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Home > Holidays > 1998 Ostara Ritual Log Search

1998 Ostara Ritual Log

This is the log of our online Ostara ritual of March 22, 1998. This log has been edited to remove extraneous comments.

.Elspeth> Everyone ready?   Let's get this show on the road. :)
.Elspeth> I want to welcome everyone to the Grove's Ostara Ritual...
  especially the newcomers
.Elspeth> For the sakes of those who have never attended an online ritual, I
  will mention a few things
.Elspeth> This is modified Wiccan style ritual
.Elspeth> We will be grounding and centering, casting a circle, calling
  Quarters and deities...
.Elspeth> Then we will be doing a simple working....
.Elspeth> Well, the Cauldron is rarely simple. 
.Elspeth> If you don't have something that I call for, then imagine yourself
  doing the action called for
.Terri> do we need food?
.Elspeth> Only if you want it, Terri
.Elspeth> Any questions before I start?
.Terri> 'k
HALLIEJEAN> not here
.Elspeth> Okay... here we go. :)
.Elspeth> I want all of you to relax.... leaving your fingers lightly on the
.Elspeth> Take a deep breath... hold it ... let it out slowly....
.Elspeth> Do it again, taking in a calm peaceful feeling .... letting out
  the petty distractions of our mundane life
.Elspeth> Another breath and you feel the everyday world drawing away....
.Elspeth> Continue to breath and relax ... until you feel yourself enter
  that place that exists not in this world and not in the next
.Elspeth> This is the Place between Worlds... be welcome here.
.Elspeth> Type <> when you are grounded and centered and ready to go on.
.Terri> <>
.Ann> <>
.Jill> <>
.Tina> <>
.Phyllis> <>
.Randall> <>
.Dianne> <>
.Elspeth> I draw this circle to contain and protect our working.  From
  Keyboard to Keyboard, I connect us.  We come here in friendship and desire
  to reach beyond ourselves.  By our will let the circle be cast!
.Elspeth> Randall?
.Randall> ::draws invoking pentagram of air::
.Randall> Mighty Spirits of the East, Sylphs and sprites of the Air,
.Randall> We ask you to be present and, with your airy might, guard our
.Randall> <>
.Elspeth> Ann?
.Ann> Lords of the South, Lords of Fire, please join us and guard our ritual
.Ann> <>
.Elspeth> Terri?
.Terri> Guardians of the West, Creatures of Water, we ask you to witness our
  rite and guard our circle. <>
.Elspeth> Halliejean?
HALLIEJEAN> Winds of the North keep us pure.<>
.Elspeth> I call upon the Spring Maiden....
.Elspeth> Lady Eostre.... come to us
.Elspeth> Bring Your flowery presence to this place
.Elspeth> Brighten life that has become barren during the Spring
.Elspeth> Help us celebrate Your time ... the return of the warmth
.Elspeth> With joy in our hearts and a song on our lips.....
.Elspeth> Attend and be welcome!
.Elspeth> If any wish to call another into the circle, please do so. :)
.Elspeth> Type <> when you are finished.
.Ann> My Prince, join us and guide me in the transformation You wish.  <>
.Randall> Athena, please be present and lend your wisdom to our ritual. <>
.Elspeth> My Dark Lady ... ever wise, ever with me... You are welcome, the
  Morrigan.  Now and always. <>
.Terri> I call to Mama and the Greenman..bless us with your presence..
  welcome to our circle.<>
.Dianne> My lord and Lady please join us bring forth your love and
  understanding to all
.Dianne> <>
.Phyllis> Lady Tonan/Guadalupe, beloved mother goddess, please join us.<>
.Jill> Spirits of the Woods, rejuvinate us in mind and health, welcome and
  be with us
.Jill> <>
HALLIEJEAN> Friends everywhere.  Goodness <>
.Tina> I ask that Isis joins and assists us in our ritual. <>
.Elspeth> Any others? :)
.Elspeth> :)
.Elspeth> We celebrate this day the awakening of the Earth from her winter
.Elspeth> The Maiden has returned from the dark underworld, and life springs
  forth anew throiughout the land.
.Elspeth> Those who have a candle light it.
.Elspeth> We light this fire
.Elspeth> On this day of equal light and equal dark,
.Elspeth> As a symbol of the growing power of the sun.
.Elspeth> May the cold darkness of winter be banished!
.Elspeth> Let the light shine forth!
.Elspeth> Join with me as we call upon the returning tide of light, life,
  and growth.  Just type the words I do....
.Elspeth> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
.Randall> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
.Jill> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
.Terri> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
.Ann> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
.Tina> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
HALLIEJEAN> We call forth the Gentle Rains!
.Phyllis> We call forth the gentle rains!
