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This is the log of our online Samhain ritual of October 25, 1998. This log has been edited to remove extraneous comments before the ritual started as well as a few emoticons that browsers mistake for HTML.
.Elspeth> In many ways, online ritual isn't too different
from off line
.Elspeth> We will start by me grounding and centering y'all.
.Elspeth> That will give us focus for the ritual
.Elspeth> Then I will cast the circle ... keyboard to
keyboard. :)
.Elspeth> We will call the quarters, starting in the East
.Elspeth> I will call upon aspects of the god and goddess
and then allow each of you to call those deities you wish
.Elspeth> One thing to remember ... when you are 'saying'
something, type <> when you are finished.
.Elspeth> This allows us to know it is okay to go ahead
.Randall> BTW, the room will be made private during the
ritual. So if you get knocked offline, you'll need to send
me a private message to get back in.
.Elspeth> Then we will jump into the working, which will
include inviting the ancestors to join us
.Elspeth> After remembering the ancestors, we will take
advantage of the time of year to rid ourselves of something
that needs to go. :)
.Elspeth> Then we eat, drink, and be merry. :)
.Elspeth> Say farewell to our 'guests' and close the circle.
.Elspeth> Okay.... people.... let's start...
** .Blondeone1 just joined "The Cauldron's Samhain Ritual"
(13 members now) **
.Randall> ** PRIVATE group **
.Meave> < ----- good to go
.Blondeone1> MMeveryone
.Sieglinde> HI
.Tina> MM Blondeone
.Ghost> Greetings, Blondeone. We're just starting the
ritual. :)
** .Mari just joined "The Cauldron's Samhain Ritual" (14
members now) **
.Camille> ok...
.Ghost> Re's, Mari
.Tina> re's Mari
.Mari> re's
.Singingwolf> I like Cortlands
.Elspeth> I am going to ask that as we start that chatter
ceases.... think of this the way you would any ritual
.Sieglinde> Hmm, never had one.
.Mari> good apples :)
.Randall> ** New group name "Samhain Ritual (Private)"
selected **
.Elspeth> Show the respect you would offline
.Elspeth> 185185185185185185185185##
.Elspeth> I want each ot you to take moment and calm
.Elspeth> Take a deep breath ... then another
.Elspeth> With each breath, you will take in calmness and a
sense of the serene
.Elspeth> With each exhale, you will push away the mundane
world and its problems
.Elspeth> No more fear....
.Elspeth> No more worries....
.Elspeth> No more noise and light and fury
.Elspeth> There is just you ... in your right place in the
.Elspeth> Floating free and calm ... ready for anything that
may come
.Elspeth> When you feel grounded and centered, Type <>
.Ghost> <>
.Randall> <>
.Tina> <>
.Mari> <>
.Crowne> <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.Stoat> <>
.Meave> <>
.Nettle> <>
.Camille> <>
.Ann> <>
.Singingwolf> <>
.Elspeth> I want each of you to think a moment about this
time ....
.Elspeth> Feel the season fold its arms about you
.Elspeth> The crisp air ... the coolness... the changing
colours of the leaves
.Elspeth> But most of all, I want you to be aware of the
sense of mystery in the air
.Elspeth> As if there are secrets just beyond your reach
.Elspeth> Perhaps with help, we can bring those secrets into
the light.
.Elspeth> As the Sun bleeds through the murk,
.Elspeth> Tis the last day we shall work
.Elspeth> For the Veil is thin and the spirit is wild
.Elspeth> And Crone is carrying Harvest Child.
.Elspeth> Burn the fields and dry the corn...
.Elspeth> Feel the breath of winter born
.Elspeth> Stow the grain against season's flood
.Elspeth> Spill the last of the lifestocks blood.
.Elspeth> Here we 'stand'.... reaching out to each other
.Elspeth> Our desires ... our wills ... connect ....
.Elspeth> From one keyboard to another, the energy leaps ...
it flows ...
.Elspeth> From one keyboard to another, distance shrinks....
