[Cauldron and Candle Illo]


Cauldron and Candle
Issue #49 -- July 2004

A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
website: http://www.ecauldron.com/
message board: http://www.ecauldron.net/


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C A U L D R O N   A N D   C A N D L E  #49 -- July 2004

           A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
                website: http://www.ecauldron.com/
              message board: http://www.ecauldron.net/
             newsletter: http://www.ecauldron.com/cnc/
            shopping: http://www.ecauldron.com/mall.php

In this Issue:

[01] Editorial Notes
[02] Cauldron Challenge: July
[03] Cauldron News
[04] Cauldron Discussions
[05] Reviews
     [05-1] Angel Voices
     [05-2] Tarot of the Hidden Folk
     [05-3] Tarot of the Mermaids
     [05-4] Karma Oracle
     [05-5] Witching Stones
[06] Received For Review (with Mini-Reviews)
[07] Articles:
     [07-1] Scholars and Mystics
     [07-2] July -- The Month of Julius Caesar
[08] Columns
     [08-1] Humor: If Microsoft wrote a book on Wicca....
[09] Around the Planes: Notes from All Over
     [09-1] Tips On Avoiding "Phishing" Fraud
     [09-2] Millions Of Children Are Mothers Too
     [09-3] Walking And Wellness
     [09-4] Pennies For The Planet
     [09-5] Celebrity Artists Pick Up Palette To Fight Hunger
[10] Support The Cauldron by Volunteering to Help
[11] Newsletter Information
              (Including How To Subscribe/Unsubscribe)

 +++ Submission Deadline for our August issue: July 15, 2004 +++
     Guidelines: http://www.ecauldron.com/cnc/submissions.php

========= by Randall Sapphire

November 2004 is rapidly approaching. For those of us in the
United States, that means we will soon have to decide whether we
want another four years of George Bush as President and wish the
House and Senate to remain in Republican hands. Regardless of
your personal position on these issues, it is important that you
get out and vote. Low voter turnouts generally benefit those
holding extremist positions as a greater percentage of
extremists vote.

US Pagans tend to vote in very low numbers. This is not good.
Please vote in November. In order to vote in November, however,
you must be registered to vote. If you aren't registered to
vote, please do so now. There are several sites on the Internet
that will provide you with the needed forms for your state that
you can print and mail.  Here's one:


The 2000 Presidential election was decided by just a few hundred
very contested votes. This shows that every vote really does
count. Please register and vote in November -- and encourage
everyone you know to do so.

The future of this newsletter is still undecided. However, I've
decided to do at least one more issue in the current format if
at all possible. Fifty is such a nice number. :)


                      SEND A PAGAN POSTCARD

       You can send a Pagan Postcard from the menu of any
       of our web pages at http://www.ecauldron.com/. If
       you haven't tried our postcard site, give it a
       try. It has quite a few nice features.


========= by Star

Your Challenge for July is to be aware. Aware of what? That's up
to you. You could choose something aimed at self-improvement,
such as paying attention to what you eat or knowing about the
business practices of the places you shop. You could choose
something aimed at enriching your life like being aware of the
beauty around you in nature (or the beauty of the city if that's
more applicable). Whatever you choose, the point of this
Challenge is to make you think about things you might normally
just gloss over or take for granted.

I know this Challenge is a little less practical and hands-on
than previous ones have been, but I think it's something we
(humans in general) could stand to work on, and I think it'll be
good for us (Cauldronites) too. And probably interesting!

So... What are you going to be aware of?

I encourage participants to post their plans in the July
Challenge topic -- I find it's easier to hold myself to something
like this (rather than wandering off to something else) if I've
told someone I'm going to do it. Also, as the month goes by, you
can use this topic to report your progress.


========= by The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum Staff

===== New Cauldron Message Board A Huge Success
===== Old Board to become "Read-Only"

For those who may have forgotten, we've moved off of Delphi to a
new message board of our own using some very Delphi-like board
software. Again, the address of our new free, full-featured
forum is:


The move has been quite successful, our new board has only been
opened since April 15th and we already have over 550 members and
have over 18,000 messages posted in over 950 threads. And no
DelphiForums weirdness or ads.

Our old board on Delphiforums will soon be closed to posting,
although you will be able to read our 190,000+ old messages as
long as Delphiforums will keep the board available.

===== Doxy's Bazaar (Our Ebay Store) Growing

As mentioned last month LyricFox and Randall have opened an ebay
store with some collectibles and lots of used Pagan books (most
in like new condition and at half price). Our selection of
Pagan books has grown since last month. We've sold a
number of them, but there are still quite a few Pagan
books in like new condition available. Stop in any take a look
and see what we have to offer:


===== Cheap Web Hosting Report

Our Cheap Web Hosting Report has been so successful that it has
moved to its own domain:

If you are looking for cheap, but reliable, web hosting for your
web site, this is the place to go. Each month we list what we
consider the five best well-known, affordable, and reliable web
hosting companies -- and a few extras for those with special
needs. For example, we use DreamHost because it is affordable and
reliable, but mainly because its terms of service allow web
sites with anything legal: our web site will not be pulled
because we review a few books on sex magick or an erotic tarot
deck. It's a great host for Pagan web sites.




        The Cauldron and Candle has its own web site
        where we store our back issues for easy reading.



========= Recent Discussion Topics on our Message Board

In an average month, over 150 new discussion topics are started
on The Cauldron's message board. Here are a few of the more
interesting discussions from the last month. It's not too late to
join in.

Thanks to Bloglet, you can now receive an email every night on
days we post new site news items to the main page of The
Cauldron's web site. These emails contain a link to the new item
and the first couple of lines of the news text. You can sign up
for Bloglet's free news delivery via the form at the end of the
site "News and Updates" section of The Cauldron's main web page.

=== Ghosts Recordings?

I read "Legion" and apparently a character records nothingness
and ghosts voices answered his questions. I thought this was
rather odd but apparently William Peter Blatty did this. Is it
really possible? You just a tape recording at really high speeds
and ask questions then listen.

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== Trouble Meditating?

I've noticed I've been having a lot of trouble calming my mind
down enough to meditate. I even find that before sleep I get very
restless and scenes from my day or things I think could happen in
the future play out in my mind. Is there a way to turn these
thoughts off? My boyfriend has had no trouble meditating and has
tried to help me, but I just can't get these thoughts out of my
head. What can I do?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== A Few Questions from a Newbie

I haven't given much thought to religion in years. However, I am
feeling a very strong pull to learn more about paganism. I'm not
sure if it will eventually become my spiritual path or if it's
just that I'm curious and interested from an intellectual and
philosophical standpoint.

Here are a few questions I've been wondering about:

1. Do you believe that the Christian god exists, but is just one
deity among the many gods? Or do you not believe in the Christian
god at all?

2. If you do think the Christian god exists, is he seen in a
negative light for wanting people to believe in only himself &
not acknowledge the other gods? 

