[Cauldron and Candle Illo]


Cauldron and Candle
Issue #74 -- June 2006

A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
website: http://www.ecauldron.com/
message board: http://www.ecauldron.net/mb/


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C A U L D R O N   A N D   C A N D L E  #74 -- June 2006

           A Publication of The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
                website: http://www.ecauldron.com/
            message board: http://www.ecauldron.net/mb/
             newsletter: http://www.ecauldron.com/cnc/
            shopping: http://www.ecauldron.com/mall.php

In this Issue:

[00] Editorial Notes
[01] Cauldron News
   * The Cauldron's Virtual Picnic Continues
[02] Cauldron Discussions
[03] Pagan Announcements
   * Ancient Circle
[04] Book Reviews:
   * Wicca Unveiled
   * Witch Hunts
[05] Articles
   * Nine Very Effective Astral Projection Techniques
   * Interpreting Your Dreams
[06] Flamekeeping: Human Relations
[07] Software Gadgets: The Column
   * Zurpy -- Save Stuff & Access From Any Computer
   * FightGear -- Open Source Flight Simulator
   * PIXresizer - Very Easy Image Resizing
[08] Grimoire: Spell of the Sea Shell
[09] Pagan Webmaster: Web Designing Tips for New Web Designers
[10] Recipe: Hush Puppies
[11] Support The Cauldron
[12] Newsletter Information
              (Including How To Subscribe/Unsubscribe)

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Randall Sapphire
Editor and Publisher, Cauldron and Candle
Co-Host, The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum

========= by The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum Staff

===== The Cauldron's Virtual Picnic Continues

LyricFox is continuing to gather summer recipes from our members
for the Cauldron Cookbook. Please post your favorites.


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========= Recent Discussion Topics on our Message Board

In an average month, over 200 new discussion topics are started
on The Cauldron's message board. Here are a few of the more
interesting recent discussions. It's not too late to join in.

Thanks to Feedburner, you can now receive an email every night on
days we post new site news items to the main page of The
Cauldron's web site. These emails contain a link to the new item
and the first couple of lines of the news text. You can sign up
for Feedburner's free news delivery via the form at the end of
the site "News and Updates" section of The Cauldron's main web

===== How Do You Pray?

Do you pray*? If so, is there a set structure you follow, or do
you just sort of say whatever's on your mind? Are there specific
existing prayers that you use sometimes, or do you come up with a
new one each time?

W/R/T the structure part, I'm particularly interested in how
people end their prayers. "Amen" doesn't feel right to me,
because it feels like a specifically Christian ending. Variations
on "so mote it be" have a similar problem; they feel so Wiccan,
and while I respect Wicca and all, it's not what I am. Nothing
wrong with either one, they're just not me. I haven't yet come up
with something more fitting, though, and just kind of saying what
I have to say and not adding any kind of closing feels so

(*=I'm aware that there are many, many definitions of the verb
"to pray", so I will specify that for the purposes of this
thread, I mean it in the most strictly traditional sense, with
the words and the addressing deity and all that. Dear God, such
and such and such, amen. By so specifying, I do not mean to
invalidate or ignore other kinds of prayer; I simply want to
address this particular kind specifically and could not think of
a way to differentiate other than by using the word "pray" and
adding a somewhat lengthy footnote explaining myself.)

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Does Being Pagan Imply Being Religious?

Lately I've been wondering whether I 'count' as a Pagan.
According to the definition given in the TC's Pagan Primer:

quote: "A Pagan religion is a religion that is not Jewish,
Christian, or Islamic and self-identifies as Pagan."

I fit this in that I'm not JCI, and often consider myself to be
Pagan. My problem centres around the word 'religion' - I'm not
actively religious, I perform no ritual or prayer. But I do
follow a philosophy (Stoicism) that derives from a Pagan culture,
and which gives me a definite conception of the Divine.

I was wondering what people's views are on this? Is it enough to
have a Pagan philosophical understanding, or must a person be
actively religious to count as Pagan?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Necessity of Teaching?

In another thread here, Everfool posted something that got me
thinking: "I've met all too many people who practice magic that I
don't think should be allowed to. I'm not inclined to try and
teach *more* people about it."

I found this interesting because I often end up teaching people
magic, originally without thinking about it. I became aware of it
and have been working on it consciously since then. It's one of
the things I do in devotion to my gods.

So, what about you all? Do you have the urge to teach? Is it a
necessary part of your path? What makes a potential student
suitable or not suitable in your opinion?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== You are WRONG!

Imagine that one day, a deity appears before you. Literally. And
you know it, too. There's just a huge sense of power, divinity
and absolute authority.

Then the deity tells you: "You're WRONG!" and proceeds to
completely demolish your religion. For example, there's no
Apollo/Jesus/Freya/whoever you worship. Everything you believed
in is dismissed as a sham. And you know this deity is telling you
the truth.

Would it affect you at all? Would you be concerned about getting
the 'right' religion? Or would you not care?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Fire and Air... Grumble, Grumble

What got me back on this particular treadmill of thought and
grumbling is trying to apply myself studiously to Tarot reading
again, but it relates to magical attributions as well.

Most of us are used to seeing Elements linked to directions:

Air=East, Fire=South, Water=West, Earth=North

And some of us have customized this to suit where, for instance,
the large bodies of water are with regards to our locations.

Now, the other thing, tools are commonly linked to elements (and
directions, on presumes).

What I run into is fire=sword OR fire=wand, the second being more
prevalent in many things I read. I really have a hard time with
that one. In my experience, lol, fire BURNS wands! But fire helps
produce a sword...being cut with a sword burns like fire, etc,
etc, etc. I equate wand to air...to thought, etc. And fire to
sword to will.

Now, since I really am trying to get myself deeper into the Tree
of Life spread and the Qabbalistic link-up with readings (don't
ask me why, it just "sticks" for me in a way no other spread
does) most of my sources are right back to the Wands=fire and it
attributes this to Chokma. I can't get there. Also, it attributes
knights to Chokma. For me, Tipareth is the 'saving' sephirah---
and knights do the saving, so it makes more sense to me to put
knights there. And tho' knights have swords....I put wands and
air there in my mind and just can't seem to wrench it out of

This keeps screwing me up till I want to chew, throw, and
otherwise act like a three year old with the book(s).

My question is, then, how do you reconcile the gut "NOPE, Not
working for me." with various source materials.

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Real Practitioners of Not Your Religion?

Randall's comment:

    "Every real Satanist I've known (teen posers do not count)
    have been self-centered to the point that the community is
    only important so far as it can aid whatever they want to

got me thinking about differentiating between "real" and "not
real" practitioners of religions, especially when it's a question
of a religion you do not practice yourself and aren't a
member/follower of.