.Elspeth> Until we are standing here .... one people in one
.Elspeth> A place that exists not in the worldly plane, nor
in the realm of the gods
.Elspeth> It is a place that is between worlds, safe for all
.Elspeth> Let the feasting now begin
.Elspeth> Careful who you welcome in
.Elspeth> The talbles's set with a stranger's place
.Elspeth> Don't stare openly at his face.
.Elspeth> Staranger, do you have a name?
.Elspeth> Tell us all from whence you came
.Elspeth> You seem more like god than man....
.Elspeth> Has curse or blessing come to this clan?
.Elspeth> Let us hope for blessing. :)
.Elspeth> Camille if you will call East?
.Camille> Spirits of the east, air, intellect and reason, we
invite you into this place through this thinnest of veils,
and to charge us with your power.
.Elspeth> [<>?]
.Camille> ,.
.Camille> <>
.Elspeth> Ann, my love?
.Ann> Lord of the South, Guardians of Fire, we ask you to
join our Circle and be welcome! <>
.Elspeth> Sieglinde?
.Sieglinde> Spirit of the west, spirit of water, intuition
and the deep mysteries of the sea. Be with us now.
.Sieglinde> <>
.Elspeth> Ghost?
.Ghost> Guardians of the North, warders of earth, gateway to
death... and rebirth. Guard and protect us now in this time
of Samhain. <>
.Elspeth> Lady of Mystery ... cloaked in darkness blacker
than night. Giver of rebirth, join us now. Piece the Veil
and allow those who have gone before to attend us.
.Elspeth> Shadow Lord, Guide and Protector..... Pause on
Your journeys between the worlds of the living and the dead
and join us. Keep your Lady company as we probe the
mysteries of the season.
.Elspeth> Now, anyone that wants to call someone is welcome
.Elspeth> Just rememember <> when you are finsished.
.Randall> Athena, please join us and lead us your wisdom.
.Ghost> Wolf Lord, Pathfinder, teacher... brother to the
winds... walk with me now as I follow the Path you have set
me on. Guard and guide. <>
.Stoat> Anastazi, we invite you to this circle. In the long
grey months to come your mischief will remind us of the
laughter in the world.<>
.Elspeth> [as if you have to call him, beloved. ]
.Ghost> [True. ]
.Ann> My Prince, please join us and lend us your wisdom.<>
.Nettle> Nettle calls the spirit of her grandfather Julian
to join this circle in honor of the Mother <>
.Meave> Inanna and Ereshkigal please stand beside us and let
us share in your radiance of wisdom <>
.Camille> My Lady Brigid, thank you for gracing me with your
presence and creativity. please join us now.
.Singingwolf> - signed off -
.Tina> I invite Isis to join in this circle...lend us your
wisdom. <>
.Elspeth> Anyone else? :)
.Camille> <>
.Mari> Lady Bast, come join us and watch over us and your
young child who chose to accompany our rites this day. <>
.Nettle> Nettle calls the spirits of Leola and James
Necessary to join this circle in honor of the Mother.
Blessed Be <>
.Elspeth> :)
.Nettle> Nettle calls the spirit of hecate, Mother Crone of
Samhain to bless us all with her wisdom <>
.Crowne> Crowne calls Spirit of Melanie for her support <>
.Elspeth> This is the time to remember ... remember those
who have gone before us through the Veil. We remember them
with song and drink... with stories and laughter. And, yes,
sometimes with tears.
.Sieglinde> Sieglinde calls upon those who died during the
burning times to join us here. >?
.Sieglinde> <>
.Elspeth> We are the first ... We will not be the last
.Elspeth> We are not the river's source ... nor are we its
.Elspeth> Life flows on ... from the ancestors ... through
us ... and beyond.
.Elspeth> Today, we turn and look upstream and honour our
.Elspeth> Today we remember our ancestors.
.Elspeth> Gone, but remembered.
.Elspeth> Left but reverd.
.Elspeth> Away but near our hearts.
.Elspeth> That which is remembered is always still alive.
.Elspeth> That which we hold in our hearts never dies.
