Weblogs are a relatively new method of distributing personal news -- essentially an individual's diary of activities, news, and/or thoughts presented in a public manner on the web. This page indexes weblogs maintained by active participants in The Cauldron's message areas and other Cauldron community activities. Even though some of these weblogs may never mention Paganism (and some of our members aren't Pagan to begin with), reading them is another way to get to know some of your fellow members. (Weblogs are listed by the names our members go by on our message board. please note that their names they use on their weblogs are not always the same as their member names.)
If you are interested in starting your own weblog, there are many options available. Blogger, Wordpress.com and Livejournal are three of the most popular free weblog providers, but a search on Google will turn up many more, including software that will allow you to run a blog from your own domain. This article is a basic introduction to setting up a weblog. If you are a Full Member of (and regular participant on) our message board and have a weblog you'd like listed here, just ask to have it listed in a message in this thread on our message board (this thread is only visible to Full Members).