Especially the part quoted raise a question on whether the people
Randall referred to fit the description he gave because all real
Satanists actually are that way, or because people who call
themselves Satanists but do not fit the desciption don't get
classified as real Satanists... (especially as my personal
experiences aren't that, well, negative)

So, how do you (general you!) classify whether somebody saying
they are, say, a Wiccan, an Asatru, or whatever actually is one?

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Women as Pre-Pregnant Beings?

o what are your thoughts on this? Good idea? Bad idea? Control
oriented? Just common sense?

From the Washington Post:

    Forever Pregnant
    Guidelines: Treat Nearly All Women as Pre-Pregnant

    New federal guidelines ask all females capable of conceiving
    a baby to treat themselves -- and to be treated by the health
    care system -- as pre-pregnant, regardless of whether they
    plan to get pregnant anytime soon.

* Read (or join in) this discussion:

===== Miserable Pagan Communities?

I see alot of people mentioning how 'awful' their local
communities are, how fluffy, how uneducated...

Where are you people stumbling onto these groups?

I've run into some weirdos, but never so out there that I would
feel I needed to take measures to distance myself for fear of how
someone might perceive me.

I've always gone through the Vox, or Gaias Gateway/ COG for the
groups I've hooked up with, as well as a couple of personal
recommendations from friends and shop owners.

While I didn't click(que!) with Reclaiming I saw it as a
limitation of the path rather than an issue with the individuals
- I would still go to their open rituals, and participate in
local events book signings etc. I just have no desire to STUDY
with them or persue the heirarchy.

I understand the premise/ purpose of their workings, and while I
go okay, this isn't a purpose I would come up with on my own it's
still a valid one.

So where are all these scary freaky groups? I want to see psycho-

* Read (or join in) this discussion:


===== Ancient Circle

AncientCircle@groups.msn.com is a brand new FREE e-group that is
eclectic wicca and pagan. It is brand new and looking for members
to start it out to chat and feel free.


Most of The Cauldron's book reviews are now written by Mike
Gleason. If you would like to contact Mike with comments about
his reviews (or about books you would like to have reviewed), you
can email Mike at:



Wicca Unveiled: The Complete Rituals of Modern Witchcraft
by J. Philip Rhodes
Published  2000 by Green Magic
ISBN 0953674509
192 pages Trade Paperback
$14.99 (U.S.)

The subtitle of this book is just a bit pretentious (in my
opinion).  Had it included the word "Basic" in there, I certainly
couldn't object.  And then the copywriter got into the act with
(on the back cover) "The First Comprehensive Guide to Working the
Rituals of Wiccan Magic."  Puh-leeze. Replace "The First" with
"A" and, once again, I would have no objection, but as it stands.

Mr. Rhodes makes a few statements in the first chapter that make
me question his sincerity.  He says "Wiccans are classed as
'white' or good witches." and follows it a few lines later with
"Evil or "black witches" as they are sometimes called, differ
greatly from Wiccans."  Sidestepping the entire "witches aren't
Wiccan' debate (which I don't agree with, by the way), I was
taught (30+ years ago) that the whole white/black thing was non-
existent. Those who work evil magick AREN'T witches.

In the Foreword (page 7) he says "The rituals of Wicca are not
set in stone and they allow for the individual to build their own
character into the rites."  He follows that up, on page 13, with
"When a witch greets another of a different sex, the greeting is
always given with a kiss." (emphasis added)  There are, in my
experience, no such things as "always" or "never" in the Craft.
He continually makes reference to things that "must" happen.
While these instances may hold true for the groups he associates
with, they are by no means universal truths.

I have never heard the white-handled knife called "the purist
knife," but that may be because I am not in Britain.  I am BTW-
trained (Alexandrian, specifically), however, and never ran
across the term in my training.

Looking at the illustration of the altar on page 18 I am amazed
to see that, among other things the "sword of power" (#14) looks
suspiciously like a wine bottle and that the "white-handled
knife" (#11) is most definitely a book. I would find it quite
difficult to cut anything with that particular implement.  Come
on, now, let's pay attention to the details.

I was not taught that coveners must "beat in the power" by
"striking the disc (pentacle) with the flat of their hand."  And
that this occurs before charging any item.  Granted, I am
Alexandrian but, once again, I never encountered this in my

Defining a spell as a "wish" as Mr. Rhodes does (on page 21)
seems to me to be ridiculous.  A spell takes a lot more energy
than a wish.  Perhaps he was trained in "wish-craft" instead of

Okay, enough already.  Having stated that the "rituals are not
set in stone." he says (on page 29) "In order to work safely in
the circle, the following procedures must be observed; failure to
so will result in a forfeit - if not an accident."  A FORFEIT!!??
What is this, an athletic contest?  I have never, ever heard of a
ritual being forfeit. (Okay, I retract part of that rant.  Later
in the book he refers to forfeits for taking too much time to do
certain things, etc.  He is obviously referring to what we
Americans call "penalties" (i.e., a mild "punishment" to drive
home a point).

Granted that, in BTW circles, certain procedures are expected to
be observed while, in eclectic circles, chaos may appear to
reign; many of Mr. Rhodes' statements are extreme.  The quarter
candles do not, necessarily, have to be squat candles set in
bowls.  I have frequently seen votive candles (which I will grant
are squat) placed in votive candle holders (which most definitely
are not bowls), as well as glass-encased candles (which are
neither squat nor in a bowl) used in BTW circles.

The author places the working after the cakes and wine ceremony,
which has followed the raising of power.  So let me get this
right - first you raise power, and ground it.  Then you eat and
drink which draws you more firmly into the material world.  THEN
you work magick?

Mr. Rhodes' traditional training shows through at various points,
most notably the statement (on page 47) that "...because of the
chemistry that exists between a man and a woman, the power that
they can raise is greater than that of a single person, or a
group of one sex."  The gender equals polarity equation is part
of that training.

The illustrations opening "Drawing Down the Moon" and "Drawing
Down the Sun" have been swapped, which is another reason I say
"Pay attention to the details."

I must admit that I always have a problem with books of this
sort.  On the one hand they serve a valid purpose.  But on the
other hand there is that line in the Second Degree Initiation:

   "I do solemnly swear of my own free will
   In the presence of the God and Goddess
   That I shall never reveal the secrets of the craft to any
   Save it be to a worthy person. Properly prepared,
   In the centre of a magic circle such as I am in now."
   (page 90)

It can be argued that the "secrets" can only be conveyed by
experience - I know, I've used that argument myself periodically.
But giving the full text of all the rituals to someone with no
experience and no one to guide them,
is questionable, in my opinion.