.Elspeth> Those we remember are with us till.
.Elspeth> We speak their names ... and remember.
.Elspeth> I remember my Grandmother ... who gave me a place
to hide with I needed it. <>
.Ghost> I remember my father and all his clan... who made it
okay to be me. :) <>
.Mari> I remember my Grandparents who raised me and my Uncle
Sonny who always greeted me with a smile. <>
.Randall> I remember my Father ... who always cared even
when he couldn't understand why I did. <>
.Stoat> My grandfather, strong in life and strong in his
choise of when to die.
.Stoat> <>
.Tina> I remember my grandmother who was always so
loving...and my uncle Charlie with his quiet ways. <>
.Ann> I remember my Dad, who was difficult for a while but
we eventually became best friends, and my grandmother Mary
Ann who taught me the joy of life and stories. <>
.Elspeth> I remember my daughter, Catrina ... whose death
taught me how precious life is. <>
.Meave> - signed off -
.Camille> I remember my childhood friend Jenny, who I would
play games with when we were in the hospital together. <>
.Crowne> I remember my sister who taught me the value of
life <>
.Sieglinde> I remember my grandfather and his gentle ways.
.Randall> I remember my aunt Rick who always had a stick of
gum or a piece of candy -- or at least the empty wrapper.
.Randall> <>
.Ghost> I remember my ancestor who fought valiantly to
defend his home -- whenever the war got too close -- and
provided for his family when it wasn't. <>
.Ghost> <>
.Ann> I remember our dog Kang, who taught me how difficult
it is to lose a four-legged family member even though he'd
hurt me. <>
.Nettle> I remember my grandmother (mormor)who is still
alive but also of the shadow world for her wisdom and ways
with plants and animals
.Nettle> <>
.Blondeone1> - signed off -
.Camille> - signed off -
** .Meave just joined "Samhain Ritual (Private)" (11 members
now) **
.Elspeth> [rehi ... we are remembering ancestors. :)]
.Elspeth> Anyone else? :)
.Mari> I remember those I was never able to know in life,
but have come to know thru my family research. <>
.Nettle> My son remembers our white cat Alex who really
wanted to be human and is now, maybe<>
.Tina> I remember my other grandmother who never complained
of her pains...and taught me about courage <>
.Meave> I remember those who touch my lives today in many
ways that are not physical, but are certainly felt with my
body, mind and soul -- thanks Joe and Marion.
.Meave> <>
.Elspeth> I send a prayer and invitation out to my beloved's
uncle that is currently stuck between this world and the
next. I have never met him except through Ghost's stories,
but in those stories, he lived for me. I wish him s
.Elspeth> afe passage and a seat by the fire in the hall of
ancestors. :)
.Ghost> Thanks, m'love.
.Elspeth> My pleasure, beloved.
.Elspeth> Ancestors going back into the darkness, forgotten
by history, your lives unrecorded...
.Elspeth> Don't be afraid....
.Elspeth> You are not forgotten.
.Elspeth> We remember you.
.Elspeth> And we invite you to take a seat at our table and
help us celebrate the mysteries of the sacred cycle
.Elspeth> Birth, death, and rebirth.
.Elspeth> Everyone that has a candle, please light it now.
Welcoming our guests with our warmth. :)
.Randall> <>
.Ann> <>
.Mari> <>
.Crowne> <>
.Nettle> <>
.Tina> <>
.Meave> <>
.Stoat> <>
.Sieglinde> Wont light.
.Sieglinde> <>
.Ghost> <>
** .Singingwolf just joined "Samhain Ritual (Private)" (12
members now) **
.Elspeth> Everyone have their cloth, thread and paper? :)
.Ghost> Yup
.Randall> [We just lit the candles, Singingwolf]
.Ann> Yep.
.Randall> Yes
.Mari> aye
.Meave> yes
.Crowne> Yes
.Sieglinde> yes
.Stoat> yes
.Singingwolf> ok
.Tina> thread but no cloth
.Elspeth> That can work, Tina. :)
.Nettle> cloth but no thread :)
.Tina> :)
.Elspeth> :)
.Elspeth> Maybe we should get the two of you together.
