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Home > Article Library > Magick > New Aeon > Chapter 14 Search

New Aeon Magick
Chapter 14

by Garald Campo

                        MAGICAL FORMULAE

"The spirit is the master, imagination the tool, and the body the
plastic material.

The basic principles for Magical Ritual are as follows:


    Decide what you want to accomplish.


    Find the Sephiroth to best encompass the intent.


    Look up the attributions to the Sephiroth in Liber 777.


    Set  up your  Temple, incense, oils, weapons.   Bathe and don
    your robe.


    The  Lesser  Banishing Ritual of the  Pentagram,  and  Lesser
    Banishing Ritual of The Hexagram.


    The proper God using the Greater Hexagram Ritual.


    Assume  that  God  form. Embody  all  of  the  characteristic
    properties of that God, become it.


    The  Archangelic and Planetary influences connected with  the


    The  Archangelic  and Planetary forces to bring  the  desired
    effect;  and   demand  its  completion.  (This must  be  done
    only   when  one  is certain  that  the  Transformation   has
    occurred successfully.)



                           THE PSYCHE

"The  Brain  is an apparatus with which we think that  we  think.
That  which distinguishes the man who is content to be  something
from the man who wishes to do something.  A man of great  wealth,
or  one who has been pitchforked into high station, has  commonly
such a headful of brain that his neighbors cannot keep their hats
on.   In  our  civilization, and under  our  republican  form  of
government,  brain  is so highly honored that it is  rewarded  by
exemption from the cares of office."

                                                   Ambrose Bierce

The psyche is made up of 3 different parts of consciousness which
reside  within  the  brain.   In most  people  these  parts  work
independently,  unless  they  are forced to work  together  as  a
result  of some form of psychological trauma.  They  have  highly
specialized  functions,  and  once they are  understood,  can  be
taught  to work together to create a more complete and  efficient

The three parts are:

1)  THE CONSCIOUS MIND.  It is symbolized as "The Magician" Tarot
Card.   It  is the rational mind; which in most  of  us  operates
normally during our waking hours.  It is the reasoning mind.   It
is  the  state  in  which we ENTER  our  meditations.   It  draws
"edited"  information from the subconscious in an effort to  make
rational  decisions based on past experiences.  If there  is  any
discrepancy  between the Subconscious and the Conscious mind  the
Subconscious always wins.

2)   THE  SUBCONSCIOUS  MIND.   It is  symbolized  by  "The  High
Priestess"  Tarot  Card.   The function of  the  subconscious  is
primarily  a  defense mechanism.  It  functions  always,  without
rest,  but  it  is most active while we  sleep.   It  stores  all
information and experience; but does not allow all of its data to
be  used by the CONSCIOUS mind.  It works without any  effort  on
our  part.   It  will take any suggestion, sort out  all  of  the
possibilities  and draw conclusions based on  those  suggestions;
even  if  the suggestion is false.

It  is important  to  remember that  the  subconscious cannot  be
ordered;  an  indirect  route  is needed.   The  subconscious  is
better reached by way  of  symbols.   Some words are not  allowed
to enter into the subconscious  realm.   If  words are used in  a
suggestion  one  must  never use words  such as:   NO,  NOT,  and
NEVER.   If you give yourself a suggestion  such as: "I will  not
smoke",  the subconscious will remove  the  word "no"  before  it
stores  the  suggestion,  and it will  have   stored:   "I   will

All  suggestions must be given without  lust  of result   or  the
subconscious  will  interpret the suggestion  as  an  order   and
rebel  against  you.   The subconscious is the   place   we  PASS
THROUGH in our meditations.

3)   THE SUPER CONSCIOUS.   It is symbolized by "The Fool"  Tarot
Card.    It  is  the  Higher  Unconscious,  the  source  of   ALL
consciousness.   This  is where the Higher Self  is  proposed  to
reside,  the Deity within, the Holy Guardian Angel.  This is  the
House of God, the place we SEEK in our meditations.

The brain should be looked at as a "receiver" which is capable of
tuning in to the proper "thought wave".  It can be conditioned to
tune  to higher forms of thought waves.  The conditioning of  the
brain is the GOAL of our meditations.

The  Sixth Sense's home is in the right side of the brain,  which
is  nonresistant in right handed people.  It is  speculated  that
the  brain's right side digests incoming stimuli and compares  it
against already stored information.

This   stimuli   is stored a lot like video tape;  using   images
and symbols   rather   than  text.   The   comparative    process
is instantaneous and is estimated to occur within the time  frame
of one-tenth of a second.

The left side of the brain consults with the right, the result of
a  match is a feeling that "you've been here before", or "I  know
this guy" or "I know how this works".

This function of the brain has the power to speculate a  complete
thought form, some of it blurred by inadequate data.  If there is
no   reference  regarding  an  object  or  situation  the   brain
improvises  (see  Courage).  Because  it is   a   highly   visual
process  it is  strongly  linked  with  our  emotional  triggers,
hence the "gut feeling".

This   function's main purpose is to create Order from Chaos;  it
put  experiences  and information in its proper place,  and  then
executes a series of "experiments" in order to predict an outcome.

This  is why those who have a strong  awareness of this  function
are  more  likely  to develop an accurate  method  by  which   to
utilize  this situation to its fullest.   The  Magician  sharpens
this   mechanism   by  virtue  of   Yoga,   Meditation,   Sensory
Depravation, etc.

The sixth sense can command with authority, even though it can at
times  be  wrong.  Do not let what seems to be  failure  in  this
function  lead  you to drop it, or disregard it.  It  could  save
your life.

From  the  beginning  of  our lives,  we  have  been  trained  to
disregard  this  Sixth Sense.  In fact, as children, many  of  us
have  been punished for following our instincts.  Over time,  man
has  all  but evolved out of this primal function.

If  you sense something about a person you don't like, listen  to
your  intuition.  This will not automatically close your mind  to
getting  to know them; in fact, the subconscious will  insist  on
overwhelming evidence that there is nothing wrong with them.

As  you study the Magical Arts your "right brain" will be  fed  a
tremendous amount of symbols, pictures, and principles.  It  will
sort  them out, put them into the right sequence and  store  them
into  video images to be recalled when the need arises.   Symbols
are  ingenious  keys  by  which  we  can  access  stored  crucial

We have learned to shrug off this primal instinct of survival, it
is  a crucial part of all Geomancy.  We must now learn  to  bring
back  what  society  has  forced us  disregard  as  delusion  and

Here  is  a simple formula in which we can communicate  with  the
psyche  to  attain  a  desired result.   It  should  be  used  in
conjunction with the Magical Formulae:


    Decide the purpose of the meditation and suggestion.


    Find the Sephiroth to best encompass your desire.


    Use  everything  in your disposal related  to  the  Sephiroth
    which can be used to inundate your senses with the essence of
    your desire.  Things like; incense, fruits, music, etc.


    Delineate a symbol using the color and any other  information
    you acquired during the classification that is best suited to
    convey  your  desire to the  Subconscious  mind.   (Practical
    Sigil Magic by Frater U.'.D.'.,  1990 Llewellyn  Publications
    is  an excellent source of information on how to  design  and
    "charge" Sigils).


    In a relaxed state, situate your body in any position which is
    rigid, but comfortable.  Start your controlled breathing.


    Bring  up the symbol you have designed to  consciousness  and
    hold  it  there.  DO NOT ALLOW YOUR MIND TO WANDER,  remember
    that  the  Subconscious mind  is  watching.  Hold this mental
    image for as long as it is comfortable.


    Assure  yourself  that  every  picture  you  bring  to   your
    Subconscious will be carried out.


    Your  Subconscious must be allowed to take the ball  and  run
    with it.  Any apprehension, skepticism, or anticipation  will
    be  decoded  as  "Lust  of Result"  and  interfere  with  the

Let the High Priestess handle it from here forward. Do not  allow
lust of result to enter into the picture.  This procedure can  be
used  in  conjunction  with the technique laid  out  in  "MAGICAL

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