3. Is it possible to be an agnostic pagan, believing in the
*possibility* of many gods as opposed to literally believing in
them? Taking that idea one step further, is it possible to be
both atheist and pagan?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== Just How Magical are Kids?

The discussion about runic baby blocks has led to some
interesting discussions here at home about just how magickal are

I think kids are wonderful creations. They are open and willing
to believe in just about everything and anything. And in the
belief is power.

Jessi started doing magick [as far as I know] when she was four
and 'created' Monster Be Gone spray to get rid of nightmares. It
was her idea and she applied it to windows and doors with her own
chant, "No nightmares here, only Little Pony dreams!" About the
same age, she created her own rune symbols and would 'write' with

Matt ... well, Matt was Matt. We are talking about the kid that
at 18 months was found having a conversation with a knife.
::rolls eyes:: Life with Matt has always been interesting.

My personal opinion is that kids are very magickal and capable of
working magick. Whether or not that lasts as they grow is up to
us. What do you think?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== Religious Jewelry?

Over in the persecution thread, I noticed that some people were
pretty adamant about not taking off their religious jewelry at
work. I have a couple of questions for people who agree with

First of all, why? Is it the jewelry or symbol that's so
important, or is it the idea that in that situation the company
would potentially be discriminating against you, or something
else entirely?

Second, I was wondering if there was a situation in which you
would consider removing the jewelry in question (and presumably
no longer wearing it in the workplace) when asked to. If no
religious jewelry was allowed (crosses included), would that be
more palatable? What about being asked to remove jewelry for
safety reasons (necklace might get caught in machinery)? Does
that upset you as much as being asked to remove it for religious

Third, is there any circumstance under which you forsee yourself
ceasing to wear religious jewelry in the workplace without being
asked to? (Does it make a difference that you have made the
decision on your own rather than being asked to not wear it?)

And finally, just for a reference point, would you be as upset if
you were asked not to wear a non-religious piece of jewelry in
your workplace?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== Mythological Baby Names

Since my future child will likely insist on being called
something besides "Hey, You!" we are in the throes of combing
through baby names. Some of the names we both like come from
Greek mythology (Athena and Calliope in particular). So here's
what I wonder:

1) I wondered what you thought about naming your children after
deities or other figures from mythology. Good idea, or bad idea?

2) What are names from myths you think would make cool baby
names, and which ones are bad?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== How Many Gods Does It take to Pull the Sun?

I have thought of a question I would like to ask everyone, but
hard polytheists in particular. If the Gods are all separate
beings, what does Apollo do when Ra is taking the Sun for its
daily ride? This is not meant as disrespect (and I hope it does
not come across as such), but the question has been Itching at my
brain... We have but one Sun and one Moon. We (earthlings) have
many, many Sun and Moon Gods. If they are all separate, how?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== Dream Worship Space

If you weren't limited in your home by relatives or space, how
would you set up your personal worship space? If you have a yard
(or if it's just where you'd like to have a special spot), how
would you decorate it?

What sorts of things would you add that would give the space your

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

=== Evangelizing Paganism?

Does anyone here ever have the desire to "evangelize", in any
situation? I don't mean, saying, "Paganism is the Answer" or
anything, but more, a desire to tell a person you are talking to
something like "you know, you should check out the Pagan faiths,
it sounds to me like you could find some peace/answers there..."

* Read (or join in) this discussion:
=== Inferior Magickal Symbols?

I was discussing various things with someone else in e-mail
today, and a topic came up that I thought might be interesting to
discuss here. The question which prompted this was one about
whether a light bulb could be used to represent the element of
fire, since it does give off heat and light and all that. My
answer, recalling some of the conversations we've had about dorm
altars and using electric candles when open flame isn't an
option, was yes. But then that got me to thinking... I don't
think that something electric would be as effective for me
personally. Part of why I use candles is because they have a
certain "feel" to them, and they help set the mood in a way that
an electric bulb wouldn't. But does that mean it's an inferior

So my question to you is: Do you feel that some symbols are
inherently inferior to others? Or is it all about what works for
each individual person? In this case, I suppose you could argue
that a candle isn't really a symbol, since it IS fire--so is it
always preferable to use such a direct representation of an
element? If you use substitutions (like an electric candle or
light bulb for fire), will your results be inferior or does that
depend on how well your brain connects the symbol to the real

* Read (or join in) this discussion:



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============    BOOK AND DECK REVIEWS

========= Reviewed by Randall Sapphire

Angel Voices
Author: Laun Tuan
Artist: Antonella Catelli
Book and Cards Set
Publisher: Llewellyn (Lo Scarabeo)
Publication date: 2003
ISBN: 0738704164
US Retail Price: $34.95
View Sample Cards:
Amazon Link:

The Angel Voices divination deck is eighty cards depicting angels
-- specifically angels from Judeo-Christian scripture and
mythology. There are 72 angel cards, 8 archangel cards, and 1
Angelic Palace card. The angels are divided into nine formations,
each identified by the background on the card. For example,
angels in the "Formation of Powers" are on a background of "a red
sky at sunset." Each angel is also associated with a planet (and
the symbol of their planet is on their card). 

The artists has portrayed each angel in pastel colors. The cards
are pretty, but not spectacular. Each angel is drawn on the card
with some symbol associated with her. Despite this, the cards do
not have much depth to their symbolism. These cards remind me of
some angel cards I once saw a a church, except that the art is
more interesting and they don't come with a specific prayer
printed on the back. 

Unlike the majority of the Lo Scarabeo decks I've seen, the Angel
Voices deck comes with a trade paperback book of some 190 pages
instead of a small flyer or multi-language booklet. This book was
translated from the Italian by Harriet Graham and Elizabeth
O'Neill. The first part of the book describes the deck and how to
use it, provides the layout used for the guided interpretations
in the card descriptions, and gives six layouts that can be used
by more experienced readers with the basic meanings assigned to
the card. The rest of the book details each of the 80 cards. Each
card is pictured and general divinatory meanings are provided. In
addition, the meaning of the card in each position of the "guided
interpretation" layout is provided, making it easy for a beginner
to start reading with this deck. As this is the only book
available on this system, it is important that it be complete and
easy to use. Fortunately, it is. 

The Angel Voices deck is interesting and worthy of a close look
-- especially for those who are interested in angels or who work
with Judeo-Christian symbolism. However, my personal
recommendation is neutral. It's not a Tarot deck and it doesn't
interest me enough to learn the system's subtleties -- especially
given the low amount of symbolism on the cards. However, it is a
fairly pretty deck and many will enjoy it.

           This review is available on our web site at

========= Reviewed by Randall Sapphire

Tarot of the Hidden Folk
Artist: Giacinto Gaudenzi
Card Set
Publisher: Llewellyn (Lo Scarabeo)
Publication date: 2003
ISBN: 0738700568
US Retail Price: $19.95
View Sample Cards:
Amazon Link:

The Tarot of the Hidden Folk (originally entitled The Enchanted
Tarot) deck consists of cards inspired by the forces of nature
and "the Secret Realm" of children's fairy tales. The cards
represent the hidden folk who live in the Secret Realm. Each card
depicts a different being, some in natural settings and others
performing mundane tasks like ironing. 