.Sieglinde> lol
.Mari> ::grin::
.Randall> :)
.Tina> :::giggle::::
.Ghost> [maybe Tina and Nettle should work together?]
.Meave> *teehee*
.Nettle> 1sure thing
.Tina> fine with me :)
.Singingwolf> :)
.Elspeth> How shocking .... humor in a Samhain ritual. I
will be drummed out of the Priestess corp.
.Nettle> I'll improvise and be fine, pray continue
.Ghost> :)
.Elspeth> I am sure, Nettle. :)
.Randall> :)
.Ann> [LOL, Elspeth!]
.Mari> ::has two bundles of chaos on her lap, so isn't
surprised at anything ;) ::
.Elspeth> Samhain is the end of our year.... that makes it a
good time to take stock of what the year has brought us.
.Nettle> my son (4yrs) has joined me on my lap, magic is
.Tina> :)
.Elspeth> I don't know about the rest of you, but when I go
through and clean out closets and drawers, I often find
things that I should throw out....
.Elspeth> I want each of you to take a moment and do that
with your life.... take a look and see if there is something
that you might want to be rid of. Some habit or feelings
that you wish gone.
.Elspeth> Write it down on the paper and type <> when you
are done.
.Ghost> <>
.Mari> <>
.Ann> <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.Randall> <>
.Meave> <>
.Singingwolf> <>
.Crowne> <>
.Ghost> [trying to whittle down a long list to something
that'll fit on the paper. :)]
.Tina> <>
.Elspeth> [::rolling eyes::]
.Stoat> <>
.Randall> [I had that problem too, Ghost]
.Elspeth> [I could suggest a few things for both of us.
.Nettle> <>
.Elspeth> Place the folded paper in the middle of the cloth
... if you have it.
.Mari> [anyone want a couple of zionked out kitten? ::grin:]
.Sieglinde> yes
.Sieglinde> :)
** .doc just joined "Samhain Ritual (Private)" (13 members
now) **
.Elspeth> Gather the four corners of the cloth up to make a
small package...
.Elspeth> Tie one end of the thread around the gathered up
corners, pulling it tight.
.Elspeth> Tina, just tie the thread around the paper
.Tina> okay :)
.Nettle> i tied in 5 knots for the five sacred elements
.Singingwolf> <> :)
.Elspeth> Now, I want each of you to start to wrap thread
around the package. With each turn of the thread, visualize
what you are ridding yourself of being caged ... being tired
.Sieglinde> <>
.Elspeth> tied up.
.Mari> hm, magick is afoot today.... neither kitten went
after the string
.Elspeth> With each turning of the thread, you are
distancing yourself from it
.Elspeth> When you feel that distance, type <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.Ghost> <>
.Stoat> <>
.Crowne> <>
.doc> <>
.Ann> <>
.Randall> <>
.Nettle> <>
.Mari> <>
.Meave> <>
.Singingwolf> <>
.Tina> <>
.Elspeth> Now, cut the thread ... and with cutting it, cut
the connection between you and what you would be rid of
.Elspeth> It is gone... no longer part of you....
.Elspeth> You are free of it.
.Elspeth> Type <> when you are done.
.Ghost> <>
.Ann> <>
.Nettle> it is gone <>
.Sieglinde> <>
.Mari> <>
.doc> <>
.Tina> <>
.Singingwolf> <>
.Stoat> <>
.Crowne> <>
.Randall> <>
.Meave> <>
.doc> *sigh*
.Elspeth> You should dispose of the bundle. I suggest fire,
running water, or burying it.
.Elspeth> Problems, doc? :)
.Ann> I think fire would be most appropriate for mine.
.Elspeth> Mine, too. :)
.Meave> same here ...definitely FIRE
.Ghost> Ditto
.Elspeth> :)
.Crowne> Mine's BURNING :)
.Elspeth> Good. :)
.Meave> there goes my 21st year.....