Once again, on page 169, I find myself questioning Mr. Rhodes's
training. He says: "The Priestess makes a supplication to the God
of the Underworld for the safe passage of the coven and the
absolution of their sins." (emphasis added)  I'm sorry - sins?
As in breaking the commandments of the gods?  Since when?  If I
wanted absolution of sins I'd go back to the Roman Catholic
Church.  I was under the impression (give to me by my initiators)
that I was expected to take personal responsibility for my
actions.  I have never encountered the "absolution" concept from
any Wiccan I've ever known.

Finally, we get to the appendices.  The correspondences in
Appendix A are a good start for anyone interested in
investigating this aspect of magick. The incense recipes in
Appendix B offer some intriguing ideas, although I am not so sure
about the Saturn incense (it seems to have way too much asafetida
for my taste).  The Tables of Planetary Hours are poorly
designed, again in my opinion.  And they suffer from the common
defect of not explaining how to determine the length of the
"hours" which, except on Equinoxes, are never 60 minutes in
length.  For Planetary Magick such details are important.

For those initiated into British Traditional Wicca the
information contained in this book is unnecessary.  For an
Eclectic initiate, it provides a look at how "the other half"
works.  For the non-initiate it may be fascinating, but
ultimately of little use.  My feelings are ambivalent, at best,
about this book.  It was not as good as I had hoped; nor was it
as bad as I had feared.

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===== Witch Hunts

Witch Hunts: Out of The Broom Closet
by Kerr Cuhulain
Published  2005 by Spiral Publishing
ISBN 097554036X
302 pages Trade Paperback
$18.95 (U.S.)

For those of you who have never heard of Kerr Cuhulain before, a
little background on his experiences may be helpful.  Mr.
Cuhulain is a twenty-seven year veteran of the Vancouver (British
Columbia, Canada) Police Department.  He has seen, first hand,
the results of the misunderstandings, both unintended and
intentional, regarding Pagan beliefs - lives ruined, families
destroyed, and religious agendas advanced.

The first few pages of this book are enough to frighten even the
most jaded among us.  From several "official sources" he cites
evidence of occult activity to be looked for such as jewelry,
gongs, audio/visual recording equipment, music with an occult
theme, candles, silver implements, incense, needles, oil,
seashells, and the list goes on.  Amazing!  If you use massage
oils and candles to enhance your lovemaking you too can be
considered a Satanist.

Having been an active member of the Craft community for nearly as
long as Kerr has been in law enforcement (I wasn't very active in
my early days) I' ve run across a lot of these allegations
myself.  I am always amazed that (allegedly) intelligent
individuals can be taken in by them.

I found a number of editing errors in this book which,
unfortunately, seems to be an increasing problem in many of the
current crop of books.  In this case, they mostly consist of
dropped words.  I'm not sure if this is better or worse than the
improper spacing which I see quite frequently.  I also found one
missing citation (footnote #112 on page 119).

Unfortunately, another common editing error I saw was the
frequent misuse of the apostrophe (as in "it's" instead of
"its").  Not a huge problem, I'll admit, but since Kerr is quick
to point out the unprofessional aspects of the Satanic Conspiracy
advocates and the "occult experts" in their publications it bears
correcting in the next edition of this work.

I was also disappointed to see one mis-attribution in the text
(Arthur Edward Waite is cited as Edgar Arthur Waite on page 161)
although the correct name is given in the Bibliography.

Over the past couple of years I have read and reviewed a few
books intended as resources to help Wiccans explain themselves
and their beliefs to family and friends (Wicca Demystified and
When Someone You Love is Wiccan for example).  This is the first
book I have seen which is aimed at helping Wiccans to deal with
those in authority (other than Kerr's first book (Law Enforcement
Guide to Wicca).  Every once in a while I recommend that readers
of my reviews purchase an extra copy of a book (to donate to
local libraries, for instance).  Well, in this case I suggest
that, as well as getting one for yourself, you also purchase a
copy to give to the your local police department.  Whether or not
they will pay any attention, I don't know.  I suspect they may,
given Kerr's background.

While I don't always agree with Kerr's definitions or terminology
I do have to say that they come far closer to the understanding
of most Wiccans I know than the drivel put out by the a lot of
the "experts" the law enforcement community relies upon.

Kerr repeatedly points out the tendency for the "experts" to mix
together wishful thinking and inability to discriminate between
fantasy and reality in their definitions and interpretations (if
I were Terry Brooks I would be asking these folks for
compensation since they use creations of his "Shannara" series in
their lists of demons.  Oh, wait, I imagine that these experts
see these books as recruiting tools, just like "D&D," "Rainbow
Brite," and "Captain Planet."

In the final chapter he gives some suggestions about how to "come
out," if you are so inclined.  He then follows it with a short
glossary and a Bibliography.

========= ARTICLES

===== by Abhishek Agarwal

Astral Projection is one of the most amazing experiences you can
have. It is a process by which the human consciousness
temporarily leaves the physical body and functions independently,
while the physical body remains still and passive throughout.

There are hundreds of techniques available that induce
Projection. But since there is no universal method that would
work for everyone to attain conscious projection, we will discuss
some different kinds of techniques. You should know them all to
decide which one suits you best.

In this section we will discuss some most popular and widely used
techniques of experiencing an OOBE.

1. Rope Technique : This technique has been formulated by Robert
Bruce and is one of the most effective techniques around. A key
ingredient to this projection technique is an invisible,
imaginary rope hanging from your ceiling. This rope will be used
to exert dynamic pressure at a single point on your astral body
to force its separation from the physical.

Reach out with your imaginary hands and pull yourself, hand over
hand, up the strong, invisible, imaginary rope hanging above you.
You will feel a slight dizzy sensation inside you as you do this.
This feeling of vertigo will intensify the more you pull on the

Keep climbing, hand over hand, ever upwards, and you will feel
the vibrations start. Your whole body will seem to be vibrating
and you will feel paralyzed. Concentrate single minded, on
climbing your rope. Don't stop.

Next you will feel yourself coming free of your body. You will
exit your body in the direction of your imaginary rope and will
be hovering above your body. You're free at last!

2. Watch Yourself Going To Sleep : Lie down comfortably on your
back, facing the ceiling. Relax your body and clear your mind of
unwanted thoughts. Relax even more.