This deck looks very nice. The artist did an excellent job
throughout. The major arcana and court cards are lavishly
illustrated. The pip cards, however, are much less so. The main
feature on most of the pips is the pip items themselves. However,
unlike a true Marseilles style Tarot, each pip card also has an
illustration of a fairy engaged in some task. Even with this
addition, there isn't a lot of symbolism in the pip cards. If you
like a lot of symbolism in your Tarot decks, this probably is not
a good reading deck for you. 

This deck only comes with a small foldout booklet to describe the
cards. This is the deck's weakest point as the card descriptions
aren't nearly enough for a beginner to even start reading with
the deck successfully. The short meanings given are worded
strangely. For example, the nine of Pentacles is described as
"The Lord of Material Gain. He loves theft, swindles, and common
speculation." What is a total beginner to make of that in a
reading? An interesting method of reading the deck is provided,
but it is very brief and hard to follow. If you have some
experience reading the Tarot, however, this deck is as easy as
any Marseilles style deck to read. While I cannot recommend the
Tarot of the Hidden Folk for beginners, it is a lovely deck
worthy of the consideration of more experienced readers and

           This review is available on our web site at

========= Reviewed by Randall Sapphire

Tarot of the Mermaids
Artist: Mauro De Luca
Card Set
Publisher: Llewellyn (Lo Scarabeo)
Publication date: 2003
ISBN: 0738704148
US Retail Price: $19.95
View Sample Cards:
Amazon Link:

As you can probably guess from the title, Tarot of Mermaids is a
mermaid-themed tarot deck. There are lots of mermaids in this
deck, but only a few "mermen." Although many of the illustrations
are set underwater and therefore seem dark and moody to me, the
artwork in this deck is very well done. You actually feel like
the cards are a portal into the ocean. Well, into an ocean of

While each card is fully illustrated and most of the cards convey
their basic meaning well in these illustrations, the ocean
setting does not lead itself to a great deal of symbolism. While
the cards are not barren of symbols, you will not notice a new
symbol ever time you study a card the way you can with some Tarot
decks. What symbols there are are well thought out and fit the
ocean setting. The only major drawback the illustrations will
have for some is the large number of bare breasts -- but anyone
buying a mermaid-themed deck should expect this "problem." While
the deck is fairly normal, the suit names and items are
different. There are shells instead of chalices, pearls instead
of pentacles, oars instead of wands, and tridents instead of
swords to better fit the theme of the deck. 

This deck comes with a small multi-lingual booklet describing the
cards and giving very basic interpretation instructions and a
single layout designed for the deck. While the Tarot of Mermaids
did not do a lot for me personally, I had no real problems
reading with it. Mermaids just aren't my thing, I guess. If you
like mermaids more than I do or are simply looking for an ocean
or water-themed deck, you'll want to take a look at this deck. 

           This review is available on our web site at

========= Reviewed by Randall Sapphire

Karma Oracle
Author: Laura Tuan
Artist: Silvana Alasia
Book and Cards Set
Publisher: Llewellyn (Lo Scarabeo)
Publication date: May 2003
ISBN: 0738702412
US Retail Price: $12.95
View Sample Cards:
Amazon Link:

The Karma Oracle is a small Tarot-like divination deck based on
Hindu and Buddhist symbolism. The artist, Silvana Alasia, did a
nice job of capturing the feel of eastern art. As the cards are
smaller than the average size of divination decks, Alasia has
less space to work with. The space is further reduced by a wide
colored border used to divide the cards into groups.
Nevertheless, the artist made good use of the space available so
each card is seen as an individual entity at a glance. 

As there are only thirty-three cards in this deck and they are
smaller cards physically than the average Tarot deck, the Karma
Oracle is a good choice for someone with small hands -- provided
they don't mind the smaller symbol set. The deck is made up of a
series of twelve cards devoted to both Vedic and Hindu deities, a
series of ten cards depicting the mythical animals the deities
ride, and a series of eight cards showing the objects and
attributes of the deities. The final three cards are the pillars
of the karma doctrine: Karma, Dharma, and Moksha. 

This deck comes with a 48 page 4 by 6 inch booklet describing the
cards and how to read them. The print is fairly small, but this
is still a somewhat thin book for completely new system. The
author, however, does make good use of the available space. The
book starts out with a two page description of the deck, just
over half a page on using the deck (including consecrating and
consulting it), and a little over half a page on each of the two
five-card spreads used throughout the rest of the book. (Six
additional spreads are briefly described in the last three pages
of the book.) The remainder of the book is devoted to the cards.
On average, each card receives a page and a quarter of
description and divinatory information. Each card's symbolism,
teachings, general divinatory meaning, and time for realization
are described. Then specific divinatory guidelines are provided
for the card in each of the positions it could fall on in the two
spreads discussed in the introduction. 

While I find this deck interesting, it really doesn't do all that
much for me. I suspect that the reason it does not is a
combination of the small symbol set (only thirty-three cards) and
the fact that I'm simply not that familiar with the Hindu symbols
that are there. The Karma Oracle is, however, a nice deck for
collectors, for those who have trouble handling full-sized Tarot
cards, and for those who interested in karma and Hinduism. The
accompanying book is concise, but there probably is enough
information in it for someone who has never read cards before to
read with this deck. The "guided interpretations" given for each
card in two spreads are a huge help in this. 

           This review is available on our web site at

========= Reviewed by Randall Sapphire

Witching Stones
Author: M. A. Madigan and P. M. Richards
Book and Oracle Set
Publisher: Llewellyn
Publication date: November 2003
ISBN: 0738701947
US Retail Price: $29.95
Amazon Link:

The Witching Stones is a unique divination (and magickal) tool.
It is a set of thirty-five small plastic stones. Each stone has a
symbol associated with Wicca or witchcraft on one side. This
oracle is read something like runes are read. You place the
stones symbol side down, mix them up, draw one or more of them,
flip the ones you drew over, and interpret the symbols thereon.
With thirty-five symbols, the symbol set of this oracle is larger
than that of the runes, but much smaller than the symbol set of
even the most symbol poor tarot deck. The symbols on the stones
are Altar, Athame, Autumn, Balefire, Bane, Besom, Candle,
Cauldron, Censer, Chalice, Deosil, Full Moon, God, Goddess,
Herbs, Magic Circle, Moon, Moonrise, Moonset, New Moon, Pentacle,
Rebirth, Salt, Spring, Summer, Sun, Sunrise, Sunset, Wand, Waning
Moon, Water, Waxing Moon, Widdershins, Wine, and Winter. The
stones are small enough to be a choking hazard to small children,
however -- as the box clearly states. 