.Singingwolf> Earth for me :)
.Mari> will burn mine tonight in my lil cauldron
.Ann> Mine'll have to wait till I get outside.
.doc> a lot of stuff, especially lately...the new year is a
major empowerment for me
.Elspeth> Anyone have any energy requests that they want to
mention before we 'feast'?
.doc> i do
.Randall> As do I
.Elspeth> I can understand that, Doc. I go through it too.
--- Go ahead, Doc
.Meave> Yes.....I believe I do as well
.doc> a special request for a blessing of a small group of
friens fighting a psi stalker
.Nettle> Our group needs energy in our sinuses and throats
.Elspeth> Oh, fun. Where, doc?
.Randall> Where's this, Doc?
.doc> they're all over NA and england...he's in detroit, and
is very cruelly invasive
.Elspeth> Okay, doc. Just wanted to know where to direct
things. :)
.doc> they'll be together on aim or icq now, so they're in a
.Elspeth> Meave, what is your request?
.Meave> This would be a request for the healing of
everything above my neck =) I've had faltering health
problems due to a car accident that continually
resurface...and have showed up again *sigh*
.Elspeth> Consider it done. :) Randall?
.Randall> My request is for energy for The Cauldron and its
staff and members as we start our second year.
.Mari> :)
.Singingwolf> I have one too
.doc> does anyone have a artist's paint brush?
if we can focus on it, i can relay...lots of practice, (:
.Elspeth> Gee, I don't know about that one, Randall.
.Nettle> I have a basting brush
.Ann> I have an art brush.
.Randall> :)
.Mari> hm, actually, I do have a request
.Ann> Holding it now.
.Elspeth> Any other request === yes, Mari?
.Mari> some energy towards resolving some issues in the
household, and some major ones in my life right now
.doc> i can help with that, meave...just the idea of a brush
will do, as long as i can see it
.Tina> I have a request
.Elspeth> Yes, Tina?
.Singingwolf> I also have a request..
.Meave> thanks doc, *much* appreciated
.Crowne> Me Too
.Tina> my request if for energy for both my parents who have
some health problems
.Elspeth> Singingwolf?
.doc> i think strength is a common theme, and healing and
protection follow
.Ghost> Might as well add me to the list, m'love. Energy to
my mom's family for dealing with the imminent passing of the
uncle you mentioned earlier... and in dealing with the
manner of his passing. <>
.Elspeth> Already done, beloved. :)
.Singingwolf> I have a friend who is having problems letting
go of certian things. He wants to try this at Samhain
circle next week, but he's also very afraid. Asking for
strength and aid for him..
.Elspeth> Okay. :)
.doc> whoa...too much all at once...get acclimatized
.Elspeth> Don't worry about it, Doc.
.Elspeth> Okay... this is what we are going to do....
.doc> k...just startled me
.Elspeth> I want each of you to reach out ... feel the
energy flowing between us... It is there ... like a stream
.Elspeth> Reach for that togetherness that made it possible
for us to create this place between universes
.Elspeth> Let that energy become a river ....
.Elspeth> Repeat after me...
.Elspeth> I have a wish
.Elspeth> A wish to be
.Elspeth> I reach out
.Elspeth> Set the energy free
.Elspeth> I have a wish...
.Elspeth> A wish to be
.Elspeth> I reach out
.Elspeth> Set the energy free
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out, set the
energy free
.Elspeth> I have a wish
.Elspeth> A wish to be
.Elspeth> I reach out
.Mari> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Tina> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Elspeth> Set the energy free
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out... set
the energy free
.Randall> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Ann> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
energy free. [I'm getting an energy headache]
.Elspeth> I have a wish
.doc> {(<>)}
.Elspeth> A wish to be
.Randall> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Meave> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out and
.Meave> set the energy free
.Mari> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Elspeth> I reach out
.Tina> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out, set the
energy free
.Sieglinde> I have a wisha, a wish to be, I reach out set
the energy free
.Elspeth> Set the energy free
.Randall> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Elspeth> I have a wish
.Mari> I have a wish a wish to be, I reach out set the
energy free
.Elspeth> A wish to be
.Ann> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free!