Tell yourself that you are going to watch yourself in the act of
going to sleep. You must be very clear about your intent. You're
going to let your body sleep while your mind will remain alert
throughout the entire process. Tell yourself you will retain
consciousness even while your body is going to be in complete

As you relax completely, you must learn to recognize the rather
strange, distinctive sensations you feel as your body moves into
the sleep state. You MUST stay aware as this unfolds. At a
certain point, you will feel that your body is feeling heavy and

You are on the right track! Pay close attention to all your
bodily sensations. You may feel yourself swaying or floating. You
might even find certain parts of your body tingling. There might
be vibrations running from your head to toe. You might even hear
a strong buzzing sensation in your ears. Whatever the sensations,
do not panic as these are very good signals that you are on the
verge of experiencing an OOBE.

You have to then visualize that you are rising up from your bed
and floating towards the ceiling. How would it feel if you could
actually float? Try to make the experience as real as possible.
Hold this image for as long as you can. If everything goes on
well, you might suddenly find yourself outside the body, floating
near the ceiling!

3. Monroe Technique : Robert Monroe, one of the foremost
authorities on Astral Projection devised this method.

You have to first relax your body. This is a very important step.

Then try to go to sleep, but don't fall asleep. Maintain your
awareness between sleep and wakefulness. This is known as the
hypnagogic state. Then deepen this hypnagogic state and start to
clear your mind of unwanted thoughts. Simply look through your
closed eyelids at the blackness in front of you.

Then you must enter an even deeper state of relaxation. The next
step is to induce vibrations throughout your body and intensify
them. These vibrations have to be controlled and intensified
further. This is the moment when the Astral body will separate
from the Physical body. You then simply have to "roll-over" and
you will find yourself out of your body.

4. OOBE from Lucid Dreams : Lucid dreams are dreams in which the
dreamer is aware that he is dreaming. In a Lucid Dream a person
is already "out" of his body.

In order to achieve Astral Projection from Lucid Dreams, you have
to first become obsessed with OBEs and you must really DESIRE it.
You must read everything you can about it. You must think about
it every free moment that you have.

Once your mind is besotted with the thought of OOBEs we will need
triggers and affirmations so that you have a Lucid Dream. During
the day keep thinking: 'Tonight I'm going to have a Lucid Dream'.
Remind yourself of this all day long. And - and this is the
important part - keep asking yourself during the day "Am I
dreaming now?"

With a few days of practice, you'll have programmed your sub-
conscious to induce a Lucid Dream.

Once you are in a Lucid Dream, and know that you are dreaming,
you would also know that you are not in your body. You can then
will yourself to see your bedroom. In most cases, when you do
this, your dreamland will suddenly disappear and you will find
yourself in your bedroom, floating above your body.

5. Displaced-awareness Projection : Close your eyes and get into
your usual trance-state Try to sense the entire room, at once.
Feel yourself just above your shoulders and seeing all around. Be
very passive about what is going on.

Then imagine that your Astral Body is slowly rotating by 180
degrees. Once you finish your mental rotation, your Astral head
should be where your physical feet are, and your Astral feet
would be where your physical head is! With this firmly in your
mind, try visualizing the room from this new direction.

The idea is to forget about where you really are, and displace
your sense of direction. When you do this correctly, you will
find yourself getting dizzy. This is normal.

When you are comfortable with this, the next step is to imagine
floating towards the roof. Try to make it as real as possible.
You may suddenly find yourself "popped" out of your physical

6. The Jump Technique: The Jump Technique, when done well, can
wake up anyone in their dreams and make them Lucid. However, it
does need to be done well.

This is how the technique works: We repeatedly need to ask
ourselves during the day whether we are in a dream or not. It is
important that we do this not just for the sake of asking
ourselves the question, but because we really want to know where
we are. We should really doubt that we are in the Physical. So in
order to prove where we are, we jump as if we were going to fly.
If we are in the Physical, we will land back on the ground. But
during a dream, when we jump, we will defy gravity and float.

When this is done for a few days, you will soon find yourself in
a dream in which you are jumping to check whether you are in a
dream or not. As soon as you jump, you will find yourself
floating, thus triggering a Lucid Dream and an OOBE.

7. Muldoon's Thirst Technique: This is not one of the most
pleasant or effective methods designed by Sylvan Muldoon.

In order to use this technique, you must refrain from drinking
for some hours before going to bed. Throughout the day increase
your thirst by every means you can. Keep a glass of water in
front of you and stare into it, imagining drinking, but not
allowing yourself to do so!

Then before you sleep, eat a pinch or two of salt. Place the
glass of water at some convenient place away from your bed and
rehearse in your mind all the actions necessary to getting it:
getting up, crossing the room, reaching out for the glass, and so
on. You must then go to bed, still thinking about your thirst and
the means of quenching it. At night, you might awaken in your
dream and you will find yourself walking towards the glass of
water. With any luck the suggestions you have made to yourself
will bring about the desired OBE.

8. The Stretch-out Technique: Lie down, shut your eyes and relax
your body. Imagine your feet stretching out and becoming longer
by just an inch or so. Once you have this picture in your mind,
let your feet go back to normal. Do the same with his head,
stretching it out an inch beyond its normal position. Then, get
it back to normal. Then alternate all between head and feet,
gradually increasing the distance until you can stretch out both
your feet and head to about two feet or more. At this stage
imagine stretching out both at once. This exercise will make you
feel dizzy and often start the vibrations.

After some practice, you will experience floating sensations and
you can then tell yourself to rise up towards the ceiling. You
are out!

9. The Hammock Technique: Visualize yourself lying in a bright
white hammock, stationed between two palm trees on a secluded
beach. Imagine the feeling of swaying in the wind, and recreate
that feeling now as you visualize yourself swaying from side to
side in the hammock. Repeat this visualization for as long as it
takes to bring forth the vibrations, and when you feel the
vibrations, just "roll-out" of your body.

Whichever technique you choose, you are unlikely to get a result
on the very first night, or even on the first few nights - so
take your time with them and try not to get frustrated when
nothing happens at first. But I promise you will soon start to
see some results.

=== About the Author

Copyright Abhishek Agarwal. If you want to know more about Astral
Projection, download Abhishek's exhaustive free 167 page ebook on
Astral Projection from http://www.astralprojectnow.com/.

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===== by Clare Gibson

Many of us suppress our emotions in the waking world --
especially extreme ones -- for fear of somehow alienating those
around us, or else of appearing dangerously vulnerable, or even
of disgusting ourselves.

This means that the only way in which we can "safely" express our
true feelings is in dreamland. Dreams that are flooded with a
positive emotion may furthermore often be categorized as wish-
fulfillment dreams, while those that are blighted by a negative
emotion may be classed as safety-valve dreams.