The Witching Stones set comes with the above mentioned stones, a
small bag to hold them, and a 192 page trade paperback book,
Symbols of the Craft. The introductory portions of this book
describes the oracle and how to use it -- including a pictorial
table of contents that makes finding the information in the
second section on the stones you draw easy. The second section of
the book covers using the oracle, including layouts and the
meanings of the stones. Unfortunately, no general meanings for
the stones are given. just the meanings for the three positions
of the first layout. This makes the other three layouts given
very hard to use. The third part of this book explains how to use
the stones to perform simple magical spells. 

To be honest, I'm not impressed with the Witching Stones.
"Stones" made of plastic simply do not feel right, especially
when the religion they claim to be based on is nature-oriented.
Clay or stone would feel much better. The book is poorly written.
I've already mentioned the lack of general divinatory meanings
makes three of the four layouts given hard to use. This book also
uses "witch" and "Pagan" interchangeably at points and talks
about Wicca being ancient. The spells section is okay, but
nothing that isn't in many another spell book -- and there are
only specific spells, no general instructions on how to use the
stones in spells of your own. The Witching Stones oracle is an
interesting idea that suffers from poor execution. Perhaps a
future second edition can correct the problems with this initial

           This review is available on our web site at



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========= by Randall Sapphire

Due to my move to Waco and marriage, I've received no new books
for review this month.


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============    ARTICLES

========= Scholars and Mystics:
========= Modern Resources for Modern Hellenic Pagans
========= by Rebecca Salek

It's no exaggeration to say that there are more articles,
dissertations, poems, and works of fiction and nonfiction
*about* the classical world than actually survive *from* the
classical world. Walk through the history section of any good-
sized bookstore or library; you'll find analyses of the place of
women in ancient Greece, the economic impact of the
Peloponnessian Wars, the differences between Greek and Roman
religious practices, the development of Mithraism, the spread of
Greek colonies, the evolution of ancient forms of democracy, and
so on and so forth. The same may be said of the philosophy and
mythology and literature sections.

Some of these are great works of scholarship. Others are
mystical and mysterious texts of great insight. Still others are
complete dreck. So, how to separate the superior from the
drivel? How to distinguish the good scholarship from the Gods'

To begin with, always read with a critical eye. Does the author
present evidence from multiple sources to support his/her
theories? Is the evidence credible? Secondly, compare different
works by different authors. How do they agree and disagree, and
why? Third, find a group of people (or even one person) with
whom to discuss what you've read. Each will get something a
little different from the reading, obtain different insights,
spot inconsistencies that others missed, and so on. Fourth, be
wary of any text shelved in the New Age section; you can find
some good mystical works in that section, but not much in the
way of hard scholarship. Fifth, read some more, and then some
more. Vary what you read. If you're truly interested in
recreating ancient Greek Paganism, or at least gaining greater
insight into what the ancients thought and believed, than you
need to read works of modern scholarship in a wide range of
subjects: archaeology, anthropology, architecture, linguistics,
philosophy, psychology, mythology, religious studies, and gender
studies. *phew*

The following, then, is a very very abbreviated list of some of
the better works of scholarship (we'll save the works of fiction
and poetry for another time). Their focus varies; some analyze
myths and folktales, others the role of sex and gender in the
ancient world; some are more psychological in nature or more
mystical; most cross freely back and forth, ranging widely.

Sue Blundell and Margaret Williamson, editors -- "The Sacred and
the Feminine in Ancient Greece." Originally published in
Britain, this collection of essays analyzes the relationships
between sex, gender, religious practice and concepts of the
Divine. Essays include "Born Old or Never Young?: Femininity,
Childhood and the Goddesses of Ancient Greece" by Lesley
Beaumont, "The Nature of Heroines" by Emily Kearns and "The
Mirror of Dionysos" by Richard Seaford.

Jean Shinoda Bolen -- "Goddess in Every Woman: A New Psychology
of Women" and "Gods in Every Man: A New Psychology of Men's
Lives and Loves." Undoubtedly, two of the most popular books of
their kind, Bolen's texts use the ancient myths and archetypal
psychology to gain insight into the behavior and needs and
social conditioning of men and women. Too fluffy for some
people, while others may be offended by Bolen's assumption that
the Gods and Goddesses are not "real" but only "aspects" of the
human mind; nonetheless, still well worth the read.

Walter Burkert -- "Greek Religion" and "Ancient Mystery Cults"
and "Homo Necans." One of the giants in the field of classical
studies. No Hellenic Pagan library should be without at least
one of his books. For a good basic introduction to (mainstream)
ancient practices, check out "Greek Religion." If your interest
lies in the Eleusinian and other mystery religions, well,
obviously look for "Ancient Mystery Cults."

Richard Buxton, editor -- "Oxford Readings in Greek Religion." A
collection of essays by some of the most respected scholars in
the field, covering everything from the role of religious
practices in society to oracles to archaeological finds at
sacred sites. Contributors include Jan Bremmer, Walter Burkert,
Fritz Graf, Anthony Snodgrass, Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, and
J-P Vernant. Among the essays are "Women and Sacrifice in
Classical Greece," "The Archaeology of the Hero," "Greek Magic,
Greek Religion" and "Greek States and Greek Oracle."

Roberto Calasso -- "The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony."
Originally published in Italian, this lyrical, labyrinthine
prose-poem offers a dreamy (re)interpretation of the ancient
myths and the faith and mysteries to which they gave rise. Zeus,
Helen, Rhea, Theseus ... They're all here. Not a work of
scholarship, this is pure mystical imagination. Highly

Drew Campbell -- "Old Stones, New Temples: Ancient Greek
Paganism Reborn." This is the *only* book written by a modern
Hellenic Pagan for modern practitioners. It offers brief
sketches of the Deities, as well as outlines for rituals and
other rites in which believers can engage. Short chapters
examine everything from conceptions of the afterlife to the role
of heroes in the religion. Unfortunately, it is now out of
print. Fortunately, the pagan organization Hellenion bought the
rights to the book and is in the process of up-dating it. No new
publication date has been announced.

Christine Downing -- "The Goddess: Mythological Images of the
Feminine" and "Gods in Our Midst: Mythological Images of the
Masculine: A Woman's View." Filled with quotations by ancient
and modern poets and mythographers, Downing's books differ from
those of Jean Shinoda Bolen in that she actually seems to
believe in the Gods and Goddesses as more than psychological
tools. As a devotee of Hermes, I found that chapter particularly
fascinating. Highly recommended.

Jane Ellen Harrison -- "Prolegomena to the Study of Greek
Religion" and "Themis." Harrison was one of the first, great
female scholars of ancient Greece. Originally published in
1903(!), "Prolegomena" was revolutionary in its day, challenging
many of the long-held romantic assumptions about the Greeks.
While it is now beginning to show its age, "Prolegomena" is
nonetheless still worth tracking down. "Themis" more broadly
examines the origins of religion itself, not just Greek

Sarah Iles Johnston -- "Hekate Soteira: A Study of Hekate's
Roles in the Chaldean Oracles and Related Literature" and
"Restless Dead: Encounters Between the Living and the Dead in
Ancient Greece." Fascinating examinations of death, the soul,
the afterlife, and the Deities associated with the dead, and how
those beliefs evolved over many centuries. Lengthy and academic
(and pricey), but not dry. Johnston has also written a number of
essays about Medea, Penelope, the Erinyes, Hera and others.