.Dianne> we call forth the gentle rains!
.Elspeth> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Tina> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Terri> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Randall> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
HALLIEJEAN> We call forth the fertile earth!
.Phyllis> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Jill> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Dianne> We call forth the Fertile Earth!
.Elspeth> We call forth the Warm Sun!
.Tina> We call forth the Warm Sun!
.Randall> We call forth the Warm Sun!
.Ann> We call forth the Warm Sun!
.Terri> We call forth the Warm Sun!
.Jill> We call forthe the Warm Sun!
.Phyllis> We call forth the Warm Sun!
.Dianne> We call forth the Warm Sun!
HALLIEJEAN> We call forth the Warm Sun!
.Elspeth> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Tina> we call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Jill> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Randall> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Ann> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
HALLIEJEAN> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Terri> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Dianne> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Phyllis> We call forth the Soft Breezes!
.Elspeth> Come forth, Spring Maiden!
.Terri> Come forth, Spring Maiden!
.Jill> Come forth, Spring Maiden!
.Tina> Come forth, Spring Maiden!
HALLIEJEAN> Come forth, Spring Maiden!
.Ann> Come forth, Spring Maiden!
.Phyllis> Come forth Spring Maiden!
.Dianne> Come forth, Spring Maiden!
.Randall> Come forth, Spring Maiden!
.Elspeth> In honour of the Time of the Cycle, we have decided to do a
  Cauldron of Transformation.  If you do not have the items needed, then
  imagine the cauldron before you .... the bitter liquid ... the sweet
.Elspeth> Pick up the bitter water... sip it... allow its bitterness to
  linger on your tongue...
.Elspeth> So linger the bitterness within....
.Elspeth> Hold the cup of water and concentrate on what is bitter and wrong
  your life
.Elspeth> Pluck it from your soul and being and depoist it in the liquid
.Elspeth> Type <> when you are ready to continue...
.Terri> <>
.Tina> <>
.Ann> <>
.Randall> <>
.Dianne> <>
.Phyllis> <>
.Jill> <>
.Elspeth> Pour it into your bowl or cauldron.
.Elspeth> Now pick up the sweet juice .. taste it....
.Elspeth> How pleasant it is after the bitterness...
.Elspeth> It dissolves the bad, leaving it only as a memory....
.Elspeth> Nature dislikes a vacumn.  If we are to take away, then we must
  replace it with something
.Elspeth> Hold the sweet liquid and enpower it with what you want to become
.Elspeth> Some need or desire....
.Elspeth> Growth and wisdom
.Elspeth> When you are done, pour it into the bowl and type <>
.Terri> <>
.Jill> <>
.Phyllis> <>
.Randall> <>
.Tina> <>
.Dianne> <>
.Ann> <>
.Elspeth> While I am 'transforming' I want each of you to stir the liquid
  and 'chant' by typing...
.Elspeth> "I desire change...
.Elspeth> A Change for me
.Elspeth> As I do will
HALLIEJEAN> I desire change
.Elspeth> So mote it be...
.Randall> I desire change...
.Dianne> I desire change.... A change for me As I do  will So mote it be
.Terri> I desire change
.Ann> I desire change, a Change for me; as I do will, so mote it be!
.Randall> A Change for me
HALLIEJEAN> I desire change.  A change for me.  So mote it be!
.Randall> As I do will
.Terri> a change for me; as I do will, so mote it be!
.Jill> "I desire change..A change for me  As I do will, So mote it Be!
.Tina> "I desire change...a Change for me, As I do will, So Mote it be!
.Phyllis> I desire Change... A Change for me. As I do will.  So mote it be!
.Randall> So mote it be
.Terri> I desire change
.Terri> a change for me
.Randall> I desire change...
.Terri> as I do will
.Randall> A Change for me
.Terri> so mote it be!
.Randall> As I do will
.Randall> So mote it be
.Elspeth> I desire change
.Terri> I desire change
HALLIEJEAN> I desire change.  A change for me.  As I do mote it be
.Elspeth> Change for me... for us
.Phyllis> I desire change
.Tina> I desire change, a change for me,
.Terri> a change for me
.Ann> I desire change, a change for me; as I do will, so mote it be!
.Dianne> I desire change
.Phyllis> A change for me.
.Terri> as I do will
.Randall> I desire change...
.Elspeth> As I do will ....
.Dianne> a change for me
.Tina> As I do will, so mote it be!
.Terri> so mote it be!
.Phyllis> As I do will
.Randall> A Change for me
.Randall> As I do will
.Elspeth> The Power goes Free!
.Dianne> as I do will
.Phyllis> So mote it be!
.Randall> So mote it be
.Terri> so mote it be!