Below is an analysis of two emotions common in dreams: fear and

=== FEAR

If you had a nightmare that left you paralyzed with fear, you
probably awoke feeling very relieved to realize that it was just
a dream, and you may have spent most of the next day trying to
push it out of your memory. However, these types of dreams are
underlined by our waking fears -- which are very real, though
perhaps repressed -- which are likely to appear in our dreams
again and again until we confront and resolve them.

=== Symbolic and Verbal Associations

Unconscious fears; phobias

Something (or someone) that one finds "monstrous"

Repressed personal qualities or characteristics

External threats

A call to action; the "fight or flight" response

=== Positive Interpretations

If you have a waking phobia of spiders, did you wake up in a
panic after dreaming that hundreds of giant, hairy arachnids were
crawling all over you?

Or, if you suffer from a fear of heights, did you have a
nightmare in which you found yourself dangling precariously over
the edge of a very high cliff?

If so, your dream was probably just mirroring your waking
phobias, especially if something in the real world has recently
triggered your fear.

And, as scary as your dream may have been to you, your
unconscious mind probably selected the nightmare scenario as a
"call to action," in order to urge you to confront and conquer
your fear.

If you have a recurring scary dream, you may find it helpful to
tell yourself that when you next have the dream, you will not run
from whatever it is that frightens you, be it spiders or
boogeymen, but will instead stand and face whatever it is.

If you do, you may be surprised to find that the dream
consequences are not as bad as you imagined them to be, which
will help to allay your fear and hopefully put an end to the

=== Negative Interpretations

The unconscious will sometimes portray our fears in monstrous
form. Did you have a dream in which you were being pursued by a
hideous, fanged monster that had run you down and was about to
overtake you?

If so, the monster was most likely a symbol of something that you
fear in the waking world that you feel is threatening to consume

Doing some free association may help you to figure out whom or
what your dream monster represented. Was it your predatory lover?
An ogre-like teacher? Your own "green-eyed" beast of jealousy?
Could your dream vampire have represented your energy-sapping
friend? (Or had you just watched a vampire movie on late-night

Once you have identified the source of your fright, you will be
better able to arm yourself in order to do battle with whatever
it is that is troubling you.


Sometimes our dreams may fill us with an exhilarating sense of
freedom or liberation. And when we awake from this sort of dream,
we may feel somewhat let down or disappointed to realize that we
must now deal with the more mundane reality of the world.

Dreams of flying may be the most literal or obvious form of
freedom dreams, but almost any dream scenario may fall into this
category, depending on our own subjective feelings and

=== Symbolic and Verbal Associations

Exhilaration Escape; release Casting off your shackles "Being
yourself " "Flying high," or "floating free"

=== Positive Interpretations

In your dream, were you soaring over beautiful mountains and
valleys, or running carefree through a meadow of wildflowers? Or
did your dream self rise up and walk out of your tedious office
job for the last time?

Dreams in which we finally break away from the chains and
shackles that bind us -- physically or emotionally -- are likely
to fill us with an overwhelming feeling of euphoria.

Wish-fulfillment, escapist fantasy dreams of this sort are
special treats from our unconscious minds, sent to us in order to
make up or compensate for the tedium or drudgery of our day-to-
day lives.

These dreams may provide us with the little extra boost that we
need in order to cope with daily life--and if we heed their
message, they may even encourage us to release ourselves from
whatever (or whoever) is holding us back or sapping our vitality
in the waking world.

=== Negative Interpretations

If you felt extremely sad or depressed after waking from a dream
in which you experienced ultimate freedom, do you feel that the
dreariness and the confines of your current life have chained you
down so firmly that there is no way of ever escaping to

For instance, are you in a relationship that is making you feel
trapped or claustrophobic? Are the demands of others, or of your
workload, stealing your time, your energy, or your individuality?
Do you long for a more exciting, stimulating relationship, job,
or life? Do you desire the freedom to "be yourself "?

If so, your unconscious mind was probably using your dream in
order to urge you to seek appropriate help to take the necessary
steps to release yourself from whatever situation is confining

Though your dream may have provided you with a temporary release
from your troubles, you may continue to experience your waking
sadness until you make a conscious effort to cast off your
shackles -- whether they were put on you by yourself or by others
-- and to live your life in whatever manner you find personally

=== About the Author

Clare Gibson is the author of numerous books on dreams and
astrology. This article is part of an extract from her book: The
Ultimate Dream Decoder. The full extract can be read at

=========  Inner Relations
=========  by HeartShadow

HeartShadow is following her own religious path. She calls it
FlameKeeping. This regular column will present articles on
FlameKeeping, many taken from HeartShadow's FlameKeeping blog at:


=====  Human Relations

Part of what religions speak to is the relationship between
humans and each other, and humans and the greater world. We do
not live in isolation, but instead are deeply nested in a world
of overlapping responsibilities and friendships that ripple
outwards, linking every person to everyone else.

What does this mean? Humanity is interdependent upon each other,
and upon the planet on which we live. All is part of the Divine,
and we are all part of each other, unable to survive without the
rest of creation. We believe in self-reliance and self-
sufficiency, but the only way we can believe such a thing is by
viewing all that we do rely on as nonexistent and unworthy of
consideration. We are part of a greater world, and it is through
seeing our interrelation we can find our true selves and how to
interact with others.

We like to see ourselves as individuals, in control, having the
power to change our lives and the lives of those around us. The
problem with this view is not that it’s false, but that the power
that we have is not always what we think it is. We have ultimate
control over our emotions, over our actions and reactions,
although we do not always have control over what the choices for
those actions are. We are not responsible for the choices set
before us, however, only the ones we choose to take.

Power is responsibility. The two cannot be separated out, one
cannot have responsibility without the power to do something
about it, nor can one have power without the fact that how you
use that power will affect other people. As we have power over
ourselves, so do we have responsibility for ourselves, for being
what we desire to be and making the choices we believe are right.

Seeing ourselves, our powers and responsibilities, in a clear
manner is essential to improving our relations with other people
and the world around us. When we ignore our responsibilities, we
betray ourselves and the world around us, causing a rippling
effect. Even as the Divine teaches us, so do we teach the Divine,
and when we betray, and are untrustworthy, and claim that power
is not linked inexorably to responsibility, we tell the Divine
and the world around us that their power is not linked to their
responsibility either. We do not exist in a vacuum. Everything we
do affects others, teaches others, and we must be careful to make
sure the life we lead is one we have no shame of being used as an
example to others.


  * How are we related? How are we separate?

  * Why are we not responsible for the choices set before us? Why
    are we responsible for which choices we take?

  * How does having power over ourselves give us responsibility?
    What responsibilities does it give?