.Nettle> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
enrgy free
.Elspeth> I reach out
.Crowne> I have a wish, a wish to be I reach out set the
energy free
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out... set
the energy free!
.Elspeth> Set the energy free
.Mari> Ihave a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Randall> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Tina> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free.
.doc> i reach out
.Mari> I have a wish, a wishto be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Ann> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free!
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out... set
the energy FREE!
.Stoat> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out set the
energy free!
.Randall> I have a wish, A wish to be, I reach out, Set the
energy free
.Singingwolf> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set
the energy free
.Tina> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free!!!
.Mari> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out, set the
energy free!
.Meave> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out and set
the energy free!!! =)
.Randall> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Tina> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
energy free!!!
.Sieglinde> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out and set
the energy free
.Mari> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out set the
energy free
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out, set the
energy free!
.Randall> I have a wish, A wish to be, I reach out, Set the
energy free
.Tina> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
energy free!!!
.Crowne> I have a wish a wish to be I reach out set the
energy free
.Mari> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Nettle> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
energy free
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out... set
the energy free!
.Singingwolf> i hav a wish, a wish to be. I reach out set
the energy free!
.Tina> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
energy free!!!
.Randall> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Meave> I have a wish a wish to be I reach out and set the
energy free
.Mari> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Stoat> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reachout , set the
energy free!
.doc> i reach out
.Tina> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
energy free!!!
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out. Set the
energy FREE!
.Randall> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Mari> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Crowne> I have a wish a wish to be I reach out set the
energy free
.Nettle> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
enrgy free
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out, set the
energy free!
.Tina> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
energy free!!!
.Randall> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free!
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out, set the
energy free!
.Tina> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
energy free!!!
.Crowne> I have a wish a wish to be I reach out set the
energy free
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out, set the
energy free!
.Ann> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, and it is
.Nettle> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
.Stoat> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Randall> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Mari> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Meave> I have a wish a wish to be I reach out set the
energy free
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be... I reach out, set the
energy free!
.Tina> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
energy FREE!
.Randall> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free!
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free!
.Crowne> I have a wish a wish to be I reach out set the
energy FREE
.Singingwolf> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set
the energy free!!!
.Tina> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
energy FREE!
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free1
.Stoat> I have as wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
energy freeQ
.Randall> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Mari> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free
.Crowne> I have a WISH a wish to BE I reach out set the
energy FREE
.Ghost> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energy free!
.Elspeth> My Darkest Lady, knowing how little You like those
that misuse their power, put Your aid to work to support
those seeking to stop such a one. Send healing to Nettle's
group. Aid Meave in recovering her health and going
.Elspeth> on with life. Tina's parents are needing...
please watch over them. Randall wishes your good wishes for
the future we have started here.
.Tina> I have a wish, a wish to be. I reach out, set the
energy FREE!
.Elspeth> Mari needs guidance resolving issues in her life.
Bring her serenity.
.Stoat> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out, set the
energey free!
.Mari> I have a wish, a wish to be, I reach out set the
energy free
.Meave> I have a wish a wish to be I reach out set the e
.Meave> nergy free
.Elspeth> There is someone that needs and desires letting
things go. Make it easy to cut the ties!
.Elspeth> I have a wish.... a wish to be.
.Elspeth> I have reached out .... AND THE ENERGY GOES FREE!
.Elspeth> ::collapses on keyboard:: ::giggle;:
.Tina> :)))
.Randall> [[[[Elspeth]]]]
.Mari> perfect timing with the music I had going :::grin::
.Nettle> elspeth?
.doc> hearts to be mended, bones to knit, minds to quiet, a
candle to be lit
.Elspeth> Yes, Nettle?
.Ghost> ::gets broom to sweep up mate::
.Ann> Whoof, love! That was intense!
.Mari> she's giggling, so she's okay :)
.Singingwolf> :>
.Nettle> may I write an invocation?