Karl Kerenyi -- "The Gods of the Greeks" and "Asklepios" and
"Athene: Virgin and Mother in Greek Religion" and "Dionysus" and
"Eleusis" and "Goddesses of Sun and Moon" and "Hermes: Guide of
Souls" and "The Heroes of the Greeks"and "Prometheus" and "Zeus
and Hera," among others. The lengthy list of titles should give
you some idea as to Kerenyi's place in the pantheon of scholars.
Heavily influenced by Jung, Kerenyi nonetheless carved his own
path, retelling and reinterpreting the Gods and their myths in
his own lyrical, timeless style. His analyses do not look at the
development of myth and ritual across time and space, but
present the Gods as fully-realized beings, beyond mortal
influence, laughing, lusting and warring their way through
eternity. Start with "The Gods of the Greeks," then move on to
the other books -- as least those that are still in print. :(

Ross Shephard Kraemer -- "Her Share of the Blessings: Women's
Religions Among Pagans, Jews and Christians in the Greco-Roman
World." From a strictly Pagan perspective, I suppose oly the
first part is of any interest; nonetheless, comparing and
contrasting the three traditions (which were far from uniform in
and of themselves) is quite fascinating. The chapters on
classical paganism focus on the Greek Goddesses, Dionysus,
Adonis (and, later, Isis).

Jennifer Larson -- "Greek Heroine Cults" and "Greek Nymphs:
Myth, Cult and Lore." Two fascinating academic analyses of two
neglected fields of classical studies. The first examines what
it meant to be a heroine in ancient Greece, what distinguished
heroes from heroines, rites performed in their honor, and so on.
The second looks at the incredibly important role of nymphs in
the everyday spirituality of the Greek people and city-states,
an importance largely recorded by archaeology rather than

Walter Otto -- "The Homeric Gods: The Spiritual Significance of
Greek Religion." Influenced by Nietszche, a teacher of Kerenyi,
Otto has had tremendous influence in the fields of psychology
and mythography. He is endlessly quoted by succeeding scholars.
Highly recommended.

Ginette Paris -- "Pagan Grace: Dionysos, Hermes and Goddess
Memory in Daily Life" and "Pagan Meditations: Aphrodite, Hestia,
Artemis." Originally published in Quebec, these are two of the
deepest, most beautifully written books on mythology, art and
psychology I have ever read. Not to be missed -- if you can find

Simon Price -- "Religions of the Ancient Greeks" and "The Greek
City: From Homer to Alexander" and "The Oxford Dictionary of
Classical Myth and Religion" (editor). The first two are
relatively short, but nonetheless in-depth examinations of the
Greek city and the civic and private religions practiced
therein. "The Oxford Dictionary" is a sizable and incredibly
handy reference, with entries on everything from various Deities
to ancient authors to ancient cities.

Lynn Roller -- "In Search of God the Mother: The Cult of
Anatolian Cybele." Solid academic analysis of the cult of a
Mother Goddess worshipped throughout Asia Minor, Greece and,
later, much of the Roman Empire. Roller examines archaeological
and literary evidence as she traces the development and spread
of the Cybele's worship. Pricey, but worth it.

Vincent Scully -- "The Earth, the Temple and the Gods." Poetic
and penetrating examination of ancient Greek architecture and
the relation of temples and other sacred sites to the land. Eye-
opening. Definitely read it before heading to Greece yourself.

J-P Vernant -- "Mortals and Immortals: Collected Essays" and
"Myth and Society in Ancient Greece." The first anthology
collects nineteen of Vernant's essays, which look into
everything from death to the nature of the soul to the profound
differences between Gods and mortals. The second examines
ancient Greek institutions such as war, slavery, marriage and
sacrifice, and their intersections with myth.

Robert Von Rudloff -- "Hekate in Ancient Greek Religion." One of
the few works to actually focus on Hekate and analyze her
development and place in ancient Greek paganism. Von Rudloff
takes a careful look at the surviving literature ("Theogony" and
"Hymn to Demeter," various Orphic hymns), archaeological
evidence and the Goddess' epithets for insight into Her origins,
and Her place in the pantheon and the lives of the ancients.

In addition to the authors and texts listed above, here are a
few more fascinating, unusual and provocative books to look for.
:) "Interpretations of Greek Mythology" and "The Early Greek
Concept of the Soul" by Jan Bremmer. Norman Brown's "Hermes the
Thief." "The Politics of Olympus" by Jenny Strauss Clay. "Magika
Hiera" by CA Faraone and Paul Friedrich's "The Meaning of
Aphrodite." WKC Guthrie's seminal "The Greeks and Their Gods."
Lewis Richard Farnell's "The Cults of the Greek States." "Facing
the Gods" by James Hillman. "In the Dark Places of Wisdom" by
Peter Kingsley. Martin Nilsson's "A History of Greek Religion."
Rafael Lopez-Pedraza's "Hermes and His Children." Philip
Slater's "The Glory of Hera" and Charles Seltman's "The Twelve
Olympians." And "Some Cults of Greek Goddesses and Female
Daemones of Oriental Origin" by David West.

Bear in mind that this is a very very very very short list of
all the available scholarship. Additionally, these are just a
few of the works currently in print in English. Many noted
scholars of the ancient world are actually French, German and
(of course) Greek. For instance, Philippe Borgeaud's "The Cult
of Pan in Ancient Greece" has been translated into English, but
"La Mere des Dieux: De Cybele a la vierge Marie" will not be
available until later this year (hopefully). At the same time,
few of Fritz Graf's works outside some of his essays have not
been translated.

So, grab your library card or your credit card and head out the
door. Some good books are waiting for you. :)

Next month: What's a Hellenic Pagan parent to do? Great books on
myth and history for kids.

========= July -- The Month of Julius Caesar
========= (Chapter VII of The Stories of the Months and Days
========= by Reginald C. Couzens [1923])

July--The Month of Julius Caesar

This month was first called Quintilis, that is, the fifth month,
which shows that the year began with March. In the year 44 B.C.
the name was changed to Julius in honour of Julius Caesar, the
founder of the Roman Empire. The month Quintilis was chosen as
the one to be named after the Emperor Julius because his birthday
was on the twelfth of that month After his death, the name Caesar
became a title of the Roman Emperors, and we still have the word
in the titles Kaiser of Germany, Czar (or Tsar) of Russia, and
Kaisar-i-Hind (Emperor of India), one of the titles of our own

Julius Caesar was a very great soldier, and it was by skill as a
general that he became the first emperor the Romans had. Until
his time they had no supreme ruler, the chief office being that
of consul. There were two consuls who had to be elected, and who
only served for a certain length of time. The Romans hated the
name of king, and Caesar, who seemed to have really wished for
the title, was afraid to take it, in case it should turn the
people against him. In 44 B.C. at the feast of the Lupercalia,
held, as we have said, in February, the crown was actually
offered to him by Marcus Antonius, a great Roman noble.