=========  Interesting Items From The Software Gadgets Blog
=========  http://softwaregadgets.gridspace.net/

The Software Gadgets Blog aims to present a different "software
gadget" every weekday. A software gadget is a program or addon
that is both interesting and useful -- and often free. This
column highlights three of the programs listed recently. Many
more were listed and you'll find more gadgets like these added
every week at the Software Gadgets Blog at:



Okay, this really isn't my thing as I only use one computer, but
I received an email from a friend who loves Zurpy and begged me
to mention it. Zurpy is a new (and free) web service that allows
you to:

    Save your bookmarks, text clippings, images, files, and news
    feeds in one place. Easily tag and find what you've saved.
    Access your stuff from any computer anywhere.

If you move from computer to computer during the day, I can see
how Zurpy could be useful. Unlike some of the social sites that
do similar things, your info belongs just to you on this site --
what you save apparently is not shared with others (at least not
intentionally). It's easy to use as well. Once you register, you
drag a bookmark to your browser's link bar. When you click the
link, a window appears where you can save and tag a link,
newsfeed, image, file, or text note. The url and feed are pre-
filled with the info from the site you are on. However, there
doesn't seem to be a search, other than a way to limit the
displayed items to those with a specific tag.

Rating: 3 Stars
Price: Free
Web Site: http://zurpy.com/


I've crashed a large number of airplanes (and one space shuttle,
but that's another story) in my day. Fortunately, they were all
simulated fights (and crashes). I've used a number of flight
simulation programs over the years -- from primitive things that
ran on my old Apple II to spiffy Windows flight simulators from
Microsoft. In many ways, the open source FlightGear is most
interesting of the lot I've tried. There is a lot of terrain
available to crash on -- I mean fly over (3 DVDs worth and
growing), a growing number of aircraft to fly, and it runs nicely
on just about any modern system with a 3D graphics card -- with
accurate flight physics.

From the FlightGear web site:

    The idea for Flight Gear was born out of a dissatisfaction
    with current commercial PC flight simulators. A big problem
    with these simulators is their proprietariness and lack of
    extensibility. There are so many people across the world with
    great ideas for enhancing the currently available simulators
    who have the ability to write code, and who have a desire to
    learn and contribute. Many people involved in education and
    research could use a spiffy flight simulator frame work on
    which to build their own projects; however, commercial
    simulators do not lend themselves to modification and
    enhancement. The Flight Gear project is striving to fill
    these gaps.

    FlightGear is an open-source project. This means as long as
    you abide by the terms of the GPL license you may freely
    download and copy FlightGear. Anyway can have easy and open
    access to the latest development source code. Being an open-
    source project, we have made our file formats open and easily
    accessible. We support standard 3d model formats and much of
    the simulator configuration is controlled through xml based
    ascii files. Writing 3rd party extensions for FlightGear (or
    even directly modifying the FlightGear source code) is
    straightforward and doesn't require a large amount of reverse
    engineering. This makes FlightGear an attractive option for
    use in private, commercial, research, or hobby projects.

    FlightGear has the ability to model a wide variety of
    aircraft. Currently you can fly the 1903 Wright Flyer,
    strange flapping wing "ornithopters", a 747 and A320, various
    military jets, and several light singles. FlightGear has the
    ability to model those aircraft and just about everything in

    A multi player protocol is available for using FlightGear on
    a local network in a multi aircraft environment, for example
    to practice formation flight or for tower simulation

    With FlightGear it is possible to choose between three
    primary Flight Dynamics Models. It is possible to add new
    dynamics models or even interface to external "proprietary"
    flight dynamics models.

    World scenery fits on 3 DVD's. (I'm not sure that's a feature
    or a problem!) But it means we have pretty detailed coverage
    of the entire world. Accurate terrain worldwide, based on the
    most recently released SRTM terrain data.) 3 arc second
    resolution (about 90m post spacing) for North and South
    America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

    FlightGear ships with an extensive 109 page manual.

The main problem with FlightGear is there is so much there. No
only so much to download, but so much to do in the simulation.
The basic download for Windows is 135 megs. Fortunately, you can
download just the areas of the world you are interested in flying
over, you don't have to download all 12 gigs or so of world data
to use the program. You can get the program and scenercy files on
DVD for a fee -- and unless you have a really big pipe broadband
connection, you may want to take advantage of this option if you
want all the scenery -- especially as the money from sales of
these DVDs goes to support FightGear and to support various
charities. .

Rating: 4.5 Stars
Operating System: Windows, Linux, Solaris (sparc/x86), SGI,
                  Mac OS X, FreeBSD
License: Open Source (GNU GPL)
Price: Free
Version Reviewed: 0.9.10
Web Site: http://www.flightgear.org/


I suspect everyone has one. A friend or relative who just doesn't
understand image files and how large they can be when they come
off their digital camera. No matter how many times to explain to
them that no one really wants their 18 meg 1600x1600 pixel
picture of Fido sleeping in email, they continue to send them.
You've even tried showing them how to use the photo-editing
software that came with their camera to reduce the image and file
size, but it is far too complex for them to remember, so they
just don't bother. Especially since they can't see what the
problem with their pictures is.

Try giving them PIXresizer, a simple program designed to resize
pictures. It makes resizing pictures a simple four procedure:
load the image, pick the size from a list, pick the format from a
list, and save the new smaller image. By default it saves to a
different directory so the original is not overwritten. It even
has an easy "apply recommended" option to automate steps two
through four with usually quite reasonable defaults. PIXresizer
makes sending rationally sized pictures via email easy.

From the PIXresizer web site:

    PIXresizer is a photo resizing program to easily create web
    and e-mail friendly versions of your images with reduced file

    The reduced files are saved in a different folder, so your
    original images are not altered at all. PIXresizer offers
    several different resizing methods to choose from and can
    automatically recognize image sizes to calculate the best
    fit. In addition, it can convert between image formats (JPEG,
    GIF, BMP, PNG and TIFF), rotate images, convert to grayscale
    and resize multiple images in batch mode. A great companion
    for webmasters and digital photographers.


    * Simple Four-Step Workflow
    * Easy 'Apply recommended' option to make it even more user
    * Works with single files as well as with multiple files all
      at once
    * Option to convert between graphics formats (.bmp, .gif,
      .jpg, .png, and .tif)
    * Can be used to create thumbnails (takes one move on a
    * Smart Ratio Calculation (image proportions can be overruled
      by the user)
    * Error logging (checks for corrupted images)

Do yourself a favor, download and try PIXresizer today. Then you
can give it to friends and relatives who send you those huge
pictures and be ready to show them how easy it is to use. Who
knows, you might even use it yourself once in a while -- it loads
much faster than Photoshop.

