, the gods look down upon the fray with more than a
little amusement and sadness before going about their business,
convinced that humans will, indeed, never learn.


Corporate America (and many large non-profits) keep a small army
of publicists busy writing copyright-free articles that busy
newspaper and newsletter editors can use in their publications.
Many are nothing but shill worthy only of a cartoon version of
used car salesman. Others contain useful information with only a
subtle plug. Your editor has found a good online source for these
and will be including a few that he feels may be of interest to
Cauldron and Candle readers in issues of this newsletter.
Remember that publication of an article in this newsletter is not
an endorsement of the authors' position or any products and
companies mentioned therein.

===== How Recycling Helps

Americans' recycling efforts have amounted to more than just a
drop in the bucket. They have made a splash with both the
environment and the economy.

In 2001 alone, Americans' recycling efforts saved enough energy
to power Washington, D.C. for four and a half years. In addition,
people received a collective one billion dollars for their

Recycling helps eliminate the need to create millions of tons of
new aluminum each year. That means less air pollution, less
production of greenhouse gases and less impact on the

However, statistics from Alcan show that nearly half of the 100
billion cans sold in the U.S. in 2001 were not recycled (2001's
recycling rate was a 15 year low).

Fortunately, a number of organizations work to encourage people
to recycle. For example, consumers can visit
http://www.alcan.com/ to learn ways to organize or participate in
area can drives. Experts say the recycling efforts can help sort
out a number of environmental problems.

In 2001 Americans recycled enough aluminum cans to fill a
hollowed-out Empire State Building 24 times.

===== Wildlife Winners and Losers

The whooping crane and the Florida panther are both featured in a
new report from the National Wildlife Federation (NWF)
highlighting the nation's recent wildlife victories and setbacks.

In The Best and Worst for Wildlife report, whooping cranes come
out the wildlife winners thanks to a trio of successes over the
past year. For example, a group of birds recently migrated on
their own without help from an ultralight plane. The number of
whoopers, America's tallest bird, has increased in this country
from 15 to 400 birds over the last several decades.

The Florida panther on the other hand, ranks as the report's
wildlife loser. Fewer than 100 Florida panthers remain in the
wild due to habitat destruction in southwest Florida. To turn
this situation around, NWF believes the government must do more
to protect panther habitat by better controlling development.

The full Best and Worst for Wildlife report with other
conservation winners and losers can be viewed on NWF's Web site
at http://www.nwf.org/bestandworst/.

===== Finding Spirituality In The Workplace

For millions of Americans, spirituality is more than a part-time
interest, it's a full-time commitment and something they carry
with them always-even to work.

A recent national survey found the majority of respondents
believe workplaces would benefit from having a greater sense of
spirituality. The statistic could be an indication of many
adults' tendency to use spirituality to get through their
everyday lives.

The same survey, which was run by spirituality.com, found that 52
percent of adults have daily "personal spiritual practices." Of
those, 95 percent believe their spiritual practice helps them
face and deal with challenges in their work.

A "Spirituality @ Work" online conference, covering such topics
as Workplace Issues, Ethics, Unemployment and Balance/Purpose and
featuring perspectives from a variety of experts, authors and
business leaders was recently hosted by www.spirituality.com. The
site offers information about spirituality in the workplace-in
addition to other topics-as a means for individuals to share and
receive insight into ways to build a spiritual practice that
supports work life.

"Over the past few years we've seen more and more people looking
for an open, safe and supportive community to gain inspiration
with practical benefits," said Christine Raymond, general manager
and executive director of spirituality.com.

A number of workplaces nationwide have implemented ways to bring
a sense of spirituality into their work environments. Whether
it's turning a conference room into a "meditation room," starting
an office volunteer program or offering sabbaticals and personal
coaching services, such efforts have brought relief to numerous

"So many people wrestle with difficult work situations on a daily
basis," says Cheryl Peppers, Ph.D., author of Bringing Your Soul
To Work: An Everyday Practice. "And there are many easy, yet
significant ways to maintain your sense of spirituality at the
workplace, such as viewing difficulty as an opportunity to
cultivate wisdom, or approaching others non-defensively, with

For more information visit http://www.spirituality.com/.

A recent survey found 61 percent of Americans want a greater
sense of spirituality in the workplace.

===== Cleaning Away Allergens In Your Home

For many homeowners, the "white glove" has become the ultimate
test of whether or not their home is clean. However, the glove
only scratches the surface and may not always be a good indicator
of a home's true cleanliness.