  "You all did see that on the Lupercal
  I thrice presented him a kingly crown,
  Which he did thrice refuse."
      SHAKESPEARE--Julius Caesar.

Caesar made himself master of all Italy, conquered the whole of
Gaul (i.e. France) and Spain, and won great victories in Greece,
Egypt, and Africa. But he is famous not only as a soldier; he was
a great statesman, a great orator, and a clever writer and
historian. He formed several plans for the improvement of Roman
life, and took a great interest in the building of public works.
He reformed the calendar, as we have seen, and he wished to have
the Roman law set out in a clear way, so that it could be easily
understood; he had plans for draining marsh land near Rome in
order to make the country more healthy, for enlarging the harbour
of Ostia, a very important port near Rome, and for making a canal
through the Isthmus of Corinth in Greece.

In the year 44 B.C., before he could carry out any of these very
useful plans, he was killed in Rome by men who had once been his
friends, but were now jealous of his power. Shakespeare describes
this tragedy in his play Julius Caesar, and makes Marcus
Antonius, when looking upon the murdered Caesar, say:

  "Thou art the ruins of the noblest man
  That ever lived in the tide of times".

Caesar is particularly interesting to us because he came to our
island in the days of the Ancient Britons. In one of his books he
tells us that there were great numbers of people, many buildings,
and much cattle. There were trees of every kind, as in Gaul,
except the beech and the fir.

"The hare, the hen, and the goose they do not think it right to
eat, but they keep them for amusement and pleasure. Most of those
living inland do not sow corn, but live on milk and flesh, and
are clothed in skins. All stain themselves with woad, which gives
a blue colour, and makes them of more hideous appearance in
battle. They have long hair, but shave every part of their body
except the head and upper lip."

At the time of Caesar's invasion London was a stronghold of the
Britons, and was very probably attacked and captured by Caesar.
The first mention of London in history is in a book by a Roman
historian named Tacitus, who, in describing what happened in the
year A.D. 61, tells us that the Roman general leading the army
here in Britain was unable to hold the town at the time of
Boadicea's revolt. London was then very largely destroyed, but
the Romans rebuilt it and gave it a new name, Augusta, in honour
of their Emperor Augustus. This shows that it was a place of
great importance even in those early days.

The days from 3rd July to 11th August, 'the hottest part of the
year, were called by the Romans, "dog-days", because they thought
the great heat was due to Sirius, the dog-star. Sirius was a dog
belonging to the giant Orion, who was a great hunter. Diana, the
Goddess of the Moon, was also the Goddess of Hunting, and after
she had driven her chariot with its white horses across the
starlit sky, she spent the day hunting in the forests. Here she
often met Orion, and soon fell in love with him. This angered her
brother Apollo, the sun-god, who determined to put an end to
their friendship. One day he called Diana to him, and began to
talk about her skill as an archer. Pretending that he wished to
test her skill, he asked her to shoot at a dark speck which could
be seen floating far out at sea. Diana, all unsuspecting, at once
drew her bow, and so strong and true was her aim that she hit the
object, which disappeared beneath the waves. She then found that
the dark speck was the head of Orion, who had been cooling
himself in the sea after his hunting. She was filled with grief
at his death, and vowed never to forget him, placed him and his
dog Sirius in the sky. The constellation Orion can easily be
found on a clear for the stars forming his belt and sword are
unmistakable. Following behind the giant is the very bright star
Sirius--"the scorching flames of fierce Orion's hound". Virgil in
his Aeneid describes one of the heroes of Latium as being "as
great as Orion, who, walking on foot through the deep waters of
the very middle of the sea, making himself a path, yet rises
above the billows with his shoulders; or carrying down an ancient
ash from the summit of the mountains, has his feet on the earth,
his head shrouded by the clouds of heaven".

The Angles and Saxons had two names for this month of July:
Hegmonath, the hay-month, and Maedmonath, the mead-month. A third
name was sometimes given to it--the "latter mild month", that is,
the second warm month.


                        PAGAN SHOPPING

       Earth Spirit Emporium has a diverse selection of
       magickal and ritual supplies,  including athames,
       books, candles, incense,  essential oils, jewelry,
       spell kits, wind chimes, smudge sticks, tarot
       cards and boxes, wands, staffs, and a lot more.
       They have a large  selection of Pagan-oriented
       merchandise. They've been in business for a number
       of years and have many satisfied customers. When
       you visit Earth Spirit Emporium from a link on our
       web site, a percentage any purchases you make
       while you are there comes back to The Cauldron to
       help support our web site.



============    COLUMNS

========= If Microsoft wrote a book on Wicca....
========= Humor by an unknown author

 1. The book would be called Windows to the Goddess. 

2. Iconology was be a major chapter. 

3. A revised edition would be released approximately every 6
months without which your magic would no longer work. 

4. Your broom would crash at least once a week. 

5. Cauldrons would be called recycle bins. 

6. A book of shadows would be called the folder of magic. 

7. A free high speed connection spell would come with every

8. Every now and then, your circle would collapse and you would
have to perform the reboot ritual to get it working. 

9. If you used the more powerful MagicNT rituals, the above would
happen to all circles within a 5 mile radius. 

10. At least once a month, you would have to reinstall your
spells into your folder of magic. 

11. You would have to use a start ritual to exit your circle.
(and cake and wine would only be available after a sign from the
Goddess saying it was safe to do so).


Corporate America (and many large non-profits) keep a small army
of publicists busy writing copyright-free articles that busy
newspaper and newsletter editors can use in their publications.
Many are nothing but shill worthy only of a cartoon version of
used car salesman. Others contain useful information with only a
subtle plug. Your editor has found a good online source for these
and will be including a few that he feels may be of interest to
Cauldron and Candle readers in issues of this newsletter.
Remember that publication of an article in this newsletter is not
an endorsement of the authors' position or any products and
companies mentioned therein.

========= Tips On Avoiding "Phishing" Fraud

Fraud prevention experts say it can pay to be cautious on the
Internet. That's because potentially costly e-scams such as
phishing are on the rise.

Phishing involves a fraudster pretending to be a legitimate
company in order to trick a consumer into revealing personal and
financial information. The information is then used to steal the
consumers identity. According to the Anti-Phishing Working Group,
phishing scams are growing at the rate of 110 percent per month. 

Knowing how to recognize phishers, and what to do if you think
you have been a victim, can help protect you and your family.

=== Phishing 101

Phishers hijack the brands of well-known companies, then send out
official-looking e-mails, complete with familiar logos and links
to realistic-looking Web sites. The e-mails often convey a sense
of urgency, warning consumers that their accounts will be closed
unless they "confirm" certain information, or telling people they
have won a special prize. 