Rating: 5 Stars
Operating System: Windows
License: Freeware
Price: Free
Version Reviewed: 1.0.9
Web Site: http://bluefive.pair.com/pixresizer.htm

========= From the Spell Grimoire:

To perform this spell, you must find a suitable sea shell in
shallow water. Take the shell and dry it thoroughly. Draw a
symbol of your desire upon the surface of the shell. The symbol
must be draw with something that will easily wash off in water.

Place the shell upon the shore (the sea shore is best, but any
body of water large enough to have natural tides will do), so
that the Tide will bring waves across the shell. Take care to
note the phase of the Moon (waxing moon for the gain of
something, waning for the dissolving of something). When the
shell is in place, draw a triangle in the ground/sand, enclosing
the shell completely.

The symbol upon the shell must be facing upwards (toward the
Moon). Meaningful words, or phrases, may be placed upon the shell
also, or simply written in the ground/sand (inside the triangle).

Chant the following toward the moon:

    Goddess of Moon, Earth, and the Sea,
    Each wish in Thy name must come to be.
    Powers and Forces which Tides do make,
    Now summon Thy waves, my spell to take.

The spell is finished. Leave the area now. Once the waves come,
then your wish will be taken out to the Old Ones. It will usually
take about 7 days for a Lunar spell to begin to manifest, but can
take as long as 28 days.

=== About This Spell

This spell is taken from The Cauldron's Spell Grimoire, a
collection of basic spells available on The Cauldron: A Pagan
Forum's web site. You'll find more spells at:


========= Pagan Webmaster:
========= by Jim Pretin

 [If you are running -- or thinking of running a web site (Pagan-
 related or not), you will find more articles, reviews, and other
 useful information at the following sites:

 The Cauldron's Pagan Webcrafting
 The Cheap Web Hosting Report
   http://www.cheapwebhostingreport.com/ ]

=== Introduction to Web Design

Websites are such useful tools. They are great for sharing
information, selling products, and staying in touch and up to
date with family and friends. As a web designer with some "hard
knocks" experience under my belt I would like to share some tips
for getting started that should make the process a little easier
and a little less confusing. The basics that you need to know
about putting together a website are keep it simple, keep it
relevant, and keep it accessible.

=== Keep It Simple

Keep it simple is one of the most overused clichés in the
business world but, in this case, it is an absolutely necessary
cliché. By telling you to keep your website simple I am in no way
advocating that you make it dull, uninteresting, and boring. Not
at all, in fact, I am saying quite the opposite. If a website is
too cluttered with visuals it will not be easy to navigate. If a
person cannot find what it is they are looking for than they will
not come back to your site, even if what they need is on your
site. Make sure that your design has a specific focus. There
should be a homepage that easily directs people to the specific
section of your site that they need to get to. The last time I
was exposed to the information I read that the average attention
span of Americans is slightly less than two minutes. It becomes
even shorter when they are browsing the Internet because there is
so much to look at. If they cannot find what they want on your
site immediately, there are hundreds of other places they can
look. Also, don't put a lot of Flash stuff on your site; the
extra time it takes up will make viewers impatient.

=== Keep It Relevant

It is amazing the number of websites that are dedicated to one
subject but then just throw all kinds of other stuff in there. If
someone is looking to buy quilts they don't really want to have
to wade through vacation pictures to get to the quilt page. Also,
if someone is looking for a specific topic, subject, or item and
they see something else when they get to your homepage, they
won't stick around long enough to realize that they are at the
right spot. They will leave and find another site to browse. That
ties in with the simplicity of your site as well. Irrelevant
material makes a website complicated. Even things like random
'jokes of the day' or comic strips, while funny I'm sure, will
drive more people away than bring them in.

=== Keep It Accessible

There are two things to consider when dealing with accessibility
issues, outside accessibility and inside accessibility. These
two, if mastered, will drive people to your site and keep them
coming back over and over. These two, if disregarded, will leave
you with a nice, clean, unused site that does nothing more than
take up cyberspace.

=== Outside Accessibility

In order for people to get to your site they have to be able to
find it. Sure, you can hand out business cards and email the URL
to all your friends, but that is not where the majority of your
traffic comes from. You have to make sure that your site can be
found by searching the major search engines. In order to do this,
you have to have content that will register hits when web
browsers perform a search. For instance, if you are selling woven
baskets you, obviously, want to make sure that your site
mentions, in a readable way, that you are selling woven baskets.
You would also want to make sure that your site mentions that you
are selling crafts as there are people who would be interested in
buying your baskets but would search for "crafts for sale". These
are called keywords and you want to make sure that you have
enough of them to register when a search is performed.

=== Inside Accessibility

This merely ties back in with keeping it simple. If someone goes
to your site where you sell all different kinds of arts and
crafts, but they are only interested in buying Popsicle stick
bird feeders, you need to have an easy way for them to find what
they are looking for. Otherwise, they will just go somewhere
else. It is always a good idea to have a search option for within
your site to accommodate easy browsing.

=== About the Author

Jim Pretin is a programmer and the proprietor of

========= From the Cauldron Cookbook:
========= Hush Puppies
========= submitted by Texas Red

=== Ingredients

3/4 cup corn meal
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 egg
2 teaspoons bacon drippings, melted
1/3 cup finely chopped onion
Crisco or other vegetable shortening for frying

=== Directions

Combine all the ingredients together in a large bowl, and mix

Melt enough shortening in a skillet or deep fryer to completely
cover the hush puppies. Heat to a temperature of 375°F. Drop
batter by spoonfuls (approximately 1-1/2 inches in diameter), a
few at a time, into the hot oil and deep fry until crisp and
golden brown, 2 to 3 minutes.

Drain on paper towels, and serve at once. Makes about a dozen.

Note: Test your first hush puppy. Fry it until the color is
right, then remove it and cut in half to make sure it is cooked
through. Then you can eat it.

=== About This Recipe

This recipe is taken from the Cauldron Cookbook, a growing
collection of recipes submitted by members of The Cauldron: A
Pagan Forum. You'll find more recipes at:


========= Cauldron Info

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum was founded in December 1997 to
provide a friendly but serious discussion area for Pagans on the
Internet. We've grown a bit over the years. We now have an active
message area, a large web site with around 700 pages of
information (including over 300 book and divination deck
reviews), and a monthly email newsletter. To continue to provide
and expand these services, The Cauldron needs lots of volunteer
help from our members and supporters.

Here are some of the things members and supporters can do to help
The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum thrive:

===== Actively Participate In Our Message Board

While our new message board welcomes readers, we encourage
members to actively participate by posting their comments and
views in our discussions. One of the easiest ways to help The
Cauldron is to actively participate in our message board. The
staff especially appreciates members who start new topics for
discussion based on their own questions, opinions, or interests.