One thing missed by the white glove test: allergens. Allergens
are present in every home and not easily detectable. Whether they
come from dust mites that live throughout the house, pet dander
that can be spread from room to room even if you don't own a pet,
or other sources in your home, managing these allergens can be a
real challenge. And, they can be especially hard to reduce in
upholstered furniture, bedding, curtains, window treatments, area
or throw rugs, and other soft surfaces, which can make up to 75
percent of the surfaces found throughout the house.

"Many people associate allergens only with being outside during
the spring and summer months, but allergens are actually present
indoors all year long," says Bill McLin, executive director of
the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). "It is
important to take steps to reduce allergens in your home,
including those released from fabrics and other soft surfaces."

There are a number of measures people can take to reduce
allergens in their homes, many of which can be incorporated
easily into an existing home cleaning routine. According to AAFA,
homeowners can:

* Regularly replace filters on forced-air furnaces or central air

* Frequently dust hard surfaces-including ceiling fans, blinds,
  floors, and furniture-with an electrostatic cloth that attracts
  and traps allergens.

* Wash all bedding-pillowcases, sheets, comforters, mattress
  pads, and blankets-in hot water (130 degrees) every week.

* Use an allergen-reducing spray, like Febreze Allergen Reducer,
  on soft surfaces and upholstered items-like couches, throw
  pillows, curtains, carpeting, and pet beds-to reduce the amount
  of allergens from cats, dogs, and dust mites that become
  airborne from those surfaces.

* Regularly clean rooms in the home that have high humidity,
  including bathrooms, the kitchen, and the basement.

For more cleaning tips on how to reduce allergens in your home,
the experts at the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America and
Febreze have developed a brochure with a variety of cleaning
ideas and suggestions. For a free copy, send a self-addressed
stamped envelope to AAFA/Febreze Brochure Offer, P.O. Box 8797,
St. Louis, MO 63101-8797. For additional information, visit
http://www.aafa.org/ or http://www.febreze.com/.

===== Emergency Preparedness Tips For Pet Owners

Following a few tips from the experts can help pet owners prepare
for an emergency when a matter of minutes can make the difference
between life and death.

"In today's world, we must be ready for anything," said Anne
Culver, director for Disaster Services at The Humane Society of
the United States. "Pets are part of our families too, and we
need to plan now for their safety and well-being if an emergency
should occur. It's better to get ready now than to be caught
unprepared later. We believe that a reasonable approach will
address most situations."

The HSUS suggests that all pet owners have an emergency supply
kit for their pets. This kit should include:

* A three-day supply of food and water, as well as bowls, cat
  litter and litter box and a manual can opener.

* Current photos and descriptions of your pets to help others
  identify them should you and your pets become separated. Pets
  should wear up-to-date identification, including the phone
  number of someone out of your area, in case your pet becomes
  lost while you're away from home.

* Medications, medical records and a first aid kit stored in a
  waterproof container.

* Sturdy leashes, harnesses, and carriers to transport pets
  safely as well as blankets or towels for bedding and warmth.
  Carriers should be large enough to comfortably house your pet
  until you can return home.

* If the need arises to evacuate an area, keep your pet with you.
  If it isn't safe for you to stay in the area, it isn't safe for
  your pets. Pets that are turned loose or left behind to fend
  for themselves are likely to become victims of exposure,
  starvation, predators, contaminated food or water, or

Evacuation shelters might not accept pets, so it's best to plan
in advance where you will go. "No Pet" restrictions at local
hotels and motels might be lifted in an emergency, so it's best
to ask. Check with friends and family members who live outside
your area to see if they can shelter you or your pets if needed.

For more information, visit http://www.hsus.org/disaster/.

If the need arises to evacuate the area, keep your pet with you.
Your pet will be safer under your supervision.

========= Cauldron Info

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum was founded in December 1997 to
provide a friendly but serious discussion area for Pagans on the
Internet. We've grown a bit over the years. We now have an active
message area, a large web site with around 700 pages of
information (including well over 200 book and divination deck
reviews), and a monthly email newsletter. To continue to provide
and expand these services, The Cauldron needs lots of volunteer
help from our members and supporters.

Here are some of the things members and supporters can do to help
The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum thrive:

===== Actively Participate In Our Message Board

While our Delphi message board welcomes readers, we encourage
members to actively participate by posting their comments and
views in our discussions. One of the easiest ways to help The
Cauldron is to actively participate in our message board. The
staff especially appreciates members who start new topics for
discussion based on their own questions, opinions, or interests.


===== Articles! Essays! Tutorials!