Consumers who provide their credit card, bank account or Social
Security numbers may soon find that their identity has been
stolen. "This kind of phishing uses the Internet instead of a rod
and reel. Its goal is to catch consumers," said Shirley Rooker,
president of the international nonprofit network of consumer
hotlines Call For Action.

=== What To Look For

An unsolicited e-mail could be a phishing scam if it:

* Doesn't address you by name

* Asks you to provide personal or financial information-such as
your bank or credit card account number, an account password or
PIN or your Social Security number or mother's maiden name

* Warns that you have been the victim of fraud or that your
account will be closed unless you respond quickly

* Tells you that you have won a prize or vacation and just need
to "confirm" certain information

* Has spelling or grammatical errors you wouldn't expect a
professional business to make.

=== Fighting Phishing

It's wise to treat any unsolicited e-mail requests for financial
or personal information with great caution. If you're not sure an
e-mail is legitimate, contact the business that supposedly sent
the e-mail to verify that it is genuine. (Visit a secure Web site
or call a company phone number that you know is legitimate.) When
entering personal data at a Web site, look for a "locked padlock"
in the browser or "https" at the beginning of the Web
address-both mean the site is secure. Also, check your monthly
bank and credit card statements to verify that all transactions
are legitimate. 

"Consumers are the first line of defense against phishing,"
explained Robert Boxberger, who manages fraud prevention for
Providian, one of the nation's largest credit card issuers. "But
companies can help, too. Providian monitors transaction activity
and alerts cardholders of anything unusual. In addition, we
monitor hacker Web sites and chatrooms, looking for places where
data is being swapped and then we search for Providian account

=== Catching A Phisher

Consumers can forward any suspicious e-mails to the Federal Trade
Commission at uce@ftc.gov or file a complaint with the FTC at
http://www.ftc.gov/. You can also forward unsolicited e-mail
claiming to be from Visa or your Visa card issuer to 

In June, Visa USA, the Better Business Bureau, Call For Action
and the Federal Trade Commission announced an education campaign
designed to help consumers identify phishing scams and avoid
becoming victims. Comprehensive resources are available on the
Internet at http://www.visa.com/phishing,
http://www.bbb.org/phishing, http://www.callforaction.org and the
Web site, http://www.consumer.gov/idtheft.

========= Millions Of Children Are Mothers Too

Quick quiz: What's the leading cause of death of teenage girls

While traffic accidents are responsible for more teenage deaths
in the United States, pregnancy and childbirth are the leading
causes of death for teenage girls in much of the world.

The reason: Girls in many poor countries are marrying as young as
11 or 12 and having children before they are physically ready to
become mothers. An estimated 70,000 teenage girls in developing
countries die each year from complications due to pregnancy and
childbirth and one million infants born to young mothers die

A new study sponsored by Save the Children, a leading global
independent humanitarian organization, found that education was
the single biggest factor in helping girls postpone early
marriage and pregnancy. Health programs, such as family planning
services, tailored toward child brides and child mothers are
effective as well. The report calls for increased federal funding
for education and health care projects worldwide. The group says
the funds will help empower tens of millions of girls to delay
early marriage and motherhood. 

The study, called the "State of the World's Mothers," also ranked
the best and worst places to be a mom. Sweden, Denmark and
Finland are at the top of the ranking; Niger, Burkina Faso and
Mali are at the bottom of the ranking. The U.S. ranked 10th out
of 119 nations.

"For too many young girls, motherhood is a disabling tragedy or,
even worse, a death sentence," says Mary Beth Powers of Save the

She adds that girls ages 15 to 19 are twice as likely to die from
pregnancy complications or giving birth as older women, with
girls under 14 facing the greatest risk. Powers explains that
education helps young girls understand they have alternatives to
early marriage and motherhood. "We need to give girls the
opportunity to go to school and stay in school." 

For more information, visit http://www.savethechildren.org/.

========= Walking And Wellness

Take the first step toward better health-get out and start
walking! Walking is one of the best ways you can counter obesity
and high blood pressure-the two leading causes of death in the

The Alliance for Affordable Services, an association dedicated to
helping members live better and save more, offers these tips to
make walking part of your fitness routine:

* Invest in a good pair of walking shoes. Make sure they have
good arch support and leather or mesh uppers that allow your feet
to breathe. 

* Always warm up before you take off. Loosen up with some
stretching activities before you hit the road. 

* Start out slow and build from there. Begin with a brisk 20-
minute walk. Gradually add five to 10 minutes to your routine
until you're able to comfortably walk three miles in 45 minutes. 

The Alliance for Affordable Services uses its group buying power
to attack soaring health care costs through wellness programs,
information, legislative advocacy and incentives to control
medical costs. To learn more, visit
http://www.affordableservices.org/ or call 800-733-2242.

========= Pennies For The Planet

The rivers and streams of the American Southeast house more
species of freshwater animals than any other waters in the
temperate world. This area is threatened by suburban development
and runoff from farms and coal mines, but America's pennies can
help World Wildlife Fund (WWF) save our country's natural

Each year, WWF selects three endangered regions to safeguard.
Through its youth-based "Pennies for the Planet" program, WWF
raises much-needed funding for its conservation missions
worldwide. This year, children across America are collecting
funds to protect river otters in the American Southeast, lemurs
in Madagascar, and whale sharks in Southeast Asia.

Americans can also help WWF save endangered species by donating
spare change through Coinstar machines in supermarkets

According to Coinstar, American households have an average of $99
in spare change that can be used to donate to WWF. Coinstar
estimates 67 percent of coins sitting idle in U.S. homes are
pennies-spare change that can be donated to help scientists in
the southeastern United States raise endangered and threatened
fish species and reintroduce native fish to areas where they once
lived. Donated funds will also help to restore streamside habitat
by supporting the planting of trees and other vegetation that
protect waterways from pollution.

A worldwide leader in self-service coin counting, Coinstar Inc.
helps WWF's "Pennies for the Planet" program through a donation
option available on approximately 8,000 machines in participating
supermarkets. Individuals simply pour loose change into the
machine, which automatically counts the coins and prints a
tax-deductible receipt for the amount of the donation.

To learn more about World Wildlife Fund's "Pennies for the
Planet" program, visit http://www.world wildlife.org/pennies. To
locate a Coinstar machine nearest you, call 1-800-928-CASH or visit

Pennies donated to World Wildlife Fund through Coinstar machines
at supermarkets will help protect the rivers and streams of the
American Southeast, the forests of Madagascar, and the coral
reefs of the Sulu and Sulawesi Seas.

========= Celebrity Artists Pick Up Palette To Fight Hunger

They're best known for accomplishments ranging from walking on
the moon to modeling, comedy to music, and more. But in a
dramatic gesture of compassion and generosity, 10 celebrities
from all walks of life put their talents to the task of fighting
hunger in America. 

Using a cabinet door as a canvas, Buzz Aldrin, Shari Belafonte,
Phyllis Diller, Dave Foley, Sean Hayes, Kathy Ireland, Marlee
Matlin, Randy Travis, Yoko Ono and Max Weinberg created their
artistic interpretation of what it means to Feed the HeART. The
collection of Aristokraft cabinet doors, which depict images
ranging from tropical islands to seascapes, abstract bursts of
color to methodical line drawings, will be auctioned to benefit
the national anti-hunger, anti-poverty organization Share Our

The company staged the exhibition in conjunction with its 50th

"We applaud these celebrities who have given so generously of
their time and talent. In addition to focusing national attention
on issues of hunger and poverty, the auction of these works will
enable Share Our Strength to further its mission of fighting
hunger in a very tangible way," said Cathy Hitz, Aristokraft
brand manager. 

"Not many cabinet companies can say they've been around 50 years,
let alone being one of America's leading brands with a reputation
for affordable fashion in cabinetry. Aristokraft does it all,"
said Hitz. 

The company offers value-driven solutions to kitchen design,
giving consumers the look of more expensive cabinetry with styles
and finishes-like upscale glazes -that are popular but not
trendy. Adding details such as plate racks, mullion doors,
decorative legs, frieze rails, crown moulding, spindles and other
trim can turn stock cabinetry into a kitchen of distinction at a
price that is affordable.

To view all the cabinet designs, visit

========= Cauldron Info

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum was founded in December 1997 to
provide a friendly but serious discussion area for Pagans on the
Internet. We've grown a bit over the years. We now have an active
message area, a large web site with around 700 pages of
information (including over 300 book and divination deck
reviews), and a monthly email newsletter. To continue to provide
and expand these services, The Cauldron needs lots of volunteer
help from our members and supporters.

Here are some of the things members and supporters can do to help
The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum thrive:

===== Actively Participate In Our Message Board

While our new message board welcomes readers, we encourage
members to actively participate by posting their comments and
views in our discussions. One of the easiest ways to help The
Cauldron is to actively participate in our message board. The
staff especially appreciates members who start new topics for
discussion based on their own questions, opinions, or interests.


===== Articles! Essays! Tutorials!

We are in constant need of original, well-written and accurate
articles, essays, tutorials, and other written items for both our
web site and for our Cauldron and Candle newsletter. There's no
real limit on length for web site articles. Here are a few areas
in which we always need articles:

* information on the beliefs and theology of the various Pagan
  religions, especially non-Wiccan religions

* information on holidays and festivals of the various Pagan
  religions, especially non-Wiccan religions

* recipes for oils, incenses, and food for the various Pagan

* magick, spells, and ritual information

* herbal information

* positive articles on dealing with other faiths

* information on historical pagan cultures

* editorial/opinion pieces

Non-Wiccan material is stressed not because we don't want Wiccan
material but because good non-Wiccan material has been hard to
find. We have a web form you can use to submit an article for
consideration: http://www.ecauldron.com/persontestart.php

===== Book Reviews

While The Cauldron receives some review copies from a couple of
Pagan publishers, there are many books that can only be reviewed
on our web site if a member has a copy and writes a good,
objective review. The Cauldron is interested in reviews on the
more academic books used by reconstructionist Pagan religions as
well as on the books one finds on the Pagan/New Age shelf in the
bookstore. We have a web form you can use to submit a book review
for consideration: http://www.ecauldron.com/persontestbr.php

===== Graphic Assistance

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum is purposely a low graphics site as
we value page download speed over flashy graphics. However, we
are always willing to talk with artists who have ideas for
well-designed small graphics (small in both physical dimensions
and file size) that might enhance a specific article or page.

===== Invite Your Friends

If you have friends or acquaintances who you believe would find
The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum useful, please tell them about our
site. If you are active in our message board and have friends who
might enjoy them or have information to contribute, please invite

===== Link To The Cauldron

If you have a web site where linking to The Cauldron: A Pagan
Forum would be appropriate, simply providing a link to this web
site is a big help. Our Link to this Site page explains how you
can do this if you need help or want some simple graphic buttons
to use: http://www.ecauldron.com/linktous.php

===== Donations

As The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum uses as many free services as
possible, our need for money to operate our site is currently
lower than our need for the many items we list above. However, if
you have a few dollars to spare, we would be honored to have your
help in paying for our web site. You can donate by using either
PayPal or the Amazon Honor System links below (we get about 85%
of what you donate).

Donate via PayPal
Donate via Amazon.com

===== Amazon Purchases

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum also receives a small percentage
(usually 5%) from most items purchased from Amazon.com when you
go to Amazon.com from one of the links to Amazon on our web site.
If you purchase a lot of books, CDs, and other items from
Amazon.com as many members do, going to Amazon.com through one of
our links when you are going to make a purchase there is a
painless way to help fund this web site.


===== Have Questions or Suggestions?

If you have specific questions, proposals or other ideas we
haven't mentioned here, please email them to
rssapphire00@ecauldron.GETRIDOFEME.com. (Unfortunately, Randall
has to answer general "Tell me more?" type questions with a
request for a more specific question. He's not trying to be rude,
he just can't think of anything general and useful to say that
isn't said here.)

========= (Including how to subscribe and unsubscribe)

Cauldron and Candle is a free publication of The Cauldron: A
Pagan Forum. The Cauldron intends to publish this newsletter once
a month and often actually succeeds in doing so. We tried to
publish it twice a month for a while, but real life interfered
too often.

This issue of Cauldron and Candle as a whole is copyright (c)
2004 by The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum. Copyrights on individual
items in this newsletter are retained by their author, please
contact the editors if you need to contact an author for
permission to reprint an article and the editors will do their
best to put you in touch with him or her. The opinions expressed
herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of newsletter, The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum, or
its staff. Publication of an article in this newsletter is not an
endorsement of the authors position or any products and companies
mentioned therein. No one involved in producing this newsletter
has any money to speak of so suing us if you don't like something
we do is a waste of time and money.


You are receiving a copy of this newsletter because you signed up
to receive it. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to this
newsletter via your web browser at:


Or you can unsubscribe via email by sending a blank message to


Be sure to send this message from the email account actually
subscribed to the newsletter. If you have trouble unsubscribing
by email, please use the web browser method mentioned above.

If you need to change your subscription to a new email address,
unsubscribe your old email address and subscribe your new email
address. Note that you have to make these changes yourself. Yahoo
Groups does not allow the list owner to make them for you.


The Cauldron and Candle web site contains information on this
newsletter and an archive of back issues.



If you have Pagan friends who you believe would be interested in
Cauldron and Candle please invite them to subscribe. You can
either drop them a note yourself or -- better yet -- send them
one of The Cauldron's email postcards with the information.

You are also welcome to forward a copies of this newsletter to
interested friends and associates provided you forward the entire


Don't forget that your suggestions for this newsletter are always
welcome, either posted on the message board or via email to
LyricFox (lyricfox@ecauldron.GETRIDOFME.com) or Randall Sapphire
(rssapphire00@ecauldron.GETRIDOFME.com). Typos are, as usual,
courtesy of the Goddess Eris.

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