.Elspeth> I am vibrating, Ann.
.Meave> Ohh that was wonderful
.Tina> that was absolutely wonderful :)))
.Randall> Time for the feast?
.Elspeth> For now, Nettle? :) If it is short.. :)
.Nettle> It's short
.Elspeth> Yup, Randall...
.Elspeth> Go for it, then. :)
.Nettle> Great Mother Hecate, throw your cloak upon the land
.Nettle> wrap our troubles in your heart
.Nettle> and heal them with your hand
.Nettle> blessed be
.Nettle> <>
.Elspeth> :)
.Tina> :)
.Elspeth> Nice. :)
.Ann> Nice!
.Meave> blessed be =)
.Sieglinde> bb
.Stoat> :)
.Tina> blessed be
.Elspeth> ::waves hand and blesses the food:: Eat, my
.Ghost> Food? ::giggle::
.doc> bb---if we could quietly send strength of mind and
purpose to "the sistahs"
.Tina> food...:::giggle::::
.Ann> LOL, Ghost! Chow down!
.Randall> Feeds Ghost before she starves to death. :)
.Singingwolf> BB
.doc> just while enjoying the rest of the night...that's the
kind of energy they need
.Elspeth> It is her fault if she is hungry. She didn't want
breakfast. :)
.Ghost> Best count your fingers, Randall. ::wolfish grin::
.Mari> Stoat, would you happen to be owned by ferrets?
.Ann> =Nice= radishes!
.doc> more like ferret younguns
.Crowne> :) thanks Elspeth MM
.Stoat> Not at this time but I have considdered it.
.Mari> ::tried to figure out how to eat around two crashed
out kittens who think she's a bed::
.Randall> ::checks fingers:: :)
.Singingwolf> ::giggle::
.Crowne> - signed off -
.Elspeth> ::resting fingers:::
.Mari> ::grin:: your handle is one of the ways we refer to
our two ferret-monsters
.doc> mari...don't worry, they'll find a way
.Mari> ::giggles:: I'm not worried about them, I just don't
want them falling off of me as I try to drink
.Singingwolf> Is this ritual going to be logged anywhere?
I'd like to see the parts that I missed.. ::kicks computer::
.Elspeth> Since this has run so long, I am going to bring
down the circle fast and dirty.....
.Ann> I have a log.
.Mari> hold on to your hats kids ;)
.Ghost> I have a log and so does Elspeth
.Stoat> I first read the name in the book the Barrowers.
.Randall> If my log worked, it will be on the net in a day
or two.
.doc> if they start to fall, i can guarranty you it'll hurt
you more than them
.Tina> cool :)
.Elspeth> ::clap:: ::clap:: ::clap::
.Ghost> Ow
.Elspeth> I thank all that have attended... both mortal and
not ... go if you must ... stay if you wish....
.Nettle> may the circle be open but ever unbroken, may the
love of the Goddess be ever in your heart
.Elspeth> What we have done here will not disappear with the
circle. It will last as long as we remember.
.Nettle> merry meet and merry part and merry meet again
.Singingwolf> MM!
.Elspeth> Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again
.Tina> Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!
.Randall> Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!
.Ann> Firewing blessings on all! Merry meet, merry part,
merry meet again!
.Mari> thank you Bast for your company and that of your two
small children who're happily zonked on me
.Mari> merry meet
.Sieglinde> merry meet
.Ghost> Joyous greeting, happy farewell and glad reunions.
Just to be different
.Singingwolf> Merry mmet and merry part and merry meet
.Stoat> Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again
.Ann> LOL, Ghost! You would.
.Mari> ghost, be differnt? naaaaaah ::giggles::
.Mari> differeent
.Mari> ::gives up::
.Ann> Too many kittens, Mari.
.Ghost> Ar-ar-arrrrrrrooooooooo!
.Meave> merry meet, merry part, and marry meet again blessed
be praise allah alleluia and yippee skippee
For more information on Samhain (Halloween), visit The Cauldron's Samhain Page