.Ann> I desire change, a change for me, as I do will, so mote it be!
.Dianne> the power go free
.Jill> The Power goes Free!
.Terri> The power goes Free!
HALLIEJEAN> the power goes free
.Phyllis> The Power goes Free!
.Ann> The Power goes free!
.Tina> the Power goes Free!
.Elspeth> And so it is....
.Randall> The Power goes Free
.Tina> The Power goes Free!
.Jill> And so it is...
.Dianne> and so it is.....
.Tina> and so it is
.Terri> and so it is
HALLIEJEAN> and so it is...
.Ann> and so it is
.Elspeth> ::giggle::
.Phyllis> And so it is...
.Randall> And so it is....
.Terri> ::giggle::
.Tina> :)
.Dianne> ::giggle::
.Terri> (baaaa)
.Elspeth> Silly folks. 
.Tina> lol
.Dianne> :))
.Randall> (moos for GF)
.Tina> :::giggle::::
.Elspeth> The bitter has been transformed to sweet.... taste the liquid now
  the bowl...
.Elspeth> Take in its sweetness.  Make it part of you....
.Elspeth> Enjoy. :)
.Jill> :)
.Terri> (we's all sheep..not cows, Randall. )
.Dianne> [necture of the gods :)]
.Elspeth> Did anyone bring food they want blessed? :)
.Terri> no..but I brought a doll.
.Elspeth> ::watching ghost play with fire. ::
.Elspeth> Want a blessing, Terri?
.Phyllis> me too!
.Terri> please, Elspeth.
.Terri> ::holds up the doll::
.Randall> ::Watches Elspeth watching Ghost::
.Dianne> brought my self
.Jill> I have some new crystals =;)
.Tina> :::holds up Mama doll:::
.Elspeth> :focusing::
HALLIEJEAN> I'll observe candle
.Phyllis> ::holds up Mama Doll::
.Jill> can I hold up the crystals?
.Elspeth> Sure. :)
.Jill> ::thanks::
.Elspeth> By those who watch ... those who guide ... those who guard ...
.Tina> :::and my crystals::
.Elspeth> By all deity known and unknown....
.Elspeth> Send your blessings to these items
.Elspeth> Make them tools of wisdom for us
.Elspeth> That they may aid us on the Path  You have sent us on
.Elspeth> ::sketching a symbol of blessing and sending forth::
.Terri> ::smiles::
.Elspeth> :)
.Terri> I felt that. :)
.Tina> :)
.Elspeth> You should have... Ghost was helping. :)
.Terri> thank you, Elspeth. :)
HALLIEJEAN> Thinking.  Thinking. :)
.Ann> It hit ... felt it in the back of my skull.  Thank you.  :)
.Terri> ghost is good at smacking me in the face. 
.Elspeth> She has smacked me too... in other places. ::innocent look::
.Tina> I felt a warmth in my arms
.Tina> thank you!!!
.Elspeth> Shall we close things down? :)
.Jill> Yes, Thank you Lady Elspeth and Your Lady....
.Elspeth> You are welcome, Jill....
.Elspeth> Okay.... let's close this down and we can just talk
.Elspeth> Randall?
.Randall> ::draws banishing pentagram of air::
.Randall> Mighty Spirits of the East, Sylphs and sprites of the Air,
.Randall> We thank you for your presence and your aid at our ritual.
.Randall> <>
.Elspeth> Ann?
.Ann> Lords of the South, Lords of Fire, we thank you for your gracious
  presence and aid.  Go if you must, stay if you will.  :)  <>
.Elspeth> Terri?
HALLIEJEAN> This was serendipitous for me.  Just moping.  Waiting for spring
.Terri> Guardians of the West, Creatures of Water..we thank you for your
  presence and your warm protective waters..go if you must, stay if you will
.Elspeth> Halliejean?
.Elspeth> [rehi, Jill. :)]
HALLIEJEAN> Winds of the North be warm.
.Elspeth> Honoured guests.....we are grateful for the support and wisdom You
  have shared with us at this time.  Go if You must, but know that You are
  welcome to remain.
.Elspeth> The Circle is now ended, but know one thing
.Elspeth> What we have shared here will never end ... only grow.
.Elspeth> Go in fellowship.
.Elspeth> Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet again
.Ann> Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet again!
.Terri> Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet again. :)
.Randall> Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again!
.Tina> Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet again!
.Phyllis> Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again!
.Dianne> Merry Meet Merry Part  Merry meet Again
HALLIEJEAN> Merry Meet, merry part, merry meet again
.Jill> Merry Meet, Perry Part, Merry Meet Again!
.Tina> this was wonderful :)))
.Elspeth> ::taking a deep breath and relaxing fingers and energy::  :)

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