We are in constant need of original, well-written and accurate
articles, essays, tutorials, and other written items for both our
web site and for our Cauldron and Candle newsletter. There's no
real limit on length for web site articles. Here are a few areas
in which we always need articles:

* information on the beliefs and theology of the various Pagan
  religions, especially non-Wiccan religions

* information on holidays and festivals of the various Pagan
  religions, especially non-Wiccan religions

* recipes for oils, incenses, and food for the various Pagan

* magick, spells, and ritual information

* herbal information

* positive articles on dealing with other faiths

* information on historical pagan cultures

* editorial/opinion pieces

Non-Wiccan material is stressed not because we don't want Wiccan
material but because good non-Wiccan material has been hard to
find. We have a web form you can use to submit an article for
consideration: http://www.ecauldron.com/persontestart.php

===== Book Reviews

While The Cauldron receives some review copies from a couple of
Pagan publishers, there are many books that can only be reviewed
on our web site if a member has a copy and writes a good,
objective review. The Cauldron is interested in reviews on the
more academic books used by reconstructionist Pagan religions as
well as on the books one finds on the Pagan/New Age shelf in the
bookstore. We have a web form you can use to submit a book review
for consideration: http://www.ecauldron.com/persontestbr.php

===== Graphic Assistance

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum is purposely a low graphics site as
we value page download speed over flashy graphics. However, we
are always willing to talk with artists who have ideas for
well-designed small graphics (small in both physical dimensions
and file size) that might enhance a specific article or page.

===== Invite Your Friends

If you have friends or acquaintances who you believe would find
The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum useful, please tell them about our
site. If you are active in our message board and have friends who
might enjoy them or have information to contribute, please invite

===== Link To The Cauldron

If you have a web site where linking to The Cauldron: A Pagan
Forum would be appropriate, simply providing a link to this web
site is a big help. Our Link to this Site page explains how you
can do this if you need help or want some simple graphic buttons
to use: http://www.ecauldron.com/linktous.php

===== Donations

As The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum uses as many free services as
possible, our need for money to operate our site is currently
lower than our need for the many items we list above. However, if
you have a few dollars to spare, we would be honored to have your
help in paying for our web site. You can donate by using the
Amazon Honor System button below (we get about 85% of what you


===== Amazon Purchases

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum also receives a small percentage
(usually 5%) from most items purchased from Amazon.com when you
go to Amazon.com from one of the links to Amazon on our web site.
If you purchase a lot of books, CDs, and other items from
Amazon.com as many members do, going to Amazon.com through one of
our links when you are going to make a purchase there is a
painless way to help fund this web site.


===== Have Questions or Suggestions?

If you have specific questions, proposals or other ideas we
haven't mentioned here, please email them to
rssapphire00@ecauldron.GETRIDOFEME.com. (Unfortunately, Randall
has to answer general "Tell me more?" type questions with a
request for a more specific question. He's not trying to be rude,
he just can't think of anything general and useful to say that
isn't said here.)

========= (Including how to subscribe and unsubscribe)

Cauldron and Candle is a free publication of The Cauldron: A
Pagan Forum. The Cauldron intends to publish this newsletter once
a month and often actually succeeds in doing so. We tried to
publish it twice a month for a while, but real life interfered
too often.

This issue of Cauldron and Candle as a whole is copyright (c)
2003 by The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum. Copyrights on individual
items in this newsletter are retained by their author, please
contact the editors if you need to contact an author for
permission to reprint an article and the editors will do their
best to put you in touch with him or her. The opinions expressed
herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of newsletter, The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum, or
its staff. Publication of an article in this newsletter is not an
endorsement of the authors position or any products and companies
mentioned therein. No one involved in producing this newsletter
has any money to speak of so suing us if you don't like something
we do is a waste of time and money.


You are receiving a copy of this newsletter because you signed up
to receive it. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to this
newsletter via your web browser at:


Or you can unsubscribe via email by sending a blank message to


Be sure to send this message from the email account actually
subscribed to the newsletter. If you have trouble unsubscribing
by email, please use the web browser method mentioned above.

If you need to change your subscription to a new email address,
unsubscribe your old email address and subscribe your new email
address. Note that you have to make these changes yourself. Yahoo
Groups does not allow the list owner to make them for you.


The Cauldron and Candle web site contains information on this
newsletter and an archive of back issues.



If you have Pagan friends who you believe would be interested in
Cauldron and Candle please invite them to subscribe. You can
either drop them a note yourself or -- better yet -- send them
one of The Cauldron's email postcards with the information.

You are also welcome to forward a copies of this newsletter to
interested friends and associates provided you forward the entire


Don't forget that your suggestions for this newsletter are always
welcome, either posted on the message board or via email to
LyricFox (lyricfox@ecauldron.GETRIDOFME.com) or Randall Sapphire
(rssapphire00@ecauldron.GETRIDOFME.com). Typos are, as usual,
courtesy of the Goddess Eris.

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