===== Articles! Essays! Tutorials!

We are in constant need of original, well-written and accurate
articles, essays, tutorials, and other written items for both our
web site and for our Cauldron and Candle newsletter. There's no
real limit on length for web site articles. Here are a few areas
in which we always need articles:

* information on the beliefs and theology of the various Pagan
  religions, especially non-Wiccan religions

* information on holidays and festivals of the various Pagan
  religions, especially non-Wiccan religions

* recipes for oils, incenses, and food for the various Pagan

* magick, spells, and ritual information

* herbal information

* positive articles on dealing with other faiths

* information on historical pagan cultures

* editorial/opinion pieces

Non-Wiccan material is stressed not because we don't want Wiccan
material but because good non-Wiccan material has been hard to
find. We have a web form you can use to submit an article for
consideration: http://www.ecauldron.com/bnbarticleform.php

===== Book Reviews

While The Cauldron receives some review copies from a couple of
Pagan publishers, there are many books that can only be reviewed
on our web site if a member has a copy and writes a good,
objective review. The Cauldron is interested in reviews on the
more academic books used by reconstructionist Pagan religions as
well as on the books one finds on the Pagan/New Age shelf in the
bookstore. We have a web form you can use to submit a book review
for consideration: http://www.ecauldron.com/bnbbkreviewform.php

===== Graphic Assistance

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum is purposely a low graphics site as
we value page download speed over flashy graphics. However, we
are always willing to talk with artists who have ideas for
well-designed small graphics (small in both physical dimensions
and file size) that might enhance a specific article or page.

===== Invite Your Friends

If you have friends or acquaintances who you believe would find
The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum useful, please tell them about our
site. If you are active in our message board and have friends who
might enjoy them or have information to contribute, please invite

===== Link To The Cauldron

If you have a web site where linking to The Cauldron: A Pagan
Forum would be appropriate, simply providing a link to this web
site is a big help. Our Link to this Site page explains how you
can do this if you need help or want some simple graphic buttons
to use: http://www.ecauldron.com/linktous.php

===== Donations

As The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum uses as many free services as
possible, our need for money to operate our site is currently
lower than our need for the many items we list above. However, if
you have a few dollars to spare, we would be honored to have your
help in paying for our web site. You can donate by using either
PayPal or the Amazon Honor System links below (we get about 85%
of what you donate).

Donate via PayPal
Donate via Amazon.com

===== Amazon Purchases

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum also receives a small percentage
(usually 5%) from most items purchased from Amazon.com when you
go to Amazon.com from one of the links to Amazon on our web site.
If you purchase a lot of books, CDs, and other items from
Amazon.com as many members do, going to Amazon.com through one of
our links when you are going to make a purchase there is a
painless way to help fund this web site.


If you are a regular user of the US version of Amazon, you can
help The Cauldron by replacing the URL of your ebay bookmark in
your browser with the above link so that TC gets credit every
time you visit Amazon.com.

To do this in Internet Explorer or Firefox, find Amazon in your
bookmark list. RIGHT click on it and select Properties from the
popup menu which will appear. A dialog box describing your
bookmark will appear. You'll see the standard Amazon url --
probably http://www.amazon.com/ -- in an edit box (labeled
"Location" in FireFox and "URL" in IE). Erase that url completely
and replace with one listed above, then click on OK.

If you use Amazon UK, you can use this address


If you use Amazon Canada, you can use this addess:


===== Ebay Purchases

Are you an Ebay user?  Ebay has a new program that pays
affiliates a small percent of the winning bid if the winning
bidder enters ebay from an affiliate link (some like how our
Amazon.com affiliate program works). So if you visit the US
version ebay via the following link, the Cauldron will get credit
for your bids:


If you are a regular user of the US version of ebay, you can help
The Cauldron by replacing the URL of your ebay bookmark in your
browser with the above link so that TC gets credit every time you
visit ebay.

To do this in Internet Explorer or Firefox, find ebay in your
bookmark list. RIGHT click on it and select Properties from the
popup menu which will appear. A dialog box describing your
bookmark will appear. You'll see the standard ebay url --
probably http://www.ebay.com/ -- in an edit box (labeled
"Location" in FireFox and "URL" in IE). Erase that url completely
and replace with one listed above, then click on OK.

===== Have Questions or Suggestions?

If you have specific questions, proposals or other ideas we
haven't mentioned here, please email them to
rssapphire00@ecauldron.GETRIDOFEME.com. (Unfortunately, Randall
has to answer general "Tell me more?" type questions with a
request for a more specific question. He's not trying to be rude,
he just can't think of anything general and useful to say that
isn't said here.)

========= (Including how to subscribe and unsubscribe)

Cauldron and Candle is a free publication of The Cauldron: A
Pagan Forum. The Cauldron intends to publish this newsletter once
a month and often actually succeeds in doing so. We tried to
publish it twice a month for a while, but real life interfered
too often.

This issue of Cauldron and Candle as a whole is copyright (c)
2005 by The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum. Copyrights on individual
items in this newsletter are retained by their author, please
contact the editors if you need to contact an author for
permission to reprint an article and the editors will do their
best to put you in touch with him or her. The opinions expressed
herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of newsletter, The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum, or
its staff. Publication of an article in this newsletter is not an
endorsement of the authors position or any products and companies
mentioned therein. No one involved in producing this newsletter
has any money to speak of so suing us if you don't like something
we do is a waste of time and money.


You are receiving a copy of this newsletter because you signed up
to receive it. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to this
newsletter via your web browser at:


Or you can unsubscribe via email by sending a blank message to


Be sure to send this message from the email account actually
subscribed to the newsletter. If you have trouble unsubscribing
by email, please use the web browser method mentioned above.

If you need to change your subscription to a new email address,
unsubscribe your old email address and subscribe your new email
address. Note that you have to make these changes yourself. Yahoo
Groups does not allow the list owner to make them for you.


The Cauldron and Candle web site contains information on this
newsletter and an archive of back issues.



If you have Pagan friends who you believe would be interested in
Cauldron and Candle please invite them to subscribe. You can
either drop them a note yourself or -- better yet -- send them
one of The Cauldron's email postcards with the information.

You are also welcome to forward a copies of this newsletter to
interested friends and associates provided you forward the entire


Don't forget that your suggestions for this newsletter are always
welcome, either posted on the message board or via email to
LyricFox (lyricfox@ecauldron.GETRIDOFME.com) or Randall Sapphire
(rssapphire00@ecauldron.GETRIDOFME.com). Typos are, as usual,
courtesy of the Goddess